From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 1:30 PM PT
Cc: rest;
Subject: FW: A powerpoint presentation covering engineering and art in
"les toilettes"
Please find
a way to place the entire powerpoint presentation up on the website, making sure not to leave out
the one for mothers-in-law bearing in mind that Marie helped me with the
French, not to mention both
Not to
forget that while I cannot “love”
you for that would mean I both “trust and respect” you, reserved at
this time only for Marie, I do happen to like you and trust you will “get
with the program” before the next generation of Israelis understand no
different to their Hezbollah and Hamas brothers and sisters that you and your
heavily corrupt family, no different to mine and 99% of those on my email list
that continues to represent a statistically valid sampling of the world’s
literate and crooked population, are the ONLY
enemy, much more dangerous than the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel
leadership who while knowing I have them “nailed to the cross” count on you
way down the pyramid to incite the rest of the masses before they can figure
out why it is that they get increasingly poor while the DAAC and their friends, “play business”.
important that you RIGHT THIS INSTANT
give SERIOUS thought to why Bill
Clinton while still President and Commander In Chief of all United States Armed
Forces would “see fit” to warn those
listening to the speech he was giving at Caltech University, one of the premier
universities in the world that in not so many words The United States is ripe
for a Bosnian style, ethnic civil war despite all the “positive signs” that he
could “dream up” while trying to portray himself as smart if not smarter than
Einstein as he went about stating the obvious that those with 60% less than
average intelligence which you know is 100 IQ points, could always choose to go
into politics.
Clinton who should be most remembered for giving Marc “Trading
with the enemy” Rich a Presidential Pardon at the 11th
hour and 59th minute of his illegitimate Presidency, thus depriving
George W. Bush with the means to avert what
understood perfectly well that the media, present on January 21, 2000 when he
gave his 5800 + word speech, that in my humble
but seasoned opinion was all about this weak libido scumbag letting future historians
know that no one could blame him for what is now occurring amongst our military
personnel in places like Iraq since, “I told you so”, including one rather
worldly CNN photojournalist would not be ALLOWED
to either make a big deal about such an extraordinarily accurate apocalyptic
pronouncement or CAPable of connecting up the dots with Bill Clinton and his
“handlers” knowing that such bloodshed which would make the American Civil War
of the mid 19th Century look like a day in the water park could happen
in an instant ONCE the ever hard working and so non-aggressive BUT
extraordinarily AWARE Chinese decided they had enough of our whining and pointed fingers
accusing them of human rights violations that don’t come close to what the U.S.
and its allies have got away with for more than 100 years beginning with the
Monroe Doctrine that was the start of our “gunboat diplomacy”.
the ever so patient and polite Chinese could have so easily CUT OFF their goods trading with the
U.S. EVEN while this traitor President was still President and it doesn’t take
a rocket scientist to figure out how long it would have taken for Americans to
act very desperate given how hooked we have been for decades beginning in
earnest at the conclusion of the Bretton Woods Conference of 1944 on cheap
everything beginning with the all important fictitious and worthless
people are known to act desperately going back to the time of Jacob, Cain and
fighting is extraordinarily bloody especially amongst those so EXTRAORDINARIY hooked on
using so bloodied DeBeers-Dollars-Diamond
Currency to purchase cheap imports of everything from clothing to the most
advanced computer systems, you surely haven’t forgotten the
No one
including the President of Caltech, Mr. Moore best known when founding Intel
for informing us all of “Moores Law” that has technology doubling every 18
months or any of the media had figured out until such time as I recently
pointed out to this CNN photojournalist who are course is now copied on all my
heavily broadcasted and READ communiqués that continue to help expand my
“footprint” on the Internet at essentially zero cost, that in the very same
instant China were to tell us to go “get stuffed” in that same instant
quadruple their market size by simply focusing on the Chinese marketplace made
up of happy and hard working PRODUCERS OF WEALTH including gold and in the
next instant make their more productive trading partners all over the world
beginning with the Koreans, not to forget the Israelis aware that they too will
benefit immediately from “free and fair markets” and by the
time Americans and their allies so full of themselves ONLY because of the nonsense
DeBeers-Dollar woke up to the reality that their BIGGEST ASSet their, “gift of the gab” means
nothing to people who know all the benefits of hard work versus whiners such as
yourself hooked on an out of control welfare system so deeply rotten that even
if the U.S. were to devalue its totally worthless currency VERY SIGNFICIANTLY the time it would take to retrain our welfare
hooked masses it might be simply easier for our DAAC infested CIA working hand-in-hand with the Russian
Mafia to start a war say in Taiwan which takes you back
to China’s Minister of Defense not all that long ago warning the U.S. that in
the event the CIA. were to intervene militarily in this “one leg” of China’s “Rooster”,
China would not hesitate knowing it was nothing more than a ruse to distract
attention away from the woes on the mainland of the United States and in the
next instant to nuke the United States.
And of
course you recall the New York Times reporting a few days later that the
Pentagon had decided to “make public” the fact that
These are
more than interesting times.
[Word count
From: John K. Pollard Jr. -
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:54 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: A powerpoint presentation covering engineering and art in
"les toilettes"
You may find two photos
particularly useful after you get Adam to tell you how to capture photos from a
PowerPoint presentation. This is a big file and will take several seconds
to load.