< From: Gary S

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 9:15 PM PT
To: Jordan Beegle - goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com
Subject: JUDGE,,, emails...


I have communicated with Mike X to let him know my disappointment.


I’m hopeful that Mike will be a fair judge!


[Word count 21]


From: Jordan Beegle - goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 7:23 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: emails...no...yoda...wanna be......delete.....gold....coast......list.....mailing.....spam......enough


Please do not send anymore emails to goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com we would like to put more time into dealing with our "normal" customers and not deleting spam, thanks,


            Jordan M. Beegle

            Vice President

            Gold Coast Moving


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 6:47 PM PT
To: Jordan Beegle - goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com
Cc: rest; JRK@class-action-law.com; Guy Friedman; Starving Students; Augusto Benito Vargis; Fidemart@yahoo.es; South China Morning Post; artbell-coast; george@coasttocoastam.com; Chris "Little Mind Me" Little - dIRECtor of News - KFI 640 AM - "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic]; Shaun Tomson; Professor Rabbi Abner Weiss; Rich Meislin - New York Times; Raymond Oshry Esq.; Leah Brandon - KFI 640 AM
Subject: "DAM" [SIC]....put up or shut up!...


Your true colors are shining through “loud and clear”.


Not to mention your impeccable “timing”.


Why not run by each and every one of your customers as well as prospects all our “back and forth” beginning with Mr. X.


In a nutshell, I detest those who derive great satisfaction in exceeding the limits of their small authority, i.e. evil doesn’t come in the form of a pointed tail or pitched fork.


Allow me to “read” the “tail end” of your last communiqué prior to me spelling out in simple English perfectly understandable to “friends” of mine in Israel, this great country of the U.S., Mexico, Peru, the tall people of China, South Africa and go ahead and name each and every country in the world, how your “negative” behavior has resulted in more than an equal and opposite positive, bearing in mind that “tTOo negatives” [sic] when multiplied “to-get-her” [sic] result in a +:


However I am not going to get mad but rather keep things inpersonal from now on, so for that lesson which you have taught me I thank you.  I never once by the way thought that you were crazy which you had already told me you felt I thought.  I thought from reading what you had sent me, that you were probably a genius.  I actually respected what you wrote me and read almost all of what you sent me, alot of it was too hard to follow however I still gave it a shot.  I'm sorry thinks didn't work out and more important for every single gesture I made that crossed the "businness and personal" boundary I appologize.  Good Luck with your book.


You also know that I didn’t “get off a boat just yesterday but in never, not once “turning a blind eye to evil” I have been afforded immeasurable “gifts” allowing me without “blackening my hands” to live the most unimaginably blissful life without any fear which is not to suggest that I am stupid or incapable of understanding that desperate people act desperately, so very oblivious to the gentle guiding hand of our Superior Being who you should just take my word for it does not take kindly to those who usurp their limited authority.


What goes around comes around with a vengeance!


In due course I will be adding your names to my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list.


Ps – “Sum” [sic] friends of mine will help move storage units. I calculate the “gross” compensatory damages at approximately $120 which of course will be SIGNIFICANTLY offset in you helping increase the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day!


[Word count 448]


From: Jordan Beegle [mailto:goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 5:31 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: PUT UP OR SHUT UP....KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE AND YOUR ENEMIES EVEN CLOSER....due diligence.... I am trying to...


Dear Mr. Gevisser,


PLEASE DELETE goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com From your mailing list


This is a business e-mail account for Gold Coast Moving inc, a moving company in San Diego.  We would like to ask you stop littering our inbox with emails full of jibberish and nonsense.  We know that you have a voice that would like to be heard, but we don't care about the scattered nonsense that you speak of. 


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 12:41 PM PT
To: Martin.Wolf@FT.comFinancial Times London
Cc: rest; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Derrick.Beare@Investec.co.uk; Eliot Spitzer - Governor of New York State - Former Attorney General of New York State ; Ageoffri@anderson.ucla.edu; Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc.; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC]; Mark Gevisser - The Nation's southern African correspondant; Kenneth Standard Esq. - Immediate Past President of the New State Bar Association; Edward Jay Epstein - Author of The Diamond Invention; .stephanie.kirchgaessner@ft.com; backtalk@motherjones.com; John.Plender@FT.com; Andrew.Hill@FT.com; Quentin.Peel@FT.com; johnkay@johnkay.com; samuelbrittan@hotmail.com; john.gapper@ft.com; victor.mallet@ft.com; Zuzanna.Kobrzynski@slate.com; philip.stephens@ft.com; gideon.rachman@ft.com; john.authers@ft.com; blake.wilson@slate.com; Dr. Laura Family; Sternshow@howardstern.com; hannity@foxnews.com; Rush Limbaugh; johnandken@johnandkenshow.com; Oprah; oreilly@foxnews.com; President Rosenberg of the Screen Actors Guild; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996; 48hours@cbsnews.com; 60m@cbsnews.com; artbell-coast; george@coasttocoastam.com; ian@coasttocoastam.com; John Loftus Esq. - Justice Department Nazi prosecutor; William Clark - Petro Dollar Wars; Howard Schultz - Founder, Chairman and Global Strategist for Starbucks; Steven Lee Parkinson - Mothercare - Middleast; Professor Trevor Jones - Economics Dept - University of Natal, South Africa; cavuto@foxnews.com; Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki - President of South Africa; Trevor Manuel - South Africa's Minister of Finance; Eric Van Den Berg Esq. - Bell, Dewar & Hall; Ivan Oshry Esq.; Chris "Little Mind Me" Little - dIRECtor of News - KFI 640 AM - "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic]; Dr. Jonathan"Trouble Bubble" Beare; GOP – Counsel; Senator@kennedy.senate.gov; Senator Lieberman ; South China Morning Post; South African Consulate General; Molly H. Hubbard - Director of Development James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy; James Glanz New York Times; Jay McMichael - CNN photojournalist; Mossad; President@whitehouse.gov
Subject: PUT UP OR SHUT UP....KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE AND YOUR ENEMIES EVEN CLOSER....due diligence.... I am trying to...



From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:48 PM PT
To: Jordan Beegle
Cc: rest; Chris "Little Mind Me" Little - dIRECtor of News - KFI 640 AM - "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic]
Subject: LEARN RIGHT OUR PAST...pass....explain...daac...no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


While you “play business” I am “out there” pulling out all stops to “give peace a better chance” bearing in mind there “is” [sic] kids younger than you dying on the vine, losing limbs not to mention their minds fighting for what else apart from propping up the worthless dollar the result of a lack of work ethic amongst Americans that has been getting increasingly worse with each successive generation beginning at the turn of the last century.


You should understand by now exactly what I mean without me having to spell it all out although what I plan to send Chris “Little Mind Little” Little of KFI 640 AM tomorrow morning should help “fill in the gaps”.


Tell me in simple English what you mean by “…gestured on your choice of syntax…” such language has me thinking you are studying English literature looking for a job on Wall Street which should in all probability not exist by the time you graduate.


I really do feel for you and your co-workers probably more than all your parents, teachers, clerics and professors combined.


What you continue to fail to address WHICH IS NO JOKING MATTER is the fact that as far as I was concerned we had a deal.


Not to mention my wasted time!


Then you sent me a nonsense email about needing the address of the storage facility which you had and combining it with verbiage that made out like I was the one not fully committed!


And to top it off you then say you have another customer “ready to go”.


Now listen up VERY CAREFULLY!


The fact that I am more than twice your age with of course a whole lot more experience is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT since what we are talking about is straight business and ethics.


It is YOUR TIMING that is the BIG problem.


What stopped you right after you received my last email to you on Thursday, Feb 1st from emailing me back expressing whatever concerns you might have had about my level of “commitment”?


The fact that you waited until Monday, Feb 5th says what exactly?


Why don’t the 3 of you work on your response starting now and perhaps if you don’t have your other job “ready to go” tomorrow I will rethink matters BUT DON’T COUNT ON IT!


Whenever someone such as yourself attempts using the “sly English” to pull at my emotional strings I am reminded of this photograph of members of my family in front of our 42. B. GEVISERIS 42. shop in Vilnius, Lithuania taken well prior to the continuation of Oil World War I, probably taken in the late 1920s. Everyone in this photo besides for the man standing was murdered by the Nazis including the children of those children.


Hitler was a clown but those who pulled his strings have done over time a far more expert job in the dummying down of America.


But the future is now bright so long as we learn right our past.


[Word count 501]


From: Jordan Beegle
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:06 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: PASS....explain...daac...no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


Gary I don't know what to say let me tell you something about me, I am just a 20 year old college student trying to make an honest days living.  What I did wrong, I crossed a personal boundary where I gestured on your choice of syntax in communicating with me.  Something else, I am now out of a day of work which to you may seem totally insignificant however, to me and my two co-workers who support ourselves from this job, it's not exactly a joking mater.  The service we would have provided you would have been ten fold better than any other moving company you would have found in San Diego, I hope you had some fun throwing your intellectual gargain at me working me to the last point, until i completely wasted a day of work on you.  However I am not going to get mad but rather keep things inpersonal from now on, so for that lesson which you have taught me I thank you.  I never once by the way thought that you were crazy which you had already told me you felt I thought.  I thought from reading what you had sent me, that you were probably a genius.  I actually respected what you wrote me and read almost all of what you sent me, alot of it was too hard to follow however I still gave it a shot.  I'm sorry thinks didn't work out and more important for every single gesture I made that crossed the "businness and personal" boundary I appologize.  Good Luck with your book.



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 7:23 PM
To: Jordan Beegle
Subject: PASS....explain...daac...no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


There is nothing “contrite” in what you write apart from “alright” and there is nothing right about what you did.


In good conscience I must pass.


The next time you write someone, “You will not be dissapointed - I promise” [sic] think how your last words and actions could be your legacy.


I choose to be “engaged” versus those “disaffected” who having accumulated enough ill-gotten gains find comfort in giving to corrupt charities-political parties to usage their guilt while pointing to folks like yourself who not yet having built in to your “cost of sales” the “cost of getting caught” end up “kicking a gift horse in the mouth”!


Tomorrow will be another awesome day given how I will be spending at least part of it with no doubt much younger people than you who could easily end up disappointing me; but such disappointments knowing that I am doing the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing, don’t last very long.


I will, however, end up “out of pocket” as a result of you playing things “fast and loose” and while you may think it funny given my extraordinary access to “Money Power” I don’t, however, play around knowing that this “game of life” is very serious business-personal with awesome negative consequences for the losers so dumb enough not to translate their actions and words in to what impact they have on the “betterment of humankind”.


[Word count 241]


From: Jordan Beegle
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 5:42 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: EXPLAIN... DAAC....no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


Alright I will be at that storage unit at 9 a.m. who will be meeting us there, and will the rest of the addresses and information as to where we deliver everything be given to us?


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 3:39 PM PT
To: 'goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com
Cc: rest; Starving Students
Subject: TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!...netWORk...explain...daac.....no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


I have returned to our Stone Home for a few minutes to get additional supplies and noticed you hadn’t responded.


What more do you need me to do to “confirm”.


You have a truck, place to meet and the time when it is convenient for you?


You didn’t need another customer “waiting in the wings” to let me know you were unsure or did you?


You know perfectly well that I have been waiting for you for several days now, costing you unless of course you could find a way to get me pissed off enough after you had secured another customer and think you wouldn’t have to meet your obligation on making good on the storage charges that I incurred IN ORDER to give you the job BASED ONLY on YOUR WORD and one customer who also didn’t have kind things to say about your competitor, Starving Students.


Time is of the essence!


[Word count 154]


From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 1:12 PM
To: goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com
Cc: rest; Chris "Little Mind Me" Little - dIRECtor of News - KFI 640 AM - "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic]; Jerome
Subject: NETworK...explain...daac.....no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


I’m now leaving for the day, mynetwork around the world having slowed down considerably, delaying my departure to enjoy this most awesome day.


[Word count 24]



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2007 12:18 PM
To: Jordan Beegle
Cc: rest; 60m@cbsnews.com; Sternshow@howardstern.com; South China Morning Post; Arthur Carter - Publisher of the New York Observer; editors@jpost.com; editor@shanghaidaily.com; Michelle Kube - Execuitve Producer, The Bill Handle Show KFI-AM 640 "More Stimulating Talk Sh*t Radio" [sic].; zig@kfi640.com; johnandken@johnandkenshow.com; JohnStossel@abcnews.com
Subject: EXPLAIN... DAAC....no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


I responded to your prior email 2 minutes before you sent me this “semi-committed” nonsense.


You can now access that 3351 odd word email on the Internet by clicking on this hyperlink.


Gold last trading at $653.20.


Please explain both the 2 minute gap as well this “semi-committed”.


Take as much time as you need!


I am leaving in 5 minutes for a bicycle ride, only returning possibly at around sunset.


[Word count 71]


From: Jordan Beegle [mailto:goldcoastmoving@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 11:35 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: FW: DAAC....no later than 8 am tomorrow...firm...gold....


Gary it's Curtis with Gold Coast Moving if I don't recieve a confirmation from you by 5 p.m. then I am going to assume we are no longer on for the job.  I felt as if you were semi-committed to working with us, this is very frustrating considering the numerous exceptions we both made trying to get this to work.