From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 5:45 PM PT
Mark Francisco
Cc: rest;;; Inga Reichenbach - Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Development; Jim Mazza - Cornell University - Campaign Director, Special Projects; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State;; Michael Winn - Del Mar Times journalist; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.;; Michael Berlin Esq. - Office of Attorney General; Inga Reichenbach - Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Development; Jim Mazza - Cornell University - Campaign Director, Special Projects; Roger Hedgecock
Subject: FW: Freedom of the Press...stir my juices...---...


Mark – Winn’s response below is what I would use if not as a teaser to get people of all ages, particularly those whose formal education has not interfered with their learning, to attend a unique and universal seminar on “risk assessment”, I would use it almost certainly in the introduction.


His persistence in ignoring the irrefutable “smoking gun proof” of political corruption in my possession leading to the highest levels of the Democratic Party versus unsubstantiated criminal wrongdoing by those most likely not buttering his bread thinking he can “stir my juices” by stating rather categorically that I “have concluded” without ever coming close to being so devoid of logical thought possessing to suggest that, “Mssrs. Bush, Cheney, Romsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. are such angels”, is the sort of stuff that invigorates incorruptible grass roots organizations forming around the world at light-G-D-Speed.


So important to take one’s time given how time stands still at that awesome speed of 10.8 billion meters per second, in picking apart the “sly English” to mention little of Winn’s continued failure as the past and the future all come “to-get-her” [sic] in the present, to get a dialogue going involving me with this “straight-shooter, worldly and honest guy… served as a consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank, and in particular, Paul Volker and Alan Greenspan...

To recap:


Winn put to this supposedly “straight-shooter..” my rather important question that cuts through all the bs, Are Certificates of Insurance included in the Money Supply numbers…”

And the response Winn got at least 2 weeks ago was the following:


No.  It makes no sense.
In the first case, there are multiple measures of money supply.  In addition, monetary policy can and sometimes does target these monetary aggregates, but also can and often does target levels and trends in interest rates (primarily affecting short rates and only indirectly long rates through inflationary expectations).
Money supply is in concept a way to think about transactional balances, not other forms of wealth.

Mark, even someone such as Winn will inevitably start to lose his voice as people like yourself pick up on his, in my humble opinion, retarded tactics of blowing smoke in the face of overwhelming logical thought processing, bearing in mind again Winn is allowed a voice because of again, in my humble opinion, he provides a pretty decent appearance to the mostly “brainne dead” [sic] of there being “open debate” so long as you don’t rock the boat, one man’s system another man’s corruption?


May I suggest you take note of my next follow up communiqué to the top dogs at Cornell University addressing not only the population numbers which empower the youth who are all our futures with each tick of the almighty powerful clock but the other rather important issues of the day such as “market forces” and “land pricing” taught by Professors of economics all over the world, you think Inga Reichenbach and Jim Mazza are beginning to wish they had better screening when putting on shindigs to raise monies from their alumni having either consumed far “tTOo much” [sic] of their bs, “Preserving LONG life and limb




Just coming along to pig out at Cornell Universities over the top spreads.






Ps – When you read carefully Winn’s, “Henry Abarbanel met his Waterloo in the person of citizen Gary Gevisser” would you say even if it were true that I was “asked to leave the [town hall] meeting at Del Mar Woods not because of your criticism of a political nature, but because you mocked Mr. Abarbanel for his ‘gross obesity’” that Winn was therefore remiss in excluding such a possibly “material” item which is why he is having so much difficulty getting the publisher-editor of the Del Mar Times to run this rather excellent article that begins to tell it exactly the way it is, Winn forgetting, perhaps the result of inhaling Aspartame, that councilmember Abarbanel as well as his cheerleaders became unglued when I picked up on Abarbanel’s statement that he was “embarrassed” when reading the title deed of a particular Del Mar property that excluded the sale to “alcoholics” which to me seemed nothing more than a smokescreen since such wording would have no bearing in today’s “Dog eat God Aspartame” [sic] world and so to flush out Abarbanel and prepare him for Winn who seemed to know what he was talking about on this particular occasion I simply asked Abarbanel, “What else did you find embarrassing? A restriction selling to Jews? How about Blacks?


Such intellectual discourse occurring well before I simply pointed out something that was not only obvious but surely a matter Abarbanel must be most proud of, G-D forbid this councilmember were to suggest that someone as smart as he had lost control of his poor eating habits.


Then again, if the publisher-editor of the Del Mar Times were to run the story verbatim as Michael sent it to me with of course the one and only grammatical mistake corrected would it potentially weakening my point about him being impotent, no strike that, unimportant, never to forget Winn didn’t seem all that happy with me when he responded this past Saturday, “I understand that you are declining my offer” after reading I assume very carefully my 1421 word communiqué I sent him 22 minutes earlier?

[Word count 888]



-----Original Message-----
Michael Winn []
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 11:09 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: Freedom of the Press



In this letter, you have expressed with clarity your commitment and your frustration that even those who agree with you are in some way and to varying degrees co-opted by their need to make a living. Some more. Some less. And even those who are working in
Africa to save lives are similarly co-opted in order to get the resources to do their work. I continue to express my appreciation for your telling the truth about the “diamond invention” and the inconceivable harm that it has done, is doing.

I don’t really differ with your opinions about the complicity of those who do anything other than call this situation by anything other than its right name. I have not concluded, as you have, that Mssrs. Bush, Cheney, Romsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. are such angels. But it is wrong for you to say that I condone the way the Democratic Party has operated during my lifetime. It was Lyndon Johnson’s administration that escalated the war in
Viet Nam. My position and experience in this differs from yours. My family are working class people and middle class merchants on one side, musical artists and writers on another. My step father served on the USN destroyers in the Tonkin Gulf that took part in the event, now known to have been fabricated, that was used to justify American intervention. He was also at Pearl Harbor on Dec 7, 1941. I have always known about our nation’s disregard for Hitler’s pogrom—a large part of my family lost their lives in the holocaust. And none of this excuses our support for the “diamond invention,” the Anglo American cartel and the genocide this abysmally thoughtless stupidity has caused.

Still, each day I continue to learn more. I am not proud that Mr. Clinton’s administration took the easy way around consistently—about universal health care here, about
Somalia. Most recently, I learned from a close friend, who has been working to build HIV clinics in Africa, and to provide medical care there, that before the last election, that the liberal CDC bureaucracy deliberately put off delivering HIV drugs because they did not want the Bush administration to be able to take credit. It is because of these kind of actions that I, and most Americans are now unwilling to support the Democratic Party, despite the fact that the only difference between the two parties is that one is hypocritical about its agenda and the other is openly imbecilic in its cognizance of the real risks that we face, and that we have mortgaged the future.

One thing that you and I have failed to mention about the interaction with Abarbanel is that the only reason you were asked to leave the meeting at Del Mar Woods was not because of your criticism of a political nature, but because you mocked Mr. Abarbanel for his “gross obesity”.

Michael Winn


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 7:47 AM PT
Mark Francisco
Cc: rest;
Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Michael Winn - Del Mar Times journalist; Del Mar Times - Editor (; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Henry "Loo" Abarbanel - Del Mar City Councilmember;; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Inga Reichenbach - Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Development
Subject: FW: Freedom of the Press


Mark – As you can see journalist-politician Michael Winn forwarded me the email you sent him…---…