Saturday, October 08, 2005 2:28 PM PT
Cc: rest;; roye essakow
Subject: Re: jimmy ashworth, esq....PROTEST..---...


I am trying to recreate the email i sent you earlier that may have been "trashed" the result of me trying to achieve more than one result from your simple question of  "who", "why" can they achieve you grabbing on to increasingly worthless cash.


Rather than rehash why for example Dr. John Pollard again no relation to the Israeli-American spy who were it not for Marc Rich, Roy Essakow's major benefactor being granted at the 11th hour and 59th minute of Clinton's Presidency a Presidency Pardon would likely not only be free but free to explain why his crimes were more than likely pale in comparison those committed by Marc "trading with the enemy" Rich, let me simply suggest my helping you by having you now check in with the Betty Ford Clinic which I believe is in Palm Springs, California, the last known whereabouts of Attorney at Law Jimmy Ashworth, has you now thinking more about the level of anxiety felt by those further up the pyramid anxiously awaiting my Money Creation Part V symposium following the "uniting" that took place when in the PS section in my email I believe  it was yesterday to my realtor in Minehead, Somerset, England, I asked a relatively straightforward question that talks to why you would even bother at this time going after Mr. Ashworth unless of course it is this Monday's lunch money.


Suffice to say it was not a statistically valid sampling of the world's literate population who was copied on what I sent you previously, the same group who will receive this communiqué, but it is my humble as well as seasoned opinion, that such a group represents beyond a shadow of a doubt a statistically valid sampling of the world's literate population given the level of Knowledge-Information-Light I have gathered over the years, quite expert at gauging pretty much anything that involves numbers.


Gary "A Jewish 9 is a 4 with money" Legator is not included on this list but perhaps if you email Roy Essakow directly he would direct to Gary who in turn may share with you a number of things he and I have in common besides for women who are no less than 10.


My Client-Partner-Wife, Marie Dion Gevisser, is blind copied on this email but unless say the President were to call her up and encourage her strongly to read this it is highly doubtful she will "interupt" [sic] her very daily program that when it is all said is done is to beat me to not only die the richest person in the grave but to make out like she couldn’t care less which of course adds greatly to her attractiveness.


MDG does though have a rather good grasp of numbers, particularly geometry and would prefer that instead leveraging the "algorythms" [sic] of the Internet search engines that I would instead just rest my back, stop whining and return sooner rather than later to Del Mar where she can then test out the strength of my character which as you would know is how well each one of us performs in bed.


Right this instant supposedly Jewish people like Roy Essakow who attended along with me a Jewish day school in Durban, South Africa despite not being the swiftest in the area of mental gymnastics have a pretty good sense of how and why I am tying up all the loose ends such as why there was never, not once, a single moment of silence protesting the Apartheid Government of South Africa, forget a banner




"tTOo" [sic].


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Radcliffe P. Schimmelpennick"
Subject: Re: jimmy ashworth, esq
Fri, 7 Oct 2005 15:58:35 -0700 (PDT)


if you don't mind my asking, who are the people you cc'ed and why?  do they know how to get ahold of jca? 

also, i take it you do not know how to contact him?






--- wrote:
Fri, 07 Oct 2005 12:58:35 -0500
Cc:, "FBI - Sand Diego FBI" <>,
Subject: Re: jimmy ashworth, esq


The last I heard was that his family are doing an excellent job of co-opting him despite the fact that like most smart people he would be far better off dumping them the instant he works out he is far smarter than both, his father a judge and his mother considered one of the best if not the best child custody lawyers in San Diego.


If you do reach him say hi from me and that in return for me helping make him once again an "independant thinker" [sic] as he was the minute he was born with all the answers simply trusting his elders to protect the space between his ears that contains all the answers to mention little of the monies he owes me, he might do well to assist me in handling a handful of legal matters that he could not only resolve with his eyes closed but more importantly get him out of debt and on the road to both financial freedom and "peace of mind.".


Bear in mind Jimmy Ashworth Esq. besides for having done quite the excellent job back on October 24th 2002 when he allowed by keeping his big mouth shut, my wife's X-husband and his Money Talks lawyer-liar to hang themselves with their own rope was at one time General Counsel for Insurance Company of the West owned by my pal Ernest Rady a not "al-to-get-her" [sic] insignificant "mover and shaker" in the financial services sector and like Dr. Jonathan Trouble Bubble Beare while talking like a capitalist, Ernest Rady is very much a dependant on big communist governments none bigger than our so called western democracies.


Yes, as I mentioned last evening in this broadcasted communiqué to the executor of my estate, this is quite an exciting game we have going on right now as those at the
top of the pyramid so certain they have those at the bottom of the pyramid so
"worked out" but neither group as well as all those co-opted in between quite
sure given all the Knowledge-
Information-Light I am "shedding on things" who can
in fact be trusted with the truth.


What do you know about this Nikki Finke [] ?


You would think based on the hyperlink above taking you to one of her articles that she would be supportive of my efforts to expose corruption wherever we find it other than the fact that she is very possibly part of the "smoke screen" giving the average Blow Joe a false sense of security that there is in fact "open debate" in the western world bearing in mind that everything boils down still at this time to "money" and when you have the mafia of mafia in "command and control" of our monetary system it does not take rocket science to figure out what makes so many co-opted so extraordinarily nervous beginning with Hollywood.


Have you read the Diamond Invention only available on The Internet?


BTW Ms. Finke ends this one article with the following:


[In Full disclosure: I am in a legal dispute with Disney over the news media’s right to truthfully report on the entertainment giant’s business activities.]




Ps - Don’t you just love how you can Google anyone you want the dirt on and up pops my very good name?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Radcliffe P. Schimmelpennick"
Subject: Re: jimmy ashworth, esq
Fri, 7 Oct 2005 06:16:29 -0700 (PDT)

trying to contact him to pay a debt.  googling him mentions you.  do you know him/how to contact him? 
--- wrote:
Date: Thu,
06 Oct 2005 19:58:28 -0500
Subject: Re: jimmy ashworth, esq

why do u ask?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Radcliffe P. Schimmelpennick"
Subject: jimmy ashworth, esq
Date: Thu,
6 Oct 2005 16:30:28 -0700 (PDT)

do you know this man?

Subject: jimmy ashworth, esq
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2005 16:30:28 -0700 (PDT)

do you know this man?