From: Gary Gevisser
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 2:14 PM PT
To: Rshire
Subject: I met you this past Saterday at Mission Beach.....THINK IT, FEEL IT, DO IT. WALK YOUR TALK...THE MEEK WITH TEETH SHALL INHERIT THE EARTH....cheers....c.ash


Richard - Attached is an email I sent a professor from UCLA that I happened to meet once in the street here in Del Mar. This professor has asked me repeatedly and of course very courteously to remove him from my one email list of some 4,000 names which is not identical to my FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES list. 


"Sum" [sic] would argue that his last request was also so very polite.


I would like you to take a look at my response and then let me know if you are interested in seeing the email I sent to the former executor of my estate, Devin Standard, that "triggered" the latest call from this professor to be added to my FNFFIPP list.


Suffice to say I waste little time with non-athletic individuals which is not to suggest for a moment that athletic people are in fact able to "logically thought process" at the highest levels.


It is just that I have yet to find a way to verbally communicate with pigs who may in fact be more intelligent than all us human beings combined.


Moreover, there is a higher propensity to assume that athletes no matter how poorly conditioned they are, the result of now for more than 3 generations of Americans being extraordinarily poorly conditioned-educated may "get it" in time to avert the most horrific civil war here in the U.S. that will make the mid-19th century civil war look like a day in the water park.


Not to mention given how focused you and your friends were in training with your hacky sacks and of course having great fun at the same time, you probably didn't notice what a difficult time the folks from the National Guard who were out in force just 30 meters away were having recruiting even those feeling great pressure to join the "economic draft".


To mention little of not even homeless people were wanting to have anything to do with their free hot dogs.


To mention in passing that the greatest draw to their tables next to military humvees was my in super shape Super Fast Italian Greyhound.


It is fair to state in my humble but seasoned opinion that both sets of your grandparents and parents were not equipped to provide you with the "right conditioning" that would have enabled you to figure out on your own why IT IS that despite 3 years of college and throughout your prior schooling you know absolutely nothing about the most important and lucrative business of "money creation" yet so much of your life revolves around "muni" [sic].


Not to mention you might not know that the use of the Latin adverb "sic" is to denote an "error" of sorts within an expression that begins and ends with quotation marks.




Ps - Should you feel that you are ready to catch up even quicker to those around the world including China heavily tuned in to my missives just let me know and I will send you a communiqué to a high school teacher here in Del Mar who demonstrated a fairly high level of intestinal fortitude when he had his first year high school students choose from two poems to write a screen play and produce a story board for a movie; the one poem about a Hispanic gentleman feeling like a "second class" citizen of the U.S. even though great portions of the U.S. would still belong to Mexico were it not for our "big guns" and the other about kids whose poems written on walls were "banned" at their school.


It should "im-me-diately" [sic] take your breath away when recognizing how not a single educator in the U.S. for the past century has ever taught their students the truth about how our "Gun Boat" diplomacy aka "Regime Change" policy has been the "staple diet" of our Foreign policy leading to the "writing on the wall".


And yet pretty much every educator in the U.S. has heard if not lived through parts of the South African Apartheid Regime which robustly implemented the use of "bannings" on all its opponents who were not tortured and/or murdered.


Such poorly conditioned educators NEVER getting around to even questioning how it was possible with all the Regime Changes the U.S. brought about over the past century never was there even an attempt to change the Apartheid Government of South Africa that ruled so illegitimately and extraordinarily violently while cloaking themselves in religious puritanical fervor over the vast majority of peoples of color whose traditions of bare breasted women showed how very evolved they were compared to the Lily White Wheaty Eaters with the big guns, for "sum" [sic] 4 decades during which time the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel, the mafia of mafia, money launderers of money launderers, special interest of special interest groups, given their access to "Money Power" in the form of Diamond Currency bought off each and every government on the planet beginning with those having the strongest military.


Pps - Having lived under the DAAC South African Apartheid Regime the first 21 years of my life, shy of 1 week, it didn't take me all that long to figure out that that those with the loudest voices both in support and opposed to the Apartheid Regime were in fact "one and the same" while those "banned" who weren't allowed to be quoted in the media or to gather amongst people apart from their immediate families, i.e. essentially under house arrest, found themselves very much alone in their thoughts, inevitably so "broken" in their "logical thought processing" that even at the end of the DAAC Apartheid Government which was replaced by the DAAC ANC Government back in the early 1990s they couldn't figure out all the connecting dots beginning with how the DAAC got away with not even a "slap on the wrist" as their two heads, American Charles Engelhard and Anglo Harry Oppenheimer so very much "joined at the hip" played this "good cop, bad cop" routine with CE being a vocal supporter of the Apartheid Regime while at the same time the most vocal supporter and largest financial supporter of the Democratic Party here in the U.S. and HO being the most vocal supporter of the opposition party to the DAAC Apartheid Regime.


What goes around comes around with a vengeance.


Think how many times you have heard yourself or on TV or on radio talking about "raising money".


Then think how funny that has sounded to the DAAC for the past century as they have had the ability to engineer-manufacture-distribute their own diamond currency that is unlimited in supply, untraceable, never inventoried and priced more than a barrel of oil.

Note: forwarded message attached.