It is more than Pollard who got stuffed.
Gary S. Gevisser ( 3 Mar 2001)

Jewish leaders coveted Marc Rich at the expense of one who may have delivered
the Right Stuff.
Perhaps, it is simply a coincidence that Jonathan Pollard was locked away at
the same time FBI agent Hanssen was mastering U.S. counterintelligence on
behalf of the Soviets. If you were Mr. Hanssen or Mr. Ames of the CIA what
would you do to deflect attention? Wouldn’t it make sense to position
Jonathan Pollard as the evil incarnate, an eternal threat to U.S. strategic
interests? Not surprisingly, those charged with counterintelligence have
somehow missed every opportunity to neutralize the impact of Pollard’s
15-year-old intelligence secrets. With all the finger pointing that went on
in the mid 1980s, even a former CIA head like former President Bush, may not
have been given all the intelligence he deserved.
Coincidence or not, by our Jewish leaders supporting the pardon of Marc Rich
negating a once in a lifetime opportunity for the public to view the role
that middlemen play in corrupting the leaders of most oil- producing nations
to mention little of the terrorism these oil dollars father, the person made
of the Right Stuff remains stuffed.