From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 6:08 PM
To: Kbeach
Cc: Devin Standard
Subject: FW: 219 27th Street


K hi – At 6:02 PM PST today I got off the phone with Mr. Jeff Smith who is the owner of the property which we both rent here at 219 27th Street.


Mr. Smith says he has trouble “reading” my emails.


The problem could be the settings he has on his computer.


Please do me the big favor and forward this email to him.






PsDevin Standard is the executor of my worldwide estate.




From: Gary S. Gevisser
Wednesday, August 04, 2004 6:03 PM
Jeff Smith (
rest;;;;; Del Mar Times - Editor
Subject: FW: 219 27th Street



I was served a little earlier with a 3 day notice to pay rent




Quit by a processor who told me that he has a similar notice for my Partner-Wife Marie Dion who rents the property next door owned by Mr. Glenn Warren executed by the same law firm but for some reason the notice had my name in the top right hand corner which seemed to startle the processor somewhat, the notice to “quite” [sic] for MD having something to do with “gods” [sic] .


Just this very minute 5:55 PM PST I got off a phone call with u.


U told me that u do not read emails I send u.


U agreed, however, to meet me at your offices tomorrow at 7:30 AM PST, located at South Cedros Avenue, Studio 170, Solana Beach, California 92075, telephone number 858-350-1445 where I will pay u the rent due.


Now the processor could be misinformed about a number of things, he appeared clean cut, tall, handsome, and like most Americans more than likely 2 paychecks from being out on the street,




I may have simply misheard everything this fine young gentleman had to say, agree?


Then again there is possibly nothing wrong with u and Mr. Warren using the same law firm.


C u tomorrow, bright and early.


Good Day,


Gary S. Gevisser

The Rattlesnake


PsWhat do u think of the price of gold these days?


Ps Iwhen last did u take photographs of your piece of dirt, i.e. when last did u employ a gardener to trim the trees surely falling under my rights and privileges to mention little of my remedies when it comes to “quiet enjoyment”?



-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser [mailto:]
Tuesday, August 03, 2004 4:36 PM
Jeff Smith (
Devin Standard
219 27th Street


My understanding is that u r responsible for the trimming of the trees.


Please take care of doing your “best efforts” ASAP or I will bring in Jose and reduce the rent check accordingly.


Please be so kind as to also keep backups of our communications including those with realtors and/or other possibly interested parties.


Gary S. Gevisser