From: Gary S. Gevisser  
Thursday, December 30, 2004 3:42 PM PT
To: Mcdermott; Officers and Directors of the Board of Washington Mutual, [WAMU]
Cc: rest; Anne Applebaum – Washington Post; FBI
Subject: 67% of CFOs admit to having been asked to falsify the financial statements and 12% admitted they had done


Hey Bull McDermott,


Below is one piece of feedback I received in terms of how best to respond to your non-responses:


I think u could make your life a lot less complicated if you calenderized all your potential obligations on the day  they appeared in snailmail such as notices from WAMU that they intend to sock it to u to make up for the fact that the “most average” of their personnel rise to the top, no different to the vast majority of public corporations, the mediocre top dog then needing a massive settlement when eventually forced out in order to satisfy all his-her wants, all this already so well explained when 5+ years ago, well be4 Enron, at the Business Week Annual Convention of Chief Financial Officers in Phoenix, Arizona,  67%  admitted they had on at least one occasion been asked by their bosses to falsify the financial statements and 12% admitted they had done it.


So obvious GG you’re simply using your personal experience with this out of control financial institution to provide further evidence to the masses that it is time to get ready to party big time as the financial markets get set to implode, but why not wait until u have all your chess pieces perfectly in place allowing u, The Rattlesnake, to respond in whatever way u wish on an equally timely basis as they send stuff to u snailmail fully aware that u take your time in opening any mail, G-D forbid it were to contain monies creating a taxable event, worst of all forcing u to fill out a form since u quite obviously don’t have the time or inclination to set up like most rich people a non-profit organization which u could then milk from now until u revamp the tax codes around the world which should happen rather quickly once the Feds allow your “latke” type questions to be presented to members of your family, officers of the DeBeers-Codiam Inc.-Anglo American Cartel. 


One more thing as feedback continues to flow in terms of how best to get u to do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right, is “sumthing” [sic] that occurred a earlier when Mr. Amos P. Wright, my mentor, called to let me know that he caught something very briefly on the TV news earlier about Washington Mutual hours away from filing a Chapter 7 liquidation, i.e. fire sale liquidation although there were several other conversations going on around me including our 12 year old JoNathan calling from Mammoth letting us know that because of the wind he wasn’t doing any snowboarding today, i.e. I might have got things a little confused.


BTW, “sic” is used by kids to denote something “cool” but also used in compliance with the Queen’s English to denote an error within the “tTOo” [sic] quotes.


U may recall Amos, soon to be 88 years old, having written his own obituary back on May 14th of this year when we all thought the Good Almighty SMART G-D was moments away from returning him back to us with the steel trap mind more than a handful of us got to know, not to forget APW is a former United States Marine and Navy Officer during WWII, imploring me from when we first met up at Insurance Marketing Services Inc. in August 1984, “Your ‘Yes Men’ will kill u” [sic].


Again, as I briefed him on the myriad of activities I am involved with around the world Amos interrupted me to read “sumthing” [sic] he had earlier come across when cleaning out his desk drawers. It was a “Xmess” [sic] card probably written around 1950 from his boss Mr. Mason Houghland, the only man known to have beaten John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil, reading:


If you had stayed with Spur we would have rivaled the Standard oil Company by now. Even I admit you were the smartest man ever on Spurs payroll.


Now admit that is really cool.


I will take a short break and continue this monologue on the WAMU Yahoo message board.


Take care,


Gary S. Gevisser

A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There