From: Gary S. Gevisser c/o Marie Dion [Gevisser]
To: GS
Cc: rest
I am taking
the liberty of using my partner-wife's email account, it being my decision
to have you copied on her too [sic] missives this
morning for the sole purpose of you looking forward to derive as much
satisfaction in kicking her flank as you currently do
mine more so if I were to decide to hide out in one of
the many caves here in Del Mar overlooking the Pacific Oshon, the publishing of
my Endless Universe
letter to the editor of a local newspaper having already caused quite a stir,
my wordiness having only hitting the street today, part of the "dog
and pony" show for M
Ps - We are having a private bon voyage party this May 5th for Marie's art Professor, you would be most welcome.