From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:48 PM PT
To: Dave
Cc: rest;; United States Justice Department; Mossad; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; FBI
Devin Standard; Ms. Valerie Coster
Subject: RE: WOULDN'T BE ME.... DAve, let me know...


On Thursday evening over here at our stone cabin my wife and I sat on the large flat log outside enjoying a good bottle of Pinot wine, Marie Dion Gevisser getting quite upset with me for how I was expressing my very SIGNIFICANT "footprint" on The Internet, not to mention that I had once expressed it correctly when stating:


Just type your name Marie Dion Gevisser in the Google search engine and you will see why IT IS that people like Tefo when gathering intelligence on the “Money Power” people of the world such as Solly Krok end up being drawn to me.


Bear in mind you have to be stark raving nuts to even go so far as frowning even if the person you trust and respect, i.e. love starts sounding like a lawyer-liar while realizing what apart from an “Act of G-d” has prevented a nutcase suicide bomber from setting off a very big bomb in just a cheap suitcase, forget Jerusalem why not in heaven or hell as they might prefer to call “heaven on earth”?


And since OF COURSE anyone who is in denial CANNOT if one is logically thought processing have anything close to a “belief in G-d” let alone as I say “know G-d”, that of course has each and every one of us in denial not for a moment subscribing to an expression such as an “Act of God” no matter how one chooses to spell the word for a Superior Being that then leads directly to the logical conclusion that IT IS inevitable that such a very BIG BOMB will inevitably go off and the question of when exactly is in fact TOTALLY IRRELEVANT given how the world’s capital and financial markets are all based on us being able to “REASONABLY PREDICT”.


Just think for a moment without feeling the need to come back with a “smart comment” while realizing English is not as good as my math which is all about being able to logically thought process utilizing the most precise and universal language known to mankind, I can in fact if I were to put my mind to it spell it all out a whole lot clearer which would defeat the purpose of getting each of us with just average intelligence which is approximately 99.99% of us to figure out on our own exactly what IT IS that is going on right now that has anyone reading and just understanding 50% of what I am writing dumb to waste their time engaging in “trade” versus using the information I am currently sharing “free of charge” to gain for themselves “competitive advantage” but in the next instant you realize that to even talk about all this to others in denial beginning with one’s spouse, lover, friend, family member, employer, future employer etc etc for “personal gain” you run the risk of not only spreading the “good news” but the distinct possibility that whoever you are seeking to “impress” may see you coming “a mile away”.


Bear in mind all this “reasoning” does NOT take into account what I know versus believe to be the existence of an extraordinarily powerful, SMART, vengeful and very good G-D all wrapped up in to one.


I could have long ago “sold out” to not to the “highest bidder” but to every single one of the tens of millions of multi-millionaires my unique and universal “risk assessment” services and got to enjoy a lifestyle SIGNIFICANTLY better than the one I currently enjoy with MDG 24/7, forget for the moment this “NO SEX” barrier that has yet to be removed although I am pretty optimistic that come tomorrow afternoon not only will I have started but completed the first draft of my forthcoming book THE HISTORY OF MONEY CREATION AND ITS FUTURE!, but that “wouldn’t be me”, not to mention a moment doesn’t go by when I am not reminded of the extraordinary suffering out there particularly amongst those on my email list who as hard as it may be to believe do currently enjoy SIGNIFICANTLY more luxurious living than me.


My fear continues mostly for those at the very top of the DAAC pyramid as well as those who have seen fit to ignore this most evil bunch all of whom with each tick of the clock recognize that it doesn’t matter in the least bit to me what they think of me or whether they think G-d exists or doesn’t exist since all that should be important to you and 99.9999% of the world’s population tripping all over themselves is that the over-the-top rapacious know I am not a fool and can in fact despite my English language impairments explain exactly how the markets work as well as how they are supposed to work SIGNIFICANTLY better than all the Professors of Economics in the world combined.


Bear in mind that while I am an “unknown entity” to the masses I am very well known to the most powerful and richest people in the world going back to when I was still a very young kid beginning when my Royal Mater began “grooming me” to take over from her very close friend and first cousin of my father, David Gevisser who didn’t exactly “come out nowhere” when he was chosen by Harry Oppenheimer to take over from the American Charles Engelhard who Harry Oppenheimer, the greatest thief of the last half century, his father the biggest thief of the first half, had murdered back in March 1971 just 18 months before the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 MUNIch Olympics.


Why would any one other than MDG who knows best how to “keep me in line” be bothered with the way I "sumtimes" [sic] express myself when just considering how very limited time we have to fix the problems not of the rich getting richer but the shamefulness that has our poor who are simply poor but not stupid allowing the rich to trickle down the cost of them getting richer all on the backs of the poor who again must realize that they are simply poor and not even close to being stupid although they are of course dumber than the next generation yet to be born who in fact wont have to worry about getting both poorer and dumber given the extraordinary level of "chaos" in each of our daily lives, the result of the Digital Age that has Knowledge-Information-Light traveling in many places and increasingly so at nothing short of Light-G-D-speed.


Just take for example this one story the New York Times Internet edition is currently running about this Israeli soldier who has lost the lower portion of both legs as a result of his tank being hit by a rocket fired by a Hezbollah Farmer-Guerilla.


What do you think he will think after reading this 4280 word email I sent to Devin Standard, the executor of my estate, going on 90 minutes ago just before leaving for our 3rd 90 minute loop walk of Nobel Canyon, letting Devin know amongst a number of things that should my Israeli “brother” Guy Friedman who I spoke with for a rather long time this morning, decide to “accept” my generous offer of 1% of my intellectual property rights all in the form of Preferred non-voting shares in exchange for being allowed to use Guy’s Chinese wife’s last name Yang should Dion not be enough for me to hide my very proud Jewish name, then I would expect Guy to be at least as generous with everyone else not only understanding perfectly what I wrote Devin but doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and help the State of Israel survive by placing pressure on the United States to while suspending the trading of shares in public corporations to also MASSIVELY DEVALUE our over-the-top fictitious and worthless DeBeers-Dollars and in the process of Israel NOT BEING forced to bring out its BIGGER GUNS, i.e. nuclear weapons and/or begin taking out each and every Arab despot who has gone along with the charade of accepting worthless DeBeers-Dollars in exchange for their very poor peoples’ extraordinarily valuable oil, we have the very DISTINCT POSSIBILITY of there being an immediate cessation of hostilities throughout the world as our friends the Peoples Republic of Communist China, the most non-aggressive, hard working, and extraordinarily productive peoples the world has ever known with the most awesome thousands of years old culture serve as both peacekeepers and motivators.


My dream right now is for you to stop wasting my time and realize that I have other important things to do including making myself dinner and so for you to have me as your partner “interrogating” you on how you arrive at a “net” number when you know full well that whoever you have living in the residence section as well as those just working the café will be “living off” the business.


You are now reminding me of something I was taught by my over-the-top brilliant and very shrewd businesswoman mother at about age 4, a year after I began speaking, that you do not want to be in business with an honest fool or clever crook.


Without having me insult you more go ahead and tell me what you are, but on second thoughts, forgive my abruptness, I am going to make you a take it or leave it offer.


I want no less than 4.5% of the gross takings of everything including takings from prostitutes who might simply want a breather from their heavy work schedule and enjoy the amenities of the bed & breakfast plus you are to keep one bedroom available to me/my wife and/or Valerie Coster throughout the 2 year lease.


Don’t forget we have a very good idea of how much profit was made by the other operators including Valerie and for you to be “beating around the bush” when you know perfectly well you could in fact operate Seacrest-Ccrest very profitably without changing a thing begs that same question my RM only had to tell me once and you also would be correct in assuming I have learned a thing or “tTOo” [sic] since including the fact that I KNOW versus BELIEVE unless we all come together real soon and begin telling the truth doesn’t matter what the subject matter is since it all ultimately leads back to The Diamond Invention which again ends where my forthcoming best seller book begins, we might as well all stop working and enjoy our last hours living like Kings.


Time to eat and give thanks.




[Word count 1776]




-----Original Message-----
From: dave
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:20 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: DAve, let me know whether you were able to click on and read the hyperlink below.


Have opened it and read it but not as yet digested it ! You may have noticed in my EMAIL  of yesterdays date that there were some spelling mistakes this is as a direct result of the backspace and delete key on my laptop being inoperable so as a consequence am unable to type " GROSS " in any relevent way however by way of a compromise what if we " NET " for 12 month and review  ? cash for 6 month advance waiting for good home as soon as can sort deal


ps Have to agree with most of what your link said shame that only the rich get richer


Best Regards Dave




From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Sat 12/08/2006 01:26

To: dave

Subject: DAve, let me know whether you were able to click on and read the hyperlink below.