From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Dr.
Subject: RE: RE:
had to pull to the side of the road in the suv when coming across the words
“sad...own” my thinking up until now that u of all the people I
know would be the last to go off your rocker knowing that along with a handful
of certain finite sets like numbers which when added or multiplied result in
the same number, the same with the land, man not really equipped for the sea,
there no cure but to attack the greed at its source, stop with the inheritance
bit that castrates the kids from thinking smart not to procreate since we have
won the race for survival of the fittest?
Lets see if we can get a handful other folks to tune in, this way I
may increase the odds of not falling asleep at the wheel.
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: RE:
Those of us old enough to have been through a
number of them, know that economic cycles are quite
capable of curing real estate/development speculation.
And of course, the Kids, as always, are on their own. The smart ones will survive by passing the
debts we saddle them with to children of their own.
Original Message -----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE:
Now heading back to dm – pls try and keep me
awake at the wheel – “pays the bills” suggests that the
electorate r smart enough to compute “fair
price” when mortgaging our
kids’ future by out of control real estate development for which u may
suggest DNA has a way to deal with temporary imbalances?
-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re:
The electorate who pays the
bills feels that someone should be there to help them if some tragedy
befalls. An accidental death or two has no real effect on
population. AIDS, etc are DNA's way to deal with temporary imbalances.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: John Pollard
Give some thought to why we have ambulances racing
to “save life and limb” doubtful there have been studies done that
show the benefits greater than the risks including the all important issue of
human population explosion.