From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:04 AM PT
To: Devin Standard
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: Garden of Eden...---...bending over...---...DOWnING...---...Gray "Ho Chi Min" Part 9 of 9


Let’s give your Dad who I assume is still the President of the New York State Bar Association babysitting 72,000 odd crybabies seeing their lawyer-liar business models going down the tubes another shot at getting me into the Oval Office be4 I leave for Costo Rica next week although I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if it turns out your mother is a better candidate to pull off the inevitable?


I could be wrong since I have not followed this thing about the woman wanting to die and her parents including the Bushes wanting to force-feed her, again I could have the whole situation in reverse as well as upside down, but this could be George Bush’s very first mistake and one that if not corrected very soon could cause folks in China especially to rethink their ying-yang strategy of slowly letting the air out of us “phatso” [sic] Americans oversized egos once they see more of my “balanced equation” renderings increasingly in 4th grade English, still waiting to see Eliot Spitzer’s schematics of all that is wrong leading back to the DAAC.


Time to fly.




[Word count 876]



-----Original Message-----
Devin Standard []
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:19 PM
Subject: Re: Garden of Eden...---...bending over...---...DOWnING...---...Gray "Ho Chi Min" Part 9 of 9


Had dinner with my mon & dad in manhattan tonight. They were not surprised when I told them you were behind uncovering all the dirt at AIG!



"Gary S. Gevisser" <> wrote:



GSG: So Tefo still knowing “it is better to keep quiet and let people think u to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt” calls upon his trusted consigliore who suggests Tefo should call up this dignitary from my DAAC and discuss the problem since Tefo has lived up to his end of the bargain not to create a real estate inflationary bidding war by allowing the people to populate the island as if they were rabbits but from no where despite the lions patrolling and Jaffa oranges in abundance the most secure gates of any country on the planet there r now these laws on the books that require lawyers-liars be not only fed but each of them be entitled to a lawyer-liar to act in their defense.


The dignitary of course was not in the least bit surprised to be receiving such a call but instead of answering Tefo suggests that he take 2 aspirin and should he wake up in the morning and still have a headache to call in one of his doctors who might have a secret remedy.


While not completely satisfied with this response and looking at GSG thinking that possibly GSG is part of this worldwide conspiracy to drive everyone stark raving mad, Tefo decides since he has read about the benefits of taking half an aspirin a day to do just that.


In the morning he is awoken by the stamping of feet followed by the chanting, “Off with his head” and so Tefo not bothering with GSG calls in his witch doctor who throws John and Robert F. Kennedy’s bones on the ground and tells him,


“Don’t waste a moment longer, call up the DAAC dignitary and have him allow u to issue more currency which while inflationary since the Gross Domestic Product of the Garden of Eden has now reached zero, free sex not included in any of the Money Supply numbers neither M1, M2 nor M3 allowing us at least sum breathing room to make a quick escape so long as the Royal Air Force has a vertical takeoff and landing fighter jet in the vicinity” [sic]!


The dignitary again without feeling any pressure to even bother Nicholas Oppenheimer, the current head of my very amorphous DAAC family, contacts 10 Downing Street and the arrangements r made.


And on the return leg able to refuel in mid air the fighter-bomber-pilot doing a touch-and-go landing first in Timbuktu concerned that not every citizen is sufficiently shell-shocked from when Eliot Spitzer Esq. once threw the starting bell of the New York Exchange managing to hook a one of kind big dirty bomb heads back to the Garden of Eden to quell the uprising.


In the beginning…---…END.