From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:44 PM PT
To: Tat
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: my son detests … my son is money driven...It is possible you....


Just got back from dinner alone at the Del Mar Plaza where I had a terrific conversation with a Japanese man visiting for the first time since graduating from UCSD with a degree in communications some 15 years ago and although most would agree that our dialogue was interesting for the life of me I couldn’t avoid noticing repeatedly this attractive young Lily White Wheaty Eating American, probably in her early twenties, jobless but with a masters, probably in English although given her drunken stupor it was hard to tell what language she was choking on while managing to make  a point while holding on to her male companion of exposing her well formed left breast, nipple and all, probably a B cup but nowhere near as perfectly shaped as Marie’s just when I turned my head to the right to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome which you probably know experts believe is actually “referred pain” coming from the neck’s scalene muscle that hasn’t been properly exercised.


Don’t forget the delete button to block out your outrage which you and I both know in your case begins with your own frustrations.


It is your words, “my son detests … my son is money driven”.


It is one thing for a child so young to be caught up in outside influences but when his own mother who again in your words is “mother-father” to her only child responds, “this may be over his head.  We'll see” as if the child is capable of making a “good judgment” when his “mother-father” cant figure it all out on her-his own has me now thinking of your words, “the pot calling the kettle black” which I last heard on board my pal Neil Gould’s double decker boat in Hong Kong two weeks ago today as I downloaded to Neil and his Russian mafia partner how very little there is to talk about once tossing in the 2 words, “diamond currency”.


For anyone let alone a 7-year-old yet to complete puberty to have formed such strong negative feelings about the current President, left to his own “resources” to figure out who other than his “mother-father” is responsible for such utter garbage being allowed to enter the precious space between his ears is really asking a little much?


Bear in mind GWB won the last election in a landside victory while telling the American public not want they wanted to hear but the way “it is” while steering away from the two words “diamond currency” for the very simple reason that George W. Bush understands perfectly well the fine line he has to walk given the so delicate psyche of Americans raised now for going on 3 generations on big government “hand outs” courtesy of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel in “command and control” of the DAAC United States Congress since well before the outbreak of WW II, many in the know would argue quite convincingly such “money power” the cause of WWI. is now functioning so check it out and remember to “Google” your name along with mine in an effort to increase the circle of those dependant upon my insight and analysis of the important events of the day.


Thanks again for listening well!


Ps – Hope to hear from your boy’s Sperm Donor.


[Word count 548]


From: Tati
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 10:02 PM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: RE: It is possible you received earlier the email contained in the hyperlink below - Let me know. Gary


Do you feel better now?  Is this what you get off on?  My e-mail in no way called for your incredibly abusive response.  I am not sure who is more unfit me as a mother or you as a human being.  Talk about utter garbage - I do believe that is the pot calling the kettle black.  I in no way presume to be either smarter or superior to you.  I will happily be my unfit self rather than walk in your body, mind or soul for even a second.  DO NOT SEND ANY MORE E-MAILS - MASS OR OTHERWISE TO MY ADDRESS.  I wish to have no part of you or your organization.  God help me if I ever feel the need to talk down to, degrade or insult anyone the way you did.   



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 8:23 AM PT
To: Tat
Subject: RE: It is possible you received earlier the email contained in the hyperlink below - Let me know. Gary


I suggest you reread at least 20 times what you wrote me and ONLY THEN read my response which follows:



Grow up!


I did a whole lot more than give you a “masters in business-finance” in less time than you should be able to take my words and get your son to wake up to why he thinks God, which Jewish people spell “G-d”, gave us two ears and one mouth so that we should listen twice as hard as we speak.


The fact that your son at such a young age thinks he has the tools to form an opinion about the President of the United States doing a thankless job talks EXCLUSIVELY to the extraordinarily poor way in which he has been conditioned from a very early age, no different I suspect to you, the Sperm Donor of your child and all those responsible for raising the two of you so poorly.


Moreover, the fact that you say his biological father has had no hand to play in his extraordinary “poor conditioning” that you are both mother and father lays not only the guilt of your son’s “abuse” squarely on your shoulders but provides me with the “foundation” for calling you either a liar or a horrific mother.


The fact that you “act” like you listen well given how of course I provided you with such convincing arguments of the truth does not mean you are incapable of putting “to-get-her” [sic] words evidencing why you are not in my humble but seasoned opinion “fit to be raising” even a well-trained dog.


Moreover, you have proven by your utter nonsense response that you think yourself smarter than me believing that I would allow you to get away with your utter garbage.


Now have your son read this and feel free to let me know if any of it is “over his head”.


[Word count 313]


From: Tat
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 8:03 AM
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: Re: It is possible you received earlier the email contained in the hyperlink below - Let me know. Gary


I got it - thank you.  Our talk was very informative yesterday.  I also read the letter - I think it's going to take some time to digest it all and go into all the links.  I have a feeling that as money driven as my son is, this may be over his head.  We'll see.  I do hope to see you and your wife again. 



From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:38 PM
To: Tat
Subject: It is possible you received earlier the email contained in the hyperlink below - Let me know. Gary