From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:47 PM PT
To: Inga Reichenbach - Vice President for Alumni Affairs and Development; Jim Mazza - Campaign Director, Special Projects
Cc: rest; Paul S. Teirstein, MD., F.A. C. C.; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State ;; Deborah "Aggressive" Sturman Esq.
Subject: ...Trick..ling the costs of the rich getting richer on the poor not as stupid as "sum" [sic] might prefer...---...


Dear Gentlemen;


You are faced with making a rather important decision, perhaps the most important decision of your careers given how I have decided to communicate with you in your language bearing in mind that while English is a language ripped out of the Latin one of the spiritual languages like Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic and Greek by politicians hell bent on keeping the masses ignorant producing like rabbits and dying like flies it is nowhere near as precise as mathematics, “sumthing” [sic] I know a thing or “tTOo” [sic] about, interesting the 4 digits 1124 which when added or multiplied result in the same awesome number 8?


Notice the Right Angle rotate?


Pythagoras with his 0+1+2+3+4=10 got a number of things right in addition to Number is the essence of all things, good or evil, his Right Angle Triangle theorem while the first recorded instance of mysticism and superstition being removed from the equation not quite as precise or as “earth-shattering” as Special-General Relativity, E=mc² proven time and again through direct experiments by both folks seeking tenure at institutions such as yours as well as folks in the real world having to compete on what is rarely a level playing field.


2 c mE in the flesh will require you not only having to purchase for me and my dog, Pypeetoe, just a single first class airline ticket but you would have to convince my extraordinary eloquent and elegant French Canadian athlete of athletes, 1/32nd Huron Indian, math wizard-artist painter-designer-Client-Partner-Wife Marie Dion [Gevisser]?


I doubt very much that you think I am kidding given who you see carbon copied, perhaps briefed ahead of time that I would be sending you what “sum” [sic] may suggest is a “knuckleballbut I am in fact going to be providing you with not so much an “escape hatch” but more of an opening for you to allow light to come in or face the prospects of me taking you on the most nightmarish educational light journey you are only now beginning to imagine as your very worst nightmare.


The business of Wall Street is one I understand very possibly better than any individual including one gentleman, a consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank, and in particular, Paul Volker and Alan Greenspan, who responded to this question, Are Certificates of Insurance included in the Money Supply numbers and if not why not and if so how does Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan keep a straight face?” with the following:

No.  It makes no sense.
In the first case, there are multiple measures of money supply.  In addition, monetary policy can and sometimes does target these monetary aggregates, but also can and often does target levels and trends in interest rates (primarily affecting short rates and only indirectly long rates through inflationary expectations).
Money supply is in concept a way to think about transactional balances, not other forms of wealth.


I am now going to have a beer with Michael Winn the journalist who posed my question to this supposed “straight-shooter, worldly and honest guy who is experienced and knowledgeable in these matters” and when I return no later than tomorrow, G-D being well, I will explain how all this ties in with my grass roots efforts to have you rethink building a $600 Life Sciences facility beginning by having you reflect to that day back in the spring of 1969 when Eric “Bandoleer” Evans walked in to your mess hall.


Sincerely yours,


Gary S. Gevisser


Ps – Give thought to my one website one of approximately 100 in various stages of construction from the “bottom up” that an old time Wall Street buddy offered me the other day $4.4 million, the only requirement being that I “demonstrate an ability to take direction when CHOOSING NOT to accept commercial spots like this.”


Ps I – Michael Winn is currently working on an article to be published shortly in a local newspaper dealing with what may at first blush seem like an inconsequential small town hall meeting held this past Sunday here in extraordinarily dull Del Mar, California, his account of events beginning by stating that councilmember Henry Abarbanel who was “raining” [sic] over the proceedings that got out of hand the instant I opened my big mouth,met his Waterloo in the person of Gary Gevisser”.


Mr. Winn “real-ly not” [sic] knowing much about me, certainly unaware that included in my Royal Mater’s bs fiction-non-fiction “best seller” The Winking Cat there is one of her poems titled “TOoLOosLetrek” [sic] that is a rather clever play on words considering how in order to satisfy RM trekking up, down and round and about a tight-curved staircase in a one of a kind bachelor flat in South Kensington, London, my step-father, a “kept man” and one time multi-millionaire maverick in the garment industry in South Africa, built his queen a second toilet which us English also refer to as loos.


[Word count 820]