From: Ruth
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 9:46 PM
Subject: RE: Next Symposium {:}..."Trust me, this is day one"..."It is better to keep quiet and let people think u to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.{:}




I am embarrassed to say, I am not sure that I know who you are. My name is Ruthie. It is was the e-mail list (Touch) that I sent out which afforded Reuben the opportunity of mass e-mail client shopping. We spoke of his new business back at Dan's curry party, perhaps you were there? I told him I would be glad to help anyway I could, but he apparently beat me to the punch. I deleted that last e-mail the one Jason alluded to when I didn't recognize your name for fear of viruses.

This one I couldn't resist. You are a South African? (I'll forgive you.; )


I enjoyed your latest narrative to Jason, and whole heartedly agree with your politics. (the part that I gathered you were in support of the Great W.) and I would like to be on your e-list. I enjoy pissing off the growing number of liberals in this town and need more political savvy friends to vent with.

Anyway, you may want to make sure everyone is not getting dragged into your-our repartee, maybe my e-mail list caused some problem for your computer?


If you know anyone residing in Coronado tell them not to vote for Stori Vogel for City Counsel. He is so far to the left he makes John Kerry look conservative.

I think you used Scripture in your last e-mail, ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 11:43 AM
'Jason Murray'
Cc:;;;;;; Jeff; Kevin Burke;
Subject: RE: Next Symposium {:}..."Trust me, this is day one"..."It is better to keep quiet and let people think u to be a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.{:}

Mr. Murray...---...