From: Gary Gevisser
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 4:26 PM PT
Subject: The Chinese who haven’t yet all figured out that the "Cola
Wars" have replaced the "Opium Wars" say that when you open your
window not only do you get a breath of fresh air but you also let in the flies.
Dear Ms. Kakani,
I read with great interest your recent article that appeared
on the kitco website titled, "How Bernanke Can Sink the Emerging Markets".
I just returned from a 24 day "fact finding" trip
My goal is not to be "argumentative", instead
to give you a "Heads up" why only those "sh*t talkers"
[sic] I met in Hong Kong, the "money capital of the world" are
counting on you to "talk down" the thriving
"independance" [sic] of most of the Chinese people waking up to
the fact that the British who hooked the Chinese on opium in order to
steal their tea haven’t really changed their "spots".
One cannot find many if any leopards on the island of Hong
Kong given how "uninhapitable" [sic] are the high-rises for animals
apart from rats and the such but if you were fortunate like me to have spent
time with a couple of Traders, one a South African Brit and the other his
Russian mafia partner, you would not only come away with a very different opinion
but very possibly quite angry with yourself for at a minimum not taking the
time out of your busy schedule to do the type of "due diligence" that
is needed to give westerner's a "fighting chance” even those few not
hooked on sugar nor forgetful to avoid aspartame at "all cost".
With all that said, it is possible that you have also not
heard much if anything about American 5 Star General Stilwell who is a
"National Hero" in China and once you have the answer to this rather
SIGNIFICANT oversight by our parents and educators so in the next instant might
you decide to take a fast boat to China.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Gary S. Gevisser