From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 10:33 PM PT
To: John K. Pollard Jr.
Cc: rest;
Subject: RAISE THE STAKES...RE: Your old benefactors has some things to
say. This message will not transmit his handsome picture.
Try to get
me the email address of this Lawrence C. Strauss and then may the good, smart
and ever so vengeful
[Word count
From: John K. Pollard Jr.
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2007 6:37 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Your old benefactors has some things
to say. This message will not transmit his handsome picture.
Legend Lashes Out
hedge-fund firm 40 years ago and quickly became an industry giant, doesn't
think much of some of the people making huge fortunes in the business today. Back when he started, he says, hedge-fund chiefs were
members of "a very limited, elite group that had mystery and excitement
and élan. Now, it's all about making money for the managers."
Steinhardt, who routinely made 20%-plus annually for his investors, adds that
a lot of his modern counterparts are far better at gathering assets -- a key
factor for their pay -- than they are at generating investment gains.
"If I made 11% in a year, I'd be committing hara-kiri. These guys make
11% in a year and they are overjoyed." He's even more critical of mutual funds, whose collective
performance he denounces as a "disgrace." Currently, there are more than 9,000 hedge funds, with some
$1.4 trillion of assets and a raft of hotshot MBAs salivating over staff
openings. In contrast, "we were not a mainstream institution," says
Steinhardt, who recalls there being just a handful of hedge-fund managers
when he set up shop in 1967. "We were viewed askance by almost
everybody. We were the gunslingers, the wise guys, the people who screwed up
markets" -- second-class citizens in the then-clubby world of investment
management. There was nothing second-class about the results generated
by Steinhardt's rapid-fire trading. Over the next 28 years, his firm earned a
compound annual return of 24.2%, net of fees. It lost money in only three
fiscal years -- 1969, 1972 and 1994, which saw a brutal downswing of nearly
34%. Steinhardt, 66, who spoke with Barron's in his
Madison Avenue office in
With managers now collecting management fees of 1% to 2% --
or even higher -- on billions of dollars, "they are extraordinarily
well-compensated," says Steinhardt. "I used to say that I should
not make a dime unless my investors made a dime, and the 1% [management fee]
was supposed to be enough just to pay expenses." However, he adds,
"This is a free market" and investors sign up "of their own
free will. So one shouldn't feel sorry for them." Oscar Schafer, a Barron's Roundtable member and
hedge-fund manager who worked for Steinhardt in the 1970s and early 1980s,
says that his old boss brought to the office "an
intensity and a desire to win every day." In fact, Steinhardt's combative personality was legendary on
Wall Street. He didn't suffer fools gladly, and he didn't hesitate to tear
apart an analyst's thesis on a stock. "He had a special feel for what
really made a stock go up and down," Schafer relates. "He reduced
me to tears several times, [but] he was as hard on himself as he was on
everyone else." Says It's important for a hedge-fund manager "to really feel
miserable" for their mistakes and to be galvanized by "the sense
that their own personal security is at risk. I felt that more than
once," he adds, implying that these factors are missing in today's more
comfortable and well-compensated hedge-fund world. Steinhardt's biggest investing regrets include not preparing
his portfolio better for the October 1987 market crash, even though he had
written to his investors earlier that year that the market looked
overextended. The big hit he took in 1994 also was a result of inaction.
"Without knowing it, our confidence had lured us into becoming too
big" in the international bond markets," Steinhardt wrote in his
book No Bull: My Life In and Out of Markets. The early days of Steinhardt's career were spent working at "He came into the office every day expecting to make
money," says John Lattanzio, who was
Steinhardt's head trader for many years. Table: Strong
Showing Steinhardt liked to make contrarian calls and to invest in
just a small number of stocks, especially those not well-covered on Wall
Street. "You're not going to bring anything to the party on IBM,"
says Lattanzio. "They will tell the same thing
to everybody. It doesn't mean it's a bad investment. But he liked to find
things that were different." And, he adds, Steinhardt "was very
good at understanding if there was an edge there." Steinhardt typically would work out his macro view, and then
build up his stock positions. There were times he instructed Lattanzio to liquidate the entire portfolio, and then
they would start over. Over time, Steinhardt added fixed-income holdings. Steinhardt still keeps his hand in investment management,
though he's now focused on exchange-traded funds. In 2004, he led a group
that backed a fledgling venture called WisdomTree,
which has rolled out a series of ETFs weighted by
fundamental factors like dividends and earnings. In contrast, many index
funds are weighted by market capitalization. Steinhardt says he "was attracted to the idea of an
investment product that would be superior in its performance and have at the
same time low cost, great liquidity and total transparency." What also
made these ETFs appealing is that they offered a
good product to average investors, which in his view have not been
well-served by mutual funds. "Mutual funds have been a disgrace, and if
they were really measured in terms of their real performance, the disgrace
would be much bigger," he says. Steinhardt has a range of interests, from horticulture to
collecting ancient art. Nowadays, he spends a lot of time on philanthropy.
The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at What's his take on today's stock market? "The bell is
beginning to ring," he says. "We're not too far from the end of the
bull market." Investors, take note. It's probably
not a good idea to bet against this guy. |