< Sancho Panza [mailto:sancho@donquixoteforpresident

Sancho Panza – BLOG



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 12:31 PM PT
To: Devin Standard
Cc: rest; Eric Einbinder; John Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; Ron Bellows Senior - Risk Management specialist - AIG; Sancho Panza; Tefo; Leah Brandon - KFI 640 AM; Michelle Kube - Execuitve Producer, The Bill Handle Show KFI-AM 640 "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic].; Michele Malkin; michaelwinn.org; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996; Derrick.Beare@Investec.co.uk; Roger W. Robinson; ron.lieber@wsj.com; Roy Essakow; Rush Limbaugh; Sammy "Mud Hut" Haim; JRK@class-action-law.com; Curt Alfrey - Assistant District Attorney, Denver, Colorado, USA; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Steven Lee Parkinson - Mothercare - Middleast; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; zig@kfi640.com; ymags@jpost.com; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; editor@shanghaidaily.com; South China Morning Post; Dr. Laura Family
Cc: Trevor Manuel - South Africa's Minister of Finance; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc
Subject: FW: ...WEIGHT-HEIGHT-BODYFAT%....Reality Check


Amazing how increasingly connected 24/7 is the world having so much more time on their hands listening to mostly loony tunes trying to cancel out their fears of what comes next, coming around increasingly to what I have to say, going “back and forth” through my “interesting” missives while denying it for how much longer before they fall apart like this putz?


What apart from you giving your kids your and your father’s financial wealth won’t have them turning out like this putz, so fearful of what?


Any thoughts about his-her physical shape, weight-height-bodyfat%?


I must tell you given how increasingly nauseated I am by folks benefiting the most from the DAAC having made the United States the money laundering capital of the world so out of touch with their one time spirituality now eating and drinking themselves to suicide so oblivious of the genius of G-d’s bodily gift, the mind especially a terrible thing to start losing from day one as you find it increasingly difficult to keep track of lies from day one, were it not for GWB being in the White House and my wife yet to give me the “green light” I would were I not much for sailing be very inclined to take a slow boat to China assuming the Chinese were to cancel all flights coming in from the U.S.


As much as it bothers people like Dr. John K. Pollard please forgive me for repeating MDG’s words of wisdom to Windy Winn who also didn’t want to search for the all important truth of the insidious business of “money creation” while only capable of thinking “How do I make MORE money”:


Gary and I agree that lack of knowledge–information-light-power, power to change the world stems from humans being lazy and fearful from embracing the truth.


The truth is too disrupting for some people too busy keeping track of all their lies from day one.


Your lack of knowledge-light is betrayed by your silence regarding 2 questions Gary posed to you and that he reminded you of this morning at the beach when we met with you.


Marie Dion [Gevisser]



[Word count 357]



-----Original Message-----
From: Sancho Panza [mailto:sancho@donquixoteforpresident.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 11:29 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Reality Check




I apologize for my lapse of disingenuousness. I'm not your friend. I stand

up for my friends and even for strangers who show compassion, no matter how

stupid or screwed up they may appear to be. You, however, are a putz of a

human being, and a not particularly interesting or extraordinary piece of

quivering, fearful protoplasm at that. The gift of language is precious. You

waste it. Take your meds, now.


Remember who's country this is and be a good wetback. Kissy Kissy.


Sincerely, An observer



No matter how much you suck up to them, the skull and bones crowd regard you

and your diamond merchant family, and your "paint-by-the-numbers wife", and

your progeny, as party crashers, no different from any other wetbacks or

otherwise. This is their United States of America. You are a visitor.


The diamond cartel, like the cocaine cartel and every other racket isn't

their concern. If it bothers them or threatens what they hold sacred, they

have no problem throwing Mr. Englehard or Kennedy or anyone else that gets

in their way out of an airplane.


Isn't it time for you to quit pretending that they give a royal shit about

Israel except as an effective hedge against Islam? Or that they regard HIV

in Stellinbosch or Hillcrest or global warming as of peripheral importance?

You are no more important to them than your dog, Maggie, is to you.


Your rants are irrelevant chatter, your style has not sufficient aesthetic

interest to draw interest to a blog, which is why you have to spam the

world. Your incessant babble reveals only that you are afraid to be still,

lest you are forced to come to terms with emptiness and meaninglessness. All

that crap you invent is in an attempt to avoid the ineffable. Silly, isn't



Acceptance is the gateway to authentic compassion. Otherwise, you may as

well just take your meds.


Sincerely, A Friend


-----Original Message-----

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 9:42 AM PT
To: Sancho Panza
Cc: rest; John Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; Eric Einbinder; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Mossad; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Devin Standard; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; Zena Rosland Ash Gevisser Zulman; Valerie & Stanley; Dr. Jonathan "Trouble Bubble" Beare; JRK@class-action-law.com; Jeffrey Malatskey CA-CPA - South Africa, Israel, Australia blah blah; michele.r.roof@boeing.com; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; Roger W. Robinson; King Golden Jr. Esq.; NO LONGER PRACTICING, thank G-d, Dr. John Ben Stewart MD - aka The Sperm Donor; Zena’s list; Solly Krok; Oprah; Eric Van Den Berg Esq. - Bell, Dewar & Hall; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Raymond Oshry Esq.; Tony Leon MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa; Seymour M. Hersh c/o The New Yorker; Thomas Stephens Esq. - Bartlit-Beck- Citicorp Venture Corporation + Newell Starks' attorney; Valerie Schulte Esq. - National Association of Broadcasters; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; artbell-coast; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; Dr. Laura Family; Sternshow@howardstern.com; Rush Limbaugh; Whitman Knapp Esq. - Office of Attorney General; William Clark - Petro Dollar Wars; Leutenant William Kemery - San Diego Sheriffs Department Internal Affairs Unit; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; Trevor Manuel - South Africa's Minister of Finance; Joseph Steinberg - President of Luecadia National Corporation; joycemohapi@yahoo.com; Joychen@pacbell.net; Eliot Spitzer - Attorney General of New York State; Goldman Sachs; gretchen@nytimes.com; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; Joshua Beach - Headline Editor - Seattle Times; johnandken@johnandkenshow.com; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: RE: ...www.real-tycheck.com....Reality


Dear not-so-good "friend",


I understand you have no facts to support your primary contention that I should fear you more say than the "it", Einbinder, master spy of master spies Roger W. Robinson, James A. Baker III , Stephen Cohen of Codiam Inc., the FBI or the Mossad etc etc but why feel the need to increase the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day!


People like you are a dime a dozen all over the world.


You are in fact the "backbone" of the DAAC cartel that is getting increasingly weaker with each tick of the clock as your fear gets increasingly transparent reflected in the hood you wear.


Sign your real name and tell me a little more than you are "Sincerely, A Friend" if you have no fear my "rants are irrelevant chatter, your style has not sufficient aesthetic interest to draw interest to a blog..."


I "suck up" to no one other than my dogs and my wife but I am comforted by your innermost need to assist in exposing yourself.


Once again, I very much appreciate the fact that you are increasing the circle of those people dependant upon my communications for their insight and analysis of the events of the day. This is a very affirmative and positive step on your part that is highly appreciated.


I have now set up for you and Einbinder your own "blog", click on here for yours and click here for Einbinder.


Please have all your friends, relatives, co-workers and the such simply email me of course sending you a copy that will in turn keep me “honest” to post their comments not just on my website but all over the internet.






Ps – When did you last run into anyone in the carbon copy section?


Ps I – Back in 1989 I ran this ad just once in the South African Sunday Times, soon after I returned from China but prior to taking on the assignment to review the international holdings of the Krok family of South Africa [Twins Pharmaceuticals; Epilady USA Inc., Quickwheel USA Inc. etc etc] that had me visiting a number of places around the world including Bar Ilan University that bred the only assassin of an Israeli prime minister some 6 years later.


A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There!, the brainchild of my Royal Mater did a whole lot more than put me in touch with approximately 1,000 South African nationals mostly of color all around the world as well as the South African Secret Police [BOSS] who visited me in my plush offices at 100 Wilshire Boulevard overlooking Santa Monica Bay.


Both my RM and I knew such an ad would “draw fire” most of all from the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel who by that time while still “feeling their oats” were beginning to show their vulnerability which was nothing new to this cartel of cartels who had by this time found their “replacement” in each “ministry” that had the “Money Power” to issue their own worthless-fictitious currency.


Being in charge of allocating the world’s precious resources including human labor is all that the DAAC care about.


It is as simple as that.


But keeping the masses down with Knowledge-Information-Light traveling increasingly faster and technology allowing them more time on their hands to “stand still” and think through stuff like “money creation” that increasingly has had little and no connection with “productivity” is increasingly bothersome to the DAAC who count principally on the brute force to be delivered by those increasingly further down the pyramid as those such as you getting more than their fair share of the graft-spoils of diamond studded oil wars don’t like to get their hands bloodied, placing increasing pressure on internecine fighting at the dirt poor level who again are not only benefiting from advances in technology but because of their physical labor in increasingly better physical shape relative to the fatsos increasingly exposed at the top of the pyramid pushing pencils and buttons on keyboards contributing nothing of benefit to the overall good which increasingly hasn’t required a rocket scientist’s mind to be understood.


Following, however, my trip to China and the fallout that occurred during what began as a “Peaceful Student Protest” at Tiananmen Square which had the “fingerprints” of the DAAC CIA written all over it, I knew and so did my RM that the time was right for me to make a BOLD STAND.


You do appreciate otherwise you wouldn’t have written me that by this time, age 32 not only had I not just got off a ship, not to mention attending in the mid to late 1970s the DAAC infested University of Natal, South Africa, I had neither financial concerns nor the need to prove anything to anyone given how I had achieved the goal of not only being a “team player” but building the most extraordinary teams of independent thinkers all over the world who know better than to use email or phones at least when communicating with me.


Without boring you with the details the two members of BOSS attached to the South African consulate in Los Angeles who confirmed the credentials of the two men when visiting within days of the ad running, made it patently clear that my uncle David Moshal Gevisser Englehard was not in the least bit impressed by this BOLD MOVE.


Remember now we are talking pre-Internet days.


Just prior to meeting in South Africa with my uncle DG in 1995, again right around the time Yitzchak Rabin was assassinated, I had completed a series of assignments for Randolph Hearst VI, the last surviving son of the original Hearst who along with Pulitzer at the turn of the last century not only “colluded”, so much for “free media” which of course now makes perfect sense to even imbeciles like you, but were instrumental in rallying support throughout the United States for the Monroe Doctrine, i.e. Gunboat diplomacy that extended well beyond taking over the oil fields of Mexico and leading the invasion of China in 1900 by the 8 Allied nations.


One of those assignments including setting up and attending a meeting with Mr. Hearst’s wife Veronica in Boston with the Ziff family who owned several rather valuable computer publications.


Let me know if you would like to see a copy of an analysis I did for both Mr. and Mrs. Hearst dealing with the media frenzy as the world got closer and closer to completing the last quarter mile of the superhighway.


DG, when we first began our very friendly conversation had no idea of what I had been doing between the completion of my assignments for the Krok family of South Africa and when I met with him with what he thought was simply a way to “ingratiate” myself, “make up” for “past sins” by letting him know that his “boys” now running the new ANC South African government were doing a terrific job in “messing up South African economy” [sic] and you would know when business people talk in private even at the highest levels of the DAAC socio-economic pyramid they often use 4 lettered words.


Not to mention our “friendliness” was helped in great measure by not only my decision that nothing was to be gained by running the one-of-kind ad again but I had in fact kept my big mouth shut tight about all the KIL I had gained about the DAAC since I was “terminated” from Codiam Inc. in late 1980 immediately after they had got word that I was well on my way to a full recovery having been poisoned right at the time that I “officially” joined the DAAC.


By the time our days meeting was over, first beginning in his offices before we went back to his home near the main asylum in Johannesburg DG who thought his only problem was that I might still go “insane” and start opening my big mouth was himself going “insane” worried about what I would do with all the information I had on him which he had now confirmed but only with a view to “intimidate” me as again his initial concerns were that I had to be “going insane” by working for small time billionaires like the Kroks who are seen by the DAAC as a bunch of circus clowns doing their part to distract.


Money Power” and idiots like you is all that the DAAC have left.


Money is just “one means of exchange”.


Power rests with the people, the knitters, the candlestick makers and the bakers.


You are aware the United States Government is now making it illegal to melt down pennies and nickels given how it costs more to produce than the face value of the coins.


Ps III – would you be interested in doing a joint venture with me using our www.REAL-TYCHECK.com website? 


[World count 1491]



-----Original Message-----
From: Sancho Panza [mailto:sancho@donquixoteforpresident.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2006 5:26 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Reality




No matter how much you suck up to them, the skull and bones crowd regard you

and your diamond merchant family, and your "paint-by-the-numbers wife", and

your progeny, as party crashers, no different from any other wetbacks or

otherwise. This is their United States of America. You are a visitor.


The diamond cartel, like the cocaine cartel and every other racket isn't

their concern. If it bothers them or threatens what they hold sacred, they

have no problem throwing Mr. Englehard or Kennedy or anyone else that gets

in their way out of an airplane.


Isn't it time for you to quit pretending that they give a royal shit about

Israel except as an effective hedge against Islam? Or that they regard HIV

in Stellinbosch or Hillcrest or global warming as of peripheral importance?

You are no more important to them than your dog, Maggie, is to you.


Your rants are irrelevant chatter, your style has not sufficient aesthetic

interest to draw interest to a blog, which is why you have to spam the

world. Your incessant babble reveals only that you are afraid to be still,

lest you are forced to come to terms with emptiness and meaninglessness. All

that crap you invent is in an attempt to avoid the ineffable. Silly, isn't



Acceptance is the gateway to authentic compassion. Otherwise, you may as

well just take your meds.


Sincerely, A Friend