From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:48 PM PT
To: Dave
Cc: rest;;; Kelly Sonnack - Literary Agent; Robert H. Frank - Profefessor of Economics - Cornell University ;; Adam Tucker; United States Justice Department; Mossad; John Maudslay - Lloyds of London - Agent;
Subject: RE: FACE UP TO HISTORY...Seacrest...


No problem as I ended up having a rather long but funny conversation with Valerie who I didn’t realize is right now in one of my and my wife’s favorite parts of France, near the southern border with Spain, not all that far from Sagunto where Spanish master-painter Sebastian Capella was born, a stone’s throw away from this Roman Coliseum built in 200 BC which Sebastian painted resulting in the Supreme Court of Spain “spanking” the former socialist government who encased this marvelous relic in marble, serving, as you would expect, mostly the elitists who mask their fascism increasingly less so in this marvelous Digital Age where the past and the future all come together in the present.


Word may not yet have reached you about how these very successful and powerful Spanish men from Valencia after seeing the portrait Sebastian did of my wife, Marie Dion Gevisser that appeared in the background of the photo you see in the “Cap” hyperlink wanted to know how much it would cost to have MDG come over and upon hearing such an interesting proposition MDG responded, “It depends on the price. I can always send the portrait”.


Such well educated in the arts Spanish people who know better than the overwhelming majority of us, especially here in the States who use 3rd rate painters, have all had their portraits painted by Sebastian, a most humble but extraordinarily confident man who would just cringe if he were to read all this despite the fact that is 100% true.


Reading even one of my more recent emails you first come away feeling that there is so much information, in fact far too much?


So much so that you loose the thrust of whatever it is that you think I am trying to say?


But then you go back and understand it, at least up to a point before then realizing that you may in fact be above average in intelligence, able to get the majority of the stuff that you don’t know or care to know that much about?


And remember you are not listening to all this but are actually reading it all while able to go “back and forth” to get what it is you didn’t get.


It is almost like being hypnotized and then you don’t remember anything and then someone gives you a word and brings it back.


Now what I get out of everything your wrote is that you want Seacrest, “bloody cheap”.


But at the same time I am quite certain you are also letting me know that after 2 years you are going to have such a bloody good business going that I will most likely be able to get at least twice what I currently want for this one-of-kind opportunity even if a big bomb has gone off in Jerusalem, New York, London, the State of Kentucky, frying us all along with the chickens?


And while quickly bringing you back into a “reality check” you have your mind convinced that it cannot hold like me loads of info, that you are in fact only “average Joe Blow” who is, however, within moments of figuring out all on your own that it is NOT necessarily all over once the first of our Arab oil producing despots gets the message to drop the façade and tell the world that in the interests of “giving peace a better chance”, the Saudi Royal Family, the Kuwait Royal Family, the British Royal Family and the such have decided to immediately suspend the shipment of oil to anyone who even DARES to suggest payment in worthless DeBeers-Dollars.


Why not have each and every one of OUR crazed MULLAHS begin such an important declaration of all out war against the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel at the start of the next prayer session that I calculate is less than a minute away and turn the volume down to protect the sensitive hearing of the kids whose not exactly idiot parents increasingly armed to the teeth with sophisticated weaponry are beginning to understand as well as you and I that the western alliance, counting on Israel, our “first line of defense-offense”, along with Israel’s “backup” in the form of the increasingly weak United States followed by Great Britain, IS NO LONGER CAPable of protecting OUR despots from their so, NOT YET, thank G-d, TOTALLY brainwashed and unruly masses,


Now go to Google Earth and you will notice when zeroing on the DAAC’s Central Selling Organization located in the heart of downtown London, England that there is a panhandler just kitty-corner away holding up what looks a whole lot like my forthcoming book, THE HISTORY OF THE DIAMOND INVENTION, subtitle, A message for the President but in fact it is simply a cardboard sign like this one held up by Saddam Hussein directing people like Stephen Cohen of Codiam Inc., a former 47th Street Manhattan employer of mine, and for Stephen to be so generous with this “informant” once receiving his latest allotment of rough-uncut diamonds from this price fixer of price fixers who allow no say to very rich Manhattan based “money launderers of money launderers” in the pricing of such “bloodied” and untraceable currency which doesn’t bother Stephen in the least since he could still use those diamonds of poor quality to ship to someone like Steven SPIelberg who in turn can use it to pay a grip when producing a sequel to his recent movie MUNIch, not to mention SPIelberg would know better than to suggest that there is any other currency than DeBeers-Dollars that both Israeli “Hit Squads” as well as their “targets” use when buying intelligence from the same source.


Now I also understand your point about having a family of 4 share the commercial kitchen operating 24/7.


I now insist you appreciate the economics of the deal you are proposing bearing in mind that since we have owned Seacrest the only return on investment has been a non-paying audience just loving the fact that I, a rather sophisticated international “trader” with access to the "highest offices" have had my butt kicked left and right by those so far down the pyramid.


It isn’t a joke when I say I couldn’t thank such “low lifes” for all the good they have done given how I am proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no more morality amongst the desperate as there is amongst the "filthy rich".


But then there is Valerie Coster.


What more can I say than to tell you to right now sharpen your pencil and on top of agreeing to pay me 10% of the gross turnover come up with a base rent that begins to reflect your total confidence in moving your chef son all the way from Newcastle without him bringing train loads of coal to stoke the fireplace which to the best of my knowledge is electric although Valerie may have recently had it removed and shipped to China where Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in telling Japan back on April 12th, 2005 “Face up to history” is now also thinking of taking out the electric coils and suggesting to Japan that instead of gearing up once again on behalf of the western powers its military machine, to be smart, realizing China has both the industry and military to take on the entire world, and come up with a new and improved Epilady women’s shaver.


Does it make sense to have your son paying you an “arm and leg” for just the privilege of living like a king in the most awesome 3 bedroom house overlooking the Bristol Channel with Wales in the background and without having to move his head very much to the left from any one of the bedrooms housing I assume his harem, along with their own unique ocean view also able to see the beginnings of the most awesome enchanted forest that leads to Burgundy Chapel. when he could possibly be taking up digs in our one neighbor’s refurbished barn while of course also paying an “arm and a leg” given that one particular barn’s one-of-a-kind view?


Again, I was not born yesterday nor did I just off a boat this morning although given all the rain we got here yesterday afternoon while I was writing this 3496 word heavily broadcasted and read communiqué that in turn was followed with this 842 word email to Kelly Sonnack, a literary agent were I to have developed the necessary propulsion aided by our "tTOo" [sic] dogs I could have so long as the water stayed up with me made it all the way to Minehead where I could have while picking up stragglers along the way begun my one of a kind Educational Light Journey - One Tribe of Achievers Seminars-workshops.


There is enough in this communication without you having to read on to figure out VERY QUICKLY how best to maximize the potential of this one of a kind location that for all I care will only serve bread and water just to all those Hasidic-Black Hatters Derrick Beare of Investec has met in airports and the foyers of hotels given how little its seems I am going to get out of leasing it to you for two years, again apart from increasing the circle of those dependent upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.


Wouldn’t it make sense for you over the next however long to go through your rolodex of customers, vendors, priests, rabbis, mullahs and professors of economics like Professor Robert Frank of Cornell University and put “to-get-her” [sic] an investment syndicate of only those who have faith in you as a result of experiencing years of increasing satisfaction and purchase Seacrest at my current asking price of 275,000 pounds net, bearing in mind that this plot to mix combustible liquids in planes flying at 30,000+ feet goes back possibly to before the beginning of time when our ingenious G-D decided to take two of the most combustible substances known to manKIND, oxygen and hydrogen, mix them into the most fireproof material which we call water?


Walking on air has to be second in stupidity to flying what is essentially a ticking time bomb from one location to the next unless of course such a plot was to distract the authorities all of whom depend on a paycheck even those receiving “diamond currency” directly from the likes of Stephen Cohen who of course has always been closely watched when handing over to panhandlers and the such untraceable, lightweight and never inventoried diamond currency known only to the very top officials of the DAAC who remember very well what happened to big mouth Charles Engelhard whose successor, my uncle David Gevisser, understood perfectly that while my Royal Mater played a SIGNIFICANT role in my father’s not-all-that bright first cousin being “accepted” by Charles Engelhard’s murderer, Harry Oppenheimer, as the executor of Charles Engelhard’s unimaginably mineral rich estate, David Gevisser made the most of his horrific stutter unless “shocked to his core” as he was back in 1995 when I led him at first to believe I was “naïve” that led to him opening his big mouth which in turn led to me letting this scumbag know that I had by that time “lined up my ducks”, not figuring, however, that he would very soon thereafter convene an “intimate dinner” gathering where he would DARE repeat the same word, “naïve” as he went about using my Royal Mater accompanied by my step-father, Alan Zulman, to send me a message, “Watch Out”.


Now place yourself in the shoes of not G-D but the leader of a small Hezbollah cell figuring what he needs to do to avoid Israel's advancing mechanized divisions who remember while taking the most awful beating continue to be invigorated by their most elite Special Forces commandos who, however, are increasingly distrusting of their Commanding Officers who DID NOT need to read Edward Jay Epstein's MOST FASCINATING, Internet only BOOK, The Diamond Invention to know that the whole western world stunk a whole lot worse than the Arab world who the Chinese, the winners of World War III without having fired a shot, continue to embrace, much in the same way they embrace the western world under the guidelines of "trust but verify".


These are much more than interesting times.


Each one of us has to decide what is most important to them, helped in great measure, I suggest by reading this nonsense my one American programmer Adam Tucker sent me yesterday right at the moment I sent him that 3496 word email.


To repeat just the one section demonstrating that Adam is simply suffering from selective “tunnel vision” versus naiveté:


I don’t want to waste more time with this, but I do not associate with my Roman uncle; I haven’t seen or spoke with him in a very long time nor do I have any desire to. Besides covering the culpability issues and his moral hypocrisy, he is an asshole and not someone that I would care to associate with regardless of his relation to me. 


I have been repeatedly making the point that us in the west no longer have the “moral high ground” and again no better example than to examine carefully exactly what IT IS that Adam is attempting to do when he states, “I don’t want to waste… my Roman uncle…s moral hypocrisyIT IS Adam who is the “asshole” for a number of reasons beginning with the fact that only an ass would take me for a fool.


IT IS Adam, his new wife, his new in-laws, his parents and each and every member of the family who “STOOD BY” as his “Roman uncle” so dirtied as well as BLOODIED their hands when he informed them all that a man arrived one day with $2 million cash in a suitcase and he and his other partner in their plastics business decided to take on this new partner who was doing a whole lot more harm than simply laundering $2 million in cash.


You shouldn’t have to wait to read my forthcoming book, THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE to fully appreciate the evil genius of the DAAC, the price fixers of price fixers, the mafia of mafia who have a myriad of ways to subcontract out their “hits” to other Mafioso such as John Gotty Jr. way down the “chain of command”, the DAAC having been granted now a “free hand” for more than 100 years to hook pretty much the entire western world and a good chunk of the rest of the world on their totally fictitious and worthless DeBeers-Dollars.


Is not every female you know soon to be sickened by the DAAC’s,


A Diamond is Forever-A Girl’s Best Friend”?


Now go back once again placing yourself in the shoes of a Hezbollah fighter who realizes that while Israel is being very horribly bloodied, its economy on the ropes, Israel’s most elite Special Forces commandos who do a whole lot more than run circles around the rest of the world’s Special Forces are not, by any stretch of the imagination, on their “last legs”.


But these best of the best “killing machine” commandos are also not stupid, certainly no where near as stupid as Adam Tucker and the overwhelming majority of people on my one of a kind email list that represents a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate and crooked population.


Go ahead and without reading my mind to find out what else will be both enlightening as well as educational in my forthcoming book take a guess as to how long it will be before such a Hezbollah or Hamas fighter decides to aim their increasingly sophisticated weapons that are CURRENTLY a whole lot more than flying bombs at one of our despots sitting atop oil reserves the Chinese need as much as us big time consumers especially here in the United States but before pulling the trigger has an exceptionally well trained and battle hardened Israeli Special Forces Commando such as Guy Friedman, married to a Chinese woman whose great grandmother lives in a remote village of China which to find would require, “a sherper and a Bedouin to guide the sherper”, whisper in the ear of say someone like Bruce Willis who has the ear of Arnold who in turn has the ear of Prime Minister Blair that it is time for the west beginning with the United States to massively DEVALUE its DeBeers-Dollars or face superior and overwhelming forces of Light-Information-Knowledge.


Knowledge Is Light.




[Word count 2778]



-----Original Message-----
From: dave
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:46 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: Seacrest


sorry gary computer crashed now back on line !




From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Thu 10/08/2006 19:39

To: dave

Subject: RE: Seacrest




Try staying with me another 10 minutes, 15 at the most.


I will try her again.



-----Original Message-----

From: dave Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:30 AM

To: Gary S. Gevisser

Subject: RE: Seacrest


I Have just spoken to her about 1 hr ago the number is incase I sent wrong


0033468741115      I think 0033 is code


Best Regards Dave




From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Thu 10/08/2006 19:14

To: dave

Subject: RE: Seacrest




I am trying to reach Valerie but that number doesn't seem to be working.


Could you try her and let me know if you are able to reach her.


-----Original Message-----

From: dave

Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:07 AM

To: Gary S. Gevisser

Subject: RE: Seacrest


GARY Would like me to call you  ??




From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Thu 10/08/2006 18:37

To: dave

Subject: RE: Seacrest




Can you stay online for another 10 minutes?


-----Original Message-----

From: dave

Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:28 AM

To: Gary S. Gevisser

Subject: RE: Seacrest


Dear Gary



Having been involved with The Red Lion and the Minehead Raft Race and with

entertainment and the Restaurant I have not really had much time to respond


I have spoken to Val a couple of times in the last week and outlined my

thoughts to her



She has asked me to pass on her phone number in France which is




Having thought about a number of points that you had brought up in your last

email I think it may be as well if I can try to bring you up to speed



You  ask if we could work with others in the building unfortunately it would

not be practical for a number of reasons not least of which we would be

wanting to trade quite late 7 days and evenings a week in order to maximise

income potential


also, given mineheads location Chefs are in short supply and I would

possibly need accommodation for our son who is a Chef currently in Newcastle

who I would expect to be involved in the business


The question of rent and lease time would be of course something we would

have to come to terms on given that the business would be new and would

benefit from as low an overhead as possible I am not saying that the bottom

line is 600 but am suggesting that it needs to survive and grow within its

own turnover


I am not adverse to some form of profit share ( net ) after overheads and

investment which brings me to another point


Val tells me that there is no current premises licence on Seacrest I do not

know if you are aware that since Nov 2005 all premises in the UK need a

licence to operate that is on top of any liquor Licence so whoever takes

Seacrest on as a business will have to demonstrate to the local authority

certain qualifications and procedural experience in order to obtain one

although not a major problem it can be time consuming and costly which we

are prepared to do


my other thought is to extend the seating area by the inclusion of some form

of external canopy with detachable sides there is a restaurant in Minehead

that has done this with some success and of course this would be with your

involvement and approval and our cost but of course it would be a

significant investment which would mean we would need a lease period long

enough to realise at least part of this return

I think if Seacrest is to develop in Minehead into what I think is possible

and become Mineheads only serious Seafood restaurant and Bistro it will need

all the help and commitment it can get


Best regards Dave MBII

MD   CVC Studios Ltd






From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 11:22 AM
To: dave
Cc: rest; Ms. Valerie Coster;
Subject: Seacrest




Although I have yet to receive a response from you to this email [see previous hyperlink] that I sent on July 24th I am still interested to see if you are really still very keen to run the café.


Earlier I spoke with Valerie in France who told me that she would try and reach you later this evening.


Suffice to say I am very close to doing a deal with a married lady who has two kids who principally want to rent the 3 bedrooms.


I would like to know if it would be possible for you to have them living in the house section of the property while you run the café. Obviously I would be willing to lower the amount you would both be paying bearing in mind that there is only one kitchen and it would require the Nth degree of consideration by all parties bearing in mind that given how you appear to be only willing to pay a base rent of 600 pounds I am looking to see the maximum utilization of the entire property.


Let me know as soon as you can.




[Word count 191]