From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:01 PM PT
Cc: rest;;
Subject: FW: ...AK...SE..NT...---....
Ps – Bear with me a little longer before I respond to the both of you.
Just needing about another 24 hours
to further “line up my ducks” in other places like
Israel, South Africa and China where the so productive peoples are much more AWARE,
not to mention that while war only plays in to the hands of the DeBeers-Anglo
American Cartel those BEST at conducting war are increasingly the “well
And of course the DAAC stooges
perfectly understand why it is that in war, “money is no object”.
You recall the DAAC propagandist
Goebels who morphed in to the likes of your increasingly screaming John and
Now you perfectly understand the
connecting dots between the Anglo-Boer-Farmer War of 1899-1902 with the
Vietnam-Farmer-War and now the opium war in Afghanistan that has whatever
little remains of your conscience going back to the Opium Wars also known as
the Anglo-Chinese
War around the time of the American Civil War which had General
Sherman while dipping his cigar in brandy laying waste to the farmlands which
has you racing to the Concentration Camps of the Anglo Boer War that coupled
with the British Crown laying waste to the farmlands of South Africa resulted
in the ultimate defeat of the Afrikaners led by a great friend of Israel Field
Marshall Jan Christian Smuts who did the most marvelous job of organizing the
significantly outnumbered Afrikaner armies in to guerilla commandos.
Yes, it helps whether or not
clicking on my hyperlinks to be able to read better than senior law partner Kathy
Belville Esq.,
the 1830's, the English had become the major drug-trafficking criminal
organization in the world; very few drug cartels of the twentieth century can
even touch the
Now click on the “tons” hyperlink that takes you to an
email referencing Chapter 13, THE DIAMOND MIND of the most fascinating INTERNET
ONLY book, THE DIAMOND INVENTION which has you now thinking less and less about
your nonsense talking head bosses who like their DAAC bosses are all about
continuing to hook the increasingly brain dead American public on money that
like the tons of diamonds produced in machines for decades are worthless.
Such “ostrich” behavior increasingly looking
more than simply foolish; i.e. fraudulent especially when considering how you all
harp on the nonsense of “illegal immigration” when you know versus believe the
DAAC have been “legally” counterfeiting currency without any elected or unelected
government official DARING to say even “BOO” since the DAAC have used their
unlimited supply of lightweight, UNTRACEABLE and never inventoried DIAMOND
CURRENCY to bribe each and every government official who shows their true
colors by continuing to fail in speaking out against the criminals of criminals
who make laws such as “legal immigration”.
Increasingly transparent is your
fear given the knowledge you have that in the very next moment your entire gig
could be over.
Each tick of the almighty powerful
clock has increasing members of your audience also hooked in to The Internet
understanding that although you have a 6 second time delay that prevents
anything you don’t want broadcasted being aired, each and everyone receiving a
copy of this communiqué that in turn gets forwarded to increasing untold
numbers of independent thinkers KNOWS versus BELIEVES is that all it takes is
just for one of you to “break ranks”
with your high testosterone but weak libido male colleagues, Dr. Laura
included, who have forced you in order to hold down your jobs to sell your
sexuality rather than whatever intellect you have buried.
You also understand that one of the
“weapons of war” used by the most
skilled of the world’s Special Forces ON ALL SIDES that you don’t see mentioned
on their websites are computer networks that monitor the whereabouts of people
like Ehud Barak,
a decorated Israeli Special Forces commando who when prime minister of Israel
“saw fit” to throw his weight behind the 11th hour and 59th
minute Presidential Pardon of Marc “Trading with the Enemy” Rich.
So you think Barak was the
individual who gave Steven SPIelberg, another of “Bill’s Friends”, the
confidence to announce, “X
[Word count 767]