From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: RP
Cc: rest;
Dear RP,
Before we go too far down the line I think it important that we
establish first that you are not “conflicted
As of this past Friday 9/17 at 9:21 AM I believed I had an
“iron clad” deal with Mr.
YES WE HAVE A DEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
The day before I had emailed Mr. Friedman at
“...Before I bother looking at
them [purchase agreement] can u tell me that we actually have a deal? Yes or no
would be suffice.
That same day at 2:34 PM, I sent Mr. Friedman a rather
wordy email that contained the essence of my concern that by his and
partner-client wanting 6 separate escrows they might trigger the City of Santa
Monica hitting me with tax equivalent to one year’s gross rents which I made
patently clear I was not going to go for:
Not to suggest that u folks were looking
to have me eating the pitiful fees which would be due to the City of
Ps – Don’t bother replying
unless u concur with the above...
[word count 1142]
Earlier in the day at
I have the offers signed and ready to
fax to you. You need to initial all pages at the bottom, initial paragraph #16
page 5 and sign #33 page #8.
Total price is $1,800,000....commission
$75,000 to Miller & Desatnik Realty Corp.
Any other way of reaching you, please
let me know!
RP, I make it my business to be as clear and precise as possible
bearing in mind that in this “dog eat god” [sic] world I have m
Everything with Mr. Friedman “blew up”
when I told him this past Saturday morning that I would only sign the purchase
agreement if he were to attach all our emails “back and forth”
as an addendum to the purchase agreements so as to minimize any
When I started to point out my reasons for doing so Mr. Friedman
who was some 15 minutes away from teeing off on his lover, no strike that, on
O.J. Simpson, no strike that, on proving what a man he is on some Rizty fukukta
golf course in Los Angeles that he felt the need to once again consult with his
partner-client “Mr. Ginnis”
[sic] who then apparently said, “No deal!” if in fact he was
going to be burdened with the City Tax in the ballpark of less than a $100K.
Mr. Friedman was patently aware of my eagerness to sell this
“one of a kind property”, not that I am a “desperate
seller” in the traditional sense but given all the other stuff I have on
my plate including putting the finishing touches to my book, M
The bottom line is that I am prepared to sue Mr. Friedman, Mr.
Guiguis et al whether or not they have sufficient liability insurance coverage in effect for
the simple reason I have absolutely no faith in the ability of any insurance
carrier to meet its obligations over the course of the next 24 hours let alone
how long it would take to see this matter thru the courts even if u were able
to get it on to a “fast
track”, my main point of suing them assuming in fact they have
committed a single “actionable
wrong” including farting in a public place, given the
fact that a fart is airborne particles of feces, would be to embarrass the crap
out these rascals who may have taken me for some ignorant ugly-duckling
Jew, which of course I am.
And yes why not look into whether my civil rights as a Lilly White
Wheaty Eating Midget-armed Jew boy have been violated bearing in mind that I happen to
believe very strongly that the early Christians got it absolutely correct that
more than a handful of us “kosher” Jewish people were at best
hypocrites along with all the others wrapping themselves in religious
ornamentation while colluding on beating up on the poor and downtrodden with
guilt and whathaveyou.
Now I could go and on and the last thing I want to do is start a
holy war amongst us Jewish people bearing in mind the utter nonsense about the
lost tribe of Israel that disappeared not exactly in to thin air but who in all
likelihood got the living daylights beaten out of them by the remaining Jewish
tribes, agree?
And u don’t want to get me started on the Romans who morphed
into the Roman Catholic Church or what rationale I can come with as to why
there are some 50%
odd of us Gevisser boys homosexual, but at some point u will very likely pay
attention to “sum” [sic] of the other stuff I have a rather good
handle on including a better than average grasp of mathematics and science with
a whole lot of good common business sense thrown in for good measure, then
again for all I know u could be both Mr. Friedman and his client-partner,
Please let me know what u think?
Yours truly,
Gary S. Gevisser
Ps –