From: Gary S. Gevisser
Friday, October 15, 2004 7:12 AM PT
Rod Smith (
Devin Standard
Subject: lousy




Never would I have believed how very true are the words “deafening silences speak volumes” to mention little of how incredibly invigorating for those “trying to make a living” letting me know in no uncertain terms how extraordinarily easy it is going to be for the CWF to negotiate terms eventually with each and every single banking institution in the world to mention little of my father’s one point while pointing out the cowardice of Jews who should know better the deafening silence of Devin Standard’s father, a man of color, representing some 72,000 New York lawyers is far more telling of how sick western society has become, then again my amazing father is rather forgetful it has actually never been about color but water, greed and jealousy – in time it is the kids who will tell their parents to go take their inheritance monies with them when meeting up with our maker and then ask whether say turpentine can cleanse their blackened hands.

