From: Gary S. Gevisser []
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 1:42 PM
To: ''
Cc: rest
Subject: The meek with teeth shall inherit the earth


Bruce, your plea sounds so much like momworker63, could it be that you are in fact the mystery person who I have designated that 1% of NextraTerrestrial be set aside should he-she show her face in the flesh?


Please click on to the TEETH for my full response.


Time to fly and remember to call before you stop on by.





Ps – Again, I am copying Mr. Sammy Haim as well as the co-managing partners of Wetherly Capital as well as their attorney Mr. William H. Jackson. In due course I will be following up with Mr. Jackson to make certain he has not only remained on track, a most “peeriless” [sic] course to boot, but has the wherewithal to direct his clients not do anything stupid like destroy documents, worse yet co-opt individuals who may one day have to face the like of a “skilled and experienced” attorney and of course he as well as folks like Professor Black, and Attorney Cavuto should make absolutely certain they are all “rained” [sic] in.


Pps – Some folks may protest that they don’t read all my e-mails which could prove their folly, wouldn’t you agree?




From: []
Monday, April 07, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: The meek WITH TEETH shall inherit the earth


Gary, please please please take me off your list.





From: Gary S. Gevisser [mailto:]
Sunday, April 06, 2003 3:59 PM
 The meek WITH TEETH shall inherit the earth


Dear John,