From: Gary S. Gevisser -
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 11:51 AM PT
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest;; artbell-coast;;; Dr. Laura;;;;;;;; John Pollard;; johnandken kfi640;;;
Subject: SYMPATHY VOTE...---...Question


First, you will notice that I am “speeding things up” on a variety of fronts.


Second, let me know if you received a blind copy of a 207 odd word communiqué I sent at 11:28 AM to an Executive at Hillsdale College who followed up yesterday to an email I sent him back on August 11th that read:


I am trying to reach Ross Terrill.


I was most enlightened by his article "Dealing with China In the Coming Years".

Consequently, I am eager to make a significant contribution.

Before I disclose my name that while not a "household name" it is very well known to those at the very top of the socio-economic ladder, I want to hear directly from Mr. Terrill.


Third, what do you expect from your dialogue with Scott Ross bearing in mind the following:

First, when you once told me that you don’t "believe in God" you also mentioned that plants, birds, and pretty much everything in the event you left anything out, is "just as important" as us human beings. You were absolutely right so long as you included all "matter" as well as "anti-matter" that makes up most of Deep Space. "Absolutely right" only in terms of everything being "just as important" as us human beings.

Second, you once acknowledged that E=mc2 is the most balanced equation known to humankind. You were right but even more correct had you said "2 c mE" [sic] in "reverse" was also the most important "expression" known to humankind given how it is first of all a "mathematical" expression and therefore precise and second it explains the workings of the cosmos so extraordinarily accurately, proven time and again for a century now by one direct experiment after the next that you can only "wonder" at the genius of Einstein, an extraordinarily humble man, who DARED to suggest his "findings", again so very extraordinarily precise, equating to, "The Mind of God".

Einstein was not what we would call a "religious" Jewish person, the same with David Ben Gurion, the same with each and every one of the very best of the best Jewish people who have ever lived beginning with Abraham followed by Jesus Christ who few would argue was the very first "hippie".

Not to mention only an imbecile; i.e. a poorly bred individual would consider themself “godly” and consequently fail hopelessly in figuring out that they are a “nothing” without the “Hand of God” which explains rather well the “deafening silences” of those imbeciles on my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list whose space between their ears resembles Deep Space which does not permit sound as we know it to travel while at the same time those of us observing these future fireflies get to enjoy the grandest of “light displays” as the “charged particles” passing through this equivalent of a vacuum tube create the “light bulb effect” that only gets stronger with the ongoing “deafening silence”.

It is the "sharing of energy" which is at the core E=mc2, again a so very precise mathematical equation that is used in a multitude of daily "practices" to figure out "conversions" of different sized masses into energy all converted at the speed of light.

Yet so little energy is put into how this extraordinary explanation of how the cosmos works which also shows so vividly the pivotal role light plays in the evolutionary process, contributes to each and every one of us "sharing thoughts" which the dumbest of us quickly label "coincidence" before moving on to the next subject matter inevitably leading to the subject of fornication, at least amongst those who have a healthy sex life.

Try before doing another thing apart from breathing, thinking of your thoughts being guided by a Supernatural Being in command and control of everything including what "drives" each and every "distraction" to assist you make the "smart choice".

Then think through what is the "outcome" you want to achieve.

Only then communicate your thoughts to your "target audience" in this case Scott Ross.

Apply logical thought processing throughout without being afraid to introduce “ME” at any time into the "equation".

Trust me when I tell I "know" versus "believe" how the whole system works without for a single moment thinking I am God/G-d, such a name should be enough to distract you back into the "real world" bearing in mind that the more intelligent someone is the easier it is for me to communicate all this.

Scott Ross' use of the words, "very true" indicates to me that he is a very thoughtful individual and thinks enough of you to begin taking him on an Educational Light Journey bearing in mind the "course" that I-we could take him may have him sinking deeper and quicker than the Titanic.


You must now, this instant, stop everything you are thinking and focus all your energy on these most profound words of my very observant and most brilliant wife:


No intelligent woman would dirty their hands by investing in diamonds and the emotional aspect of this trade is wearing thin. Your youth will reflect on it badly! - MDG


Now focus on the very SIGNIFICANT “footprint” I have “created” on the Internet that is not only driving the likes of Ron Bellows of AIG stark raving nuts as these future vacuum tubes simply cannot help themselves from continuing to not only communicate with me but validate my “findings” of the presence at all times of our single Superior Being who has no reason to do anything but suffer fools badly.


Again, you have to "balance" the extraordinary power associated with your knowledge of The Diamond Invention and its "deafening silence" effect on the overwhelming majority of the human population who are in fact no more important in the "scheme of things" than a rotting twig you step on that has you feeling that much more how wonderful it is to be alive, better yet fit and healthy.

Currently I have a bit of a toothache.


Scott Ross should be made to understand my rather extraordinary success in picking "winners" and "losers" beginning with that first "Party Invitation" I sent Daniel Lewin's partner Randall Kaplan on December 1st, 2000, the 27th anniversary of the passing of David Ben Gurion who passed away some 13 months to the day after I, age 15, met with the head of the Haganah for the very first time on November 1st, 1972 some 60 days after arriving at Kibbutz Sde Boker and some 57 odd days before DAAC sponsored PLO terrorists who had previously attempted to assassinate Ben Gurion began brutally murdering 11 defenseless Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.

Once you help Scott Ross draw the connecting dots beginning with Marc Rich trading with the enemy immediately following the surprise 1973 Yom Kippur War that had Israeli young boys manning the front lines of the Golan Heights getting their equipment cut off many while still alive and the fact that I am still alive, fit, more than simply happy enjoying life to the fullest with my awesome French-Canadian wife despite the fact that Marc Rich and his allies are also still very much alive with enough "fire power" to very easily "do me in", so in the next breath Scott Ross should first of all take a very deep breath and realize how very "fortunate" that I am on the "side of light" versus on the side of the DAAC who interfere with the light.


You do understand perfectly well the extraordinary problems Wall Street investment bankers, analysts, columnists etc etc now have following my very clear broadcast of the Top Secret Israeli Military Intelligence Report which isn’t in the least bit difficult to verify bearing in mind I have it confirmed today by more than 100 individuals each with significantly more “security clearance” than me who has zero.


The logic of such a real and imminent threat should have by now caused the total and precipitous collapse of Wall Street for reasons even an imbecile would perfectly understand.


Now take just a relatively quick deep breath and compute the personal liability of each individual promoting the purchase of securities tied in with the DAAC’s Wall Street and then give a moment’s thought to say the pension fund of Ron Bellows who emailed me some 5 odd days ago,


but you have done more damage than you know and I cannot afford to take any further chances -


Regards  ...  


Just because I haven’t "sold my soul" didn’t mean that I haven’t benefited very significantly when deciding not to personally trade in any significant way the shares of public corporations including those mentioned in that rather informative first ever heavily broadcasted communication that preceded 911 by some 9 months bearing in mind again first the fact that Daniel Lewin a member of Sayeret Matkal, an elite Israeli Special Forces unit was in all probability, given his training, the very first passenger victim of American Airlines flight 11, the first plane to fly into the Twin Towers and second, that each one of the corporations, Luecadia National Corporation [LUK], AKAMAI [AKAM], Revlon Corporation [REV] and Chase Brass Industries [CSI] which were the only 4 corporations I was mentioning at the time were in 4 distinctly different industries, not to mention that I also picked 2 of them to be winners and 2 losers, to mention little of how very SIGNIFICANT were the winners, LUK and CSI and losers, REV and AKAM.

Again, it is my "innate" understanding of "shared energy" which I don’t take for granted that enables me to "take on" at any given time the very worst of the worst and at the same time empower those who are genuinely "defenseless".


Not to mention, my “credibility” amongst the “movers and shakers” singularly focused on the survival of Israel began long before I immigrated to the United States back on March 17th, 1978 one week shy of my 21st birthday, only increased when choosing very carefully before finishing high school in South Africa not to “sign up” for any of Israel’s Special Forces beginning with Israel’s most brutally effective Air Force, despite impressing all the “right people” including my highly secretive Royal Mater-Mother who remember, “From earliest days of 1949 visited Israel two and three times a year writing reports for various publication”.


To mention little of Zena Gevisser while no doubt impressed with my “common sense” may not have, given all the distractions around her, been as “observant” of me as was her father Alef-Albert-Al Badash-Ash and my other grandfather Israel Issy Gevisser, both very quiet and accomplished individuals who thought very little of most human beings beginning with Jewish people who had DARED to allow themselves to get “comfortable” following the atrocities of the Holocaust.


To mention little of Al Ash following World War I which he joined at the very start when only age 14 then journeyed first to Canada where he put an ax through a big toe when working on the Niagara Falls before slipping illegally into the U.S. where he set up shop on the lower east end of Manhattan.


To mention in passing when considering Al Ash’s mother’s closeness to David Ben Gurion, Nechie Badash and Ben Gurion both coming from the same tiny shtel-village of Plonsk, Poland-White Russia that resulted in Nechie Badash who was orphaned at age 8 when her entire immediate family were wiped out in a pogrom, becoming one of the early residents of Tel-Aviv, Israel, one would not have to hear out of the mouth of David Ben Gurion how very much he trusted not only Nechie but her very brilliant son Alef so very smart to marry my maternal grandmother Rachel who already had a son and whose father had died suddenly following a hospital accident to the point that Ben Gurion would see fit to not only have Nechie going “back and forth” between Israel and England carrying the “British Crown Jewels” but when my mother was born in 1929 to return to England to raise my mother whose own mother Rachel was not exactly a “potted plant” but like everyone involved in ensuring Israel’s survival which meant having to function in a DAAC controlled world, Rachel who worshipped the ground my father walked on, was just like my amazing father only told what she needed to know.


One just needs to follow the “money-information trail” no further than the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902 to then figure out on your own why it is that there is so very little “talk” of the closeness of people like Afrikaner Field Marshall Jan Smuts, Albert Einstein and David Ben Gurion who didn’t need to be reminded constantly to “check their egos at the door” when all they needed to do was to open their eyes and see the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel’s extraordinary infiltration of the British Crown’s War Ministry and in the next breath you would know why it is from the youngest of age my Royal Mater would repeat to me time and again, “Loose Lips Sinks Ships”.


Not to mention what it meant to David Ben Gurion and his top field commander Yitzchak Rabin when sinking in June 1948 in Tel-Aviv harbor the Altalena with Menachem Begin on board, killing some 15 other Jewish underground fighters bearing also in mind the memories of Auschwitz and the Jewish Kapos helping the DAAC Nazis to maintain order in the death camps were still very much alive along with the extraordinary “protection” afforded the DAAC stooge Hitler picked from the “bottom of the barrel” as a reminder to all Jewish and non-Jewish independent thinkers not to “mess with City Hall” beginning with the 3 Branches of the United States Government very much under the “command and control” of the British Crown who have afforded the DAAC’s Central Selling Organization headquartered in downtown London, England the most extraordinary “safe haven” as the DAAC’s lawyers while pontificating stuff such as “We are a nation of laws, the rule of law maintains our freedoms, law and order are the embodiment of a free and civilized society, blah blah” flagrantly violate the world’s sacrosanct Anti-Trust/Anti Price Fixing laws as this mafia of mafia price fix for now more than a century the price of their unlimited supply of lightweight, UNTRACEABLE, AND NEVER INVENTORIED Diamond Currency at always more than a barrel of oil.

It all comes down to how to raise children right from the start with the truth beginning with how all those around them “make a living”.


Kids then only need “guidance” given the fact that they were born curious simply wanting the “right answers” and knowing in an instant the first time they are told a lie.

It is though, very important to figure out in nothing short of a "flash" those kids who "feign" being "defenseless" and to “avoid them like the plague” no matter how very young their biological age.

The instant one "picks up" that a human being is "playing politics", i.e. making the conscious choice to tell another human being beginning with their biological parent what it is that they think their parent-s "want to hear" so begins God taking you on a never ending most awesome Educational Light Journey to choose one’s company as carefully as deciding what to eat and drink.


Bear constantly in mind that "avoiding politicians like the plague" does not mean that you should not engage them in dialogue; on the contrary you should "encourage" politicians to expose more of their “true colors” while letting them know that the reason they lack courage has nothing whatsoever to do with them being "defenseless" but simply because it suits their “agenda” to choose the "path of least resistance".

Good looking people do in fact have a very significant advantage and very significant disadvantage over the mostly "plain Janes" out there given how very quickly their good looks go when flushed out by the likes of me who not only suffer fools badly but again I understand rather well how the whole system is designed as one most extraordinary game, each human being ending up pretty much looking the same once the earthworms and ants are done and all that remains for any extended period of time are the bones and teeth.

Anyone who fails to examine in the minutest detail the "bad behavior" beginning with their parents does themselves a very grave injustice bearing again constantly in mind that we all know our time is not only finite but even those like THE IT who think they will be able to continue “ruling from the grave” by not handing over right now all their ill-gotten gains to their co-dependants do manage to understand PERFECTLY WELL that at any time in the future even their most co-dependants will CHOOSE to do the right thing and hand over those ill-gotten gains to those most hurt by such human monsters.


And to “top it off” the monsters amongst us have to live out the remainder of their so miserable lives pondering their Day of Judgment so very afraid to even commit suicide choosing instead to eat themselves to death in an effort to bring out the “sympathy vote”.


Just remember that while Einstein was the genius of human geniuses, God is the only true genius.

While each of us who do not live on a kibbutz which is geared to bringing out the very best in each of us, we also have the excuse of not being able to avoid a malevolent parent, such reasoning is in fact just one more poor excuse for not doing the right thing especially when there is the distinct possibility that existing within the “excuse driven” individual’s "sphere of influence" is at least one very good mentor.

Again, while this "game of life" is very much a game and of course it should be a whole lot of fun once you figure it all out, time is in fact running out.

The fact that there has not been a significant coordinated attack on the oil fields of the Middle East does not diminish the threat; on the contrary the threat increases with each tick of the almighty powerful clock given how many disaffected youths there are not just in the Middle East who can understand increasingly well WHY IT IS that TRUST FUND KIDS who do in fact have all the information about what supports their opulent lifestyles CHOOSE to "sit on their hands".


Marie Dion Gevisser’s 48 words which she expressed for the first time back on June 10th 2005, the 6th anniversary of my very first posting up on the Internet can be applied to anyone thinking it mighty fine to be “deafeningly silent” on what we all know to be the important issues of the day.


Lack of knowledge–information-light-power, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful from embracing the truth.


The truth is too disrupting for some people too busy keeping track of all their lies from day one.


Your lack of knowledge-light is betrayed by your silence…


Moreover, the deafening silence by ALL of the media, ALL of the politicians, ALL of the teachers, clerics and worst of all academia, the new corrupt church contributes greatly to the better understanding of those vast majority of the human population not even getting their basic needs met.


Ps – Make a list of university and college campuses you think we should visit soon.


Below is a “formatted letter” I have already begun sending out to Professors as well as staff of universities throughout the world, concentrating mostly, however, on American universities.


[Word count 3290]


----- Original Message -----
From: adam
Subject: RE: FW: Question
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2007 06:47:30 -0700


Scott is the co-founder and former President of Digital Domain; their first movie was Titanic, but they have been involved in just about every major special effects film.


His ownership was recently bought out.




Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 12:48 AM
To: adam
Subject: Re: FW: Question


this looks like it could get interesting. who is this scott?



----- Original Message -----
From: adam
To: "Gary Gevisser"
Subject: FW: Question
Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 19:09:21 -0700



From: Scott Ross
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 1:35 PM
To: adam
Subject: Re: Question


Then, yes .  Very true.

Sent from my iPhone


On Aug 25, 2007, at 11:38 AM, adam <> wrote:

Adam Tucker


From: Scott Ross
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:34 AM
To: adam
Subject: Re: Question


Adam who?





On Aug 25, 2007, at 11:24 AM, adam wrote:

Hey Scott,


As somebody that would have first hand knowledge of this, I trust your opinion and want to know if you have any personal accounts of what Edward Jay Epstein wrote with regards to the source for the big money in Hollywood.


I remember you telling me about your movie “Instant Karma” and that the reason that it didn’t get the green light was because of the production companies not backing it and its distribution. I remember commenting that it sounded like a monopoly and you replying something to the effect of, “you have no idea”.


Does Epstein have credence to make these claims?


I hope this finds you well.

