From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 6:39 PM PT
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest;;;;;; FBI; United States Justice Department;;;;; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.
Subject: RE: I sent the following to Yahoo - what else do you suggest will have folks preparing for Valentines Day focus on the DAAC running scared? Also send me the post you made that was deleted. Gold last trading at $568.30


Excellent! You are paying as much attention as Tefo and his 30 odd “interesting read” black South African colleagues all under age 33.


Try reading what I sent you again with 3 words deleted from the subject line but before responding read what I will be sending next to Terry Semel, CEO of Yahoo.


Ps – You will notice how I have slowed down the “pace” as I pick up not only increasingly numbers of email addresses but assurances from those already on my one of a kind email list that they see it as in their “best interest” to forward my missives like never before to everyone on their email list.


It does not take rocket science to figure out what is the right thing to do and the smart thing which is also the right thing once simply placing yourself in the shoes of someone who you thought you trusted but saw fit to keep the “good news” all to themselves thinking that you would “appreciate” them acting as a filter especially when I am “laying out” for anyone with even the most pitiful 8th grade education the critical importance of being able to “trust” those in charge of producing the increasingly less important money, gold now trading exactly where it was 48 hours ago.


What goes around comes around with a vengeance.


[Word count 224]


From: Adam Tucker
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 4:27 PM
To: 'Gary S. Gevisser'
Subject: RE: I sent the following to Yahoo - what else do you suggest that will do more have folks preparing for Valentines Day focus on the DAAC running scared? Also send me the post you made that was deleted. Gold last trading at $568.30...---...


I’m not sure what you are asking me to do.