From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 7:43 PM PT
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John BIG BEN Stewart MD of Sharp Memorial Hospital - aka The Sperm Donor aka The It;; Drew Faust - President of Harvard University; Kathleen McCartney - Dean Harvard Graduate School of Education; Jay O. Light - Dean Harvard Business School; Richard W. Hughes;; Jeffrey Scott Flier, M.D. - Dean Harvard School of Medicine;; Oprah; Rush Limbaugh; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Sherri Hendricks - Rapaport Report; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Newell Starks - Chairman of the Board - Sterling Holding Company - A Citicorp Venture Corporation fronting corporation;; Seymour M. Hersh c/o The New Yorker; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Mossad; United States Justice Department;
Subject: JOCKEYING FOR I going crazy?


It looks interesting but you are losing your focus but maybe not.


Can you tell me what in the email I sent earlier to the President you would have cut out in order to dissolve the Congress prior to midnight?


Do you understand it is all over?


Maybe 50% of Americans will lose their jobs in the next 5 years perhaps 100% once you consider that most of us are pencil pushers including the doctors who push over billing.


What if the number turns out to be less than one half of one tenth of a percent does it make a difference?


Do you understand it is all over?


Can you get a count of how many people Countrywide have laid off?


Do you know whether Angelo Mozilo wishes he could lay himself off?


Do you understand it is all over?


Project forward to all the banks such as Bank of America closing their doors possibly ahead of all the title companies.


Have you figured what the entire faculty of Harvard and Stanford University are doing right this minute, this second, apart from grabbing hold of as much cash they can get their hands on including trust funds?


Have you figured how long it is going to take for public inner city colleges to figure out what I am writing is important?


Have you figured how long it is going to take for schools starting at kindergarten all the way through high school to figure out what I am writing is important?


Have you figured why it is apart from Israeli Special Forces commandos and Commanding Officers receiving my emails and a handful of “civilian” Israelis no one had even heard of Ami Ayalon even though I have been mentioning his name on and off since October of last year?


Have you asked your father if he ran into Ami during the 1973 Yom Kippur War or is it possible your father was too busy smoozing with a camel?


Where in the 10 Commandments does it say anything about the prohibition of nudity or the use of profanity but only when dealing with the brain dead.


How do we get all the people who think I am brain dead to attend our seminar-convention-workshop and come away smiling knowing that peace and prosperity are within our grasp?


Have you figured out the implications of people around the world waking up to what Homeland Security and the industries it bred failing to explore how spending an afternoon with me not only would have I have convinced Homeland Security not to make a big deal out of the “non event” box cutters but guaranteed these hijackers would have seen it as a wise move to spare their as well as the lives of mostly very innocent and good people but to have gone back to Ben Laden and asked why he had them bother with box cutters; us running the risk that they would each take their turn breaking his neck just to prove the point to each other before calling up someone like Ami Ayalon who like Yitzchak Rabin has done everything humanely possible to forge an absolutely impossible everlasting peace in the Middle East given our thirst not so much for oil but not really wanting to work and I would guess Ami would have said, “Come on over and lets smoke a peace pipe!


You understand that the jobs I was referring to in the email to Dr. John K. Pollard transporting wide screen plasma TVs and the such prevent a lot of folks in our proxy tyrant states attending fanatical meetings breeding hatred.


And when the Arabs and the Jews are happy, the Arabs pump the oil, the Jews protect Arabs pumping the oil, the Jews and Arabs take their breaks – I am back at the cliff house and Maggie just farted – the Arabs marry Jews, the Jewish Arabs marry the Jewish Chinese and we leave it to the Chinese to decide in the end when we are all intermixed but mostly Chinese what all the fuss was about apart from what jobs remain for US Homeland Security personnel apart from transporting wide screen plasma TVs and the such which don’t pay very much here but over where the oil is that is a whole different story.


Americans are losing their jobs, their homes, their sense of community, their self-respect, their lack of trust in government, their lack of trust in the In God We Trust Almighty Dollar despite all the jobs created because of box cutters.


What if there were only fists, arms, legs and the occasional head butt used on 911?


80% of the cost of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is oil which the Saudis charge us what exactly?


Offset against this totally meaningless number are the opium sales out of Afghanistan.


What if there was no 911 how much more oil would remain for the world’s military to be now “jockeying for position”?


The Sabbath has now begun.


[Word count 834]


From: Adam Tucker
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 5:54 PM
To: Gary Gevisser
am I going crazy?