From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 12:50 AM PT
Cc: rest;
Dear Ray Ann,
Marie asked me to resend you the Del Mar Times article since her computer
is down. Click on HERE.
Not to mention how MDGevisser’s “self-assured” look may in fact actually have all their readers,
99.9999% I assume only interested in cosmetic surgery as the real estate market
is plunging which I assume will have the skirt line and G-string panty line
“joined at the hip” hip-hip hurray, reading the entire fricken “she said” text looking for MDg’s,
now small g, “secret
While retaining all her femininity-sexiness Marie Dion gevisser does not
quite have the strong look you captured
at Sand & Sea in
To mention little of MDG not looking for a secret agent job, now
selling art and doing a stellar job of “mastering
the look”
that Sebastian displays in the photo you took of him for the article
below when he was just starting work on her and Pypeetoe’s almost life-size
beautiful of beautiful portrait that now has them both immortalized, choosing
so well to have in the foreground this painting which should be eventually
housed in its own masterpiece surrounding and if not then in one of those many
buildings “owned” by Sebastian in Valencia, Spain who better understand his
unique greatness bestow upon him their most coveted spots to display his
unmatched masterpieces.
To mention in passing that it is doubtful Marie would have failed in the
phone interview to mention Sorrolla on her “path”
to Sebastian the “
To go out like Pypeetoe, his heart so extraordinarily filled with love,
saying all his goodbyes to those who mattered most in his life, in the nick of
time, we, should all be so fortunate.
Not to mention and I would prefer you don’t bring it up in class later today
that I used a photo of my wife in this hastily crafted email sent yesterday at
11:04 PM to Marcia Kramer of WCBS-TV New York that I have been told not to use
but you understand while it is a poor excuse mistakes do happen when “cutting and pasting”.
I must insist though, you do not discuss in class unless you want a riot
on your hands of your right this instant new knowledge that the price of gold
will skyrocket once our military bases all around the world are no longer
viewed as threatening to world peace.
And so here you are paying so very little attention to politics, history
and economics and you thought one thing for sure that when there is crisis
around the world investors flock to gold as a safe haven causing the price of
gold to go up.
So now you go back and read the 49 odd words two paragraphs above and
then tell me what you don’t understand about why you should wait for the end of
class to mention only to Sebastian’s dog and let me know the reaction of both
of you.
Not to forget how Sebastian, his most beautiful wife Margarita and I
cannot forget how when at Scripps Hospital in La Jolla one day Pypeetoe stole
the hearts of everyone, most of all Margarita who may mourn his passing as much
as Marie and me although we cannot forget either you or Sebastian who captured
so well his undivided loyalty to Marie.
More importantly to know versus believe you will return as Pypeetoe who
truly lived “the life of Riley”
right from the very start
to the most happy ending, spending 2 full days in the “lap of luxury” having his favorite
woman in the world all to himself without having to compete with me who he
would have followed to the end of the world and back, so long as we didn’t
leave Marie or Maggie behind, for the warm-cool spot in whatever bed we were in
not just right up against but on top of Marie better yet in between her most
awesome French-Canadian skier legs, is a dream come true.
True there can never be a replacement in this lifetime for a superhuman
soul such as our Fuzz-Face Pypeetoe
who spoke to Marie and me best when we would hug causing his uncluttered
mind to go stark raving nuts, first the out-of-control barking followed by the
cat-like-stance ready to pounce as he felt so very left out which of course
lasted not more than a second or two before he would go quiet as a mouse, take
over and consume all our unconditional love.
There is a reason as well as a purpose for everything.
We may have this “unconditional
love” all wrong and if not then certainly, “backwards”.
The unconditional love we cant get enough of from our children when they
are small and defenseless which is why a good number of parents keep
multiplying while leaving it to others such as maids-school
teachers-grandparents to raise the children who they can then all blame when
the professors-school teachers-maids-parents-grandparents all turn out rotten,
we expect to last forever.
IT IS the “unconditional love” we expect to
last not only indefinitely but when the kids figure out the hypocrisy that no
one wants to talk about, the hypocrites amongst us repeat the mantra,
“I will still love you unconditionally no matter how horribly you behave
towards me!”
Of course with our command of the “Sly
English” language, out pops,
“When they were young I just wanted to eat them up and when they grew up
I wished I had!”
Naturally, the “dik” [sic] grows up and becomes even more corrupt than
the poorly bred parent-s, always choosing to side with the one most corrupt who
it is easier to “get along with”
that then has the most co-dependant parent-s saying even more utter
brainwashing nonsense such as “No
matter what even as you kick me in the teeth I will still love you
unconditionally” even when the co-opted-corrupted kid, fast approaching
the point of no return in becoming a politician, shows beyond a shadow of a
doubt they hate their most corrupted parent-s’ guts, hurting themselves the
most when conditioned to repeat ad-nausea,
“I love you”.
And at the same time the voice in the back of their heads, that eenie
weenie beanie little conscience letting them know that all they, the
kids-parents-grandparents-teachers-professors are doing is preparing themselves,
CHOOSING to become that much more a corrupt non-caring politician who says
just what suits them at the moment, totally devoid of spirituality while of
course not able to get enough of self-realization books which when emptied of
their nothingness has the fully brainwashed gravitating to like-minded groups
searching for quiet spots to help quiet the emptiness of the space between
their ears speaking the most volume.
Do you think that if clean shaven and washing regularly Van Gouch would
have still cut off only his one ear hoping others would get the picture to try
listening first without one ear and when that didn’t improve their sensitivity
to simply waste no time in chopping off their own heads?
You shouldn’t be “sad”
because you don’t have children of your own to treat you so poorly.
You should be ecstatic that you also found through Sorrolla Sebastian who
was put here to paint the beauty of this world that is not in the least bit
dependant on there being another generation of even more “lost soul” children.
The “Children of Israel should ONLY be a light unto the nations”
and if they don’t “get it” for
God to use His-Her smarts to enlighten-empower others to combine-attract and “make light of” those “negatively
charged” making the conscious choice of creating a perfect vacuum of space
between their ears causing “nothing
short” of the light bulb effect.
Think logically how it all makes perfect sense those of us too busy
keeping track of our lies from day one causing short-circuits within our brain,
the first indicator but not the only one of one most SMART [Science, Math, Art, Religion,
Technology] Superior Being, and so quick to point the finger.
Does the name Bill “Cecil
What goes around comes around with a vengeance!
And before you know it what you hear is who cares that the Roman Catholic
Church refused to accept for some 400 years the absolute science-math that the
earth revolves around the sun versus vice versa.
This is important stuff when you cut through it all.
Then when you go back a thousand years prior and you find out that even
prior to Jesus Christ we encounter Pythagoras whose Right Angle Triangle
Theorem, “This and This equals That”,
this philosopher-mathematician who we only know as having a large birthmark on
his one thigh, was the very first to take superstition and mysticism “out of the equation”.
Now is the time to celebrate not just life which is going to get
significantly better as each and every selfish bastard young and old finds
themselves amongst one another in the stinky “same boat” but once the monetary system is no more and that day
is upon us now, in that very same instant we will be back to “sharing” beginning by bartering our
goods and services with the difference, if there is any, being artful
promissory notes signed on the back by each one of us who know to then share
the wealth beginning with the best pieces of art, geeclay style, amongst those
very few who may be “wanting”.
Bear in mind that when doing a very poor job of allocating the world’s
resources amongst their NOW so very easy to observe selfish bastard “friends”, none quite like the
Vatican, the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel have of
course been so very thoughtful to support organizations like M.A. Sanjayan’s The Nature Conservancy and why Mr.
Sanjayan and each and every one of his colleagues who got “top billing” in the BBC Planet
Earth series are now so very deafeningly silent.
They all understand perfectly well why it is that there are untold
hundreds of billions of worthless-fictitious so very blood stained DAAC United States Dollars to fund all the
wars and all the nonsense terrorists on all sides but so little to preserve the
wildlife, the rainforests and the such that all return once we stop eating cows
and consuming cocaine.
You may at first not care for me copying this sumbag Mr. Sanjayan but
when I am gone I think you will find it within yourself to forgive me for at
least trying to spell it all out in simple English knowing that the alternative
of staying quiet suggesting that “nothing good can come of it” is not only
extraordinarily stupid but the path we are on right now is headed not just to a
very bloody ending for each one of us including our children, none more
precious than the next, but one of very prolonged suffering well before each of
us takes our final breath when we wont be around to know the difference.
Let me know if I have done a good job in answering your other question, “What does all this accomplish?”
This suffering is already fully underway, the genius of God having taken
over our minds to the point that we no longer have the intestinal fortitude to
control our eating habits that prevent the once genius mind from logical
thought processing, says it all.
Just go back to the science, the math beginning with
Sweating it out in a sauna, running on a treadmill in a stinky health
spa, riding a wave powered by the forces of nature only contribute to the
extraordinary lack of sensitivity, relying on others to do the “heavy lifting”.
Then you try raising just your one arm and you feel a breath of air
passing by your face.
Then the next arm and then you don’t notice you have picked up the pace
in the same instant and without even trying any harder the forces of nature are
blowing in your face cooling you off, and in the very next instant you cant but
help notice that you are having great fun in the process of burning off fat to
the point of all you can think of is making love to the person of your dreams
24/7 and you just cannot wait for menopause to begin.
Before you know it you have forgotten what a drag it is but then you slow
down because your heart is pumping and you think it is telling you that if you
don’t slow down further you are going to have a heart attack and so you throw
caution to the wind and wrestle with G-d-Nature, swear at Him-Her, giving
Him-Her a “piece of your mind” daring to distract you with the thoughts of the
hottest bodied men pausing to jump your bones while you take a short time out.
The genius of Judaism is that it is an “action” religion versus one based on “blind faith”.
And remember the Son of God, Jesus Christ was born an orthodox Jewish
person, never converted to Christianity, lived the life of a righteous hippie
Jewish person, took on the establishment beginning with the corrupt Jewish
priesthood just as corrupt today as they ever were if not more so and died
because Pontius Pilot paid someone 300 shillings who in turn handed Judas about
a tenth to hand over Jesus who wasn’t exactly hiding and after being “crossed”
most likely ended up being buried according to Jewish orthodox custom before
then rising and wondering why so many fatso ugly bastard and mostly men of the
clergy would be making so much money out of his good work to expose their so
ungodly corruption while all the Jewish people had this Son of God hang-up as
they also went about spending the earth by multiplying like there were not
enough ugly fatsos just like them who wouldn’t bother with keeping track of all
of Jesus Christ’s offspring.
Don’t wait another moment to “test
your mettle” against the kindest, smartest and most awesome God who
does not take kindly to either wimps or bullies.
Remember I am not only half a century old but there is not single member
of the DAAC who is not extraordinarily fearful of me to the point that
they cant even lift a finger to trust a crazed drug addict or drug pusher like The
It to do me in.
So very nice, you would think, for me to hear from this Dell technician “out of nowhere”?
You might also think that I am not used to getting positive responses?
A real boost to my ego, someone not calling me the Anti-Christ?
Scott Bursey you also know may not be the only “independent thinker” in the world who has obviously been paying
attention to what he has been reading all over The Internet, for how long you
Isn’t it smart for me to at least ask Scott to create a website for
The Internet, an electronic wonderland that didn’t just come out of “thin air” or
You may yet prior to taking your last breath pay tribute to President
George W. Bush for having given you now some 18 months shy of 8 years to
perfect your craft with Sebastian while some one third of one percent [0.0003]
of us Americans while being paid a fraction of what we pay our mercenaries to
fight our wars to suppress the rest of the world’s currencies, have just been EXTRAORDINARILY
In other words some 99.9997 percent of us American civilians LIVING IN
THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY DENIAL shouldn’t ALSO stop saying President
George W. Bush is the greatest friend the State of Israel has ever known apart
from of course Afrikaner Field Marshall Jan Smuts who saved the world by saving
no more in my humble but seasoned o
And while never losing our humanity even when designing weapons of war
like the Uzzi submachine gun whose 9 millimeter bullets brutally killed the
enemy without penetrating walls and injuring the innocent particularly the
children, fear only disappointing God who conquers all who usurp their limited
Scott Bursey can do anything as connected as he is.
You may think again even more connected than me who you might have an
image of me when not around me like an ant or better yet a computer hooked up
to me like I was an ant?
Scott has got to have everything at his disposal.
Again, so nice you might think I think to see someone like him showing
interest as opposed to wanting to kill me?
You know well enough I don’t do it for the “praise”.
But deep down you most likely think I have to feel good to have someone
such as Scott in a very responsible job responding so positively?
Of course we all including the worst of us respond to positive stroking,
a technique we all understand, just like Conventional Wisdom nonsense, “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar”.
Scott is being nice to me and if you are on my side, the side of light,
you have to be feeling “wonderful” for me!
So many people are just not nice.
They sure aren’t!
And so you are really glad for me but mostly happy for Marie although you
are also very possibly thinking that journalist Marti Gacioch
sure needs to find her own mentor, a journalist one who helps her get rid of
the so many “she said” and when running out things to say to why not mention my
name but at least I got a mention, but this married since 1983 that would make
me as old looking as The IT with the unmistakable growl, give me a
But there was a lot of good in that article beginning with the title and
even the bad text, the exposure will ultimately be good.
I know of at least one awesome lady who is real happy for Marie.
Wendy who took care of Pypeetoe and his one guardian angel Maggie when we
were in Europe back in April, told me earlier today that the last thing she did
with Pypeetoe when her granddaughter asked me to let her take care of him for a
couple of days a month or so ago, “We
sang together. It was the coolest thing we ever did”.
And of course Wendy who has great voice felt the need to “Howl” over the telephone bringing
back not necessarily the fondest of memories as Marie would point out that the
reason Pypeetoe would join in on the howling was because it was hurting his so
very sensitive hearing, but no one could out-howl Pypeetoe for very long who
would win over our hearts, minds and souls every time.
The “trickle down” of
this “shared energy” is being
felt everywhere beginning with Sebastian who of course gets a big kick out of
the fact that so very few people, relatively speaking, have ever heard of him,
but that is neither here nor there, his portrait of Marie D. Gevisser and Pypeetoe
will outlive us all.
Of course I repeat often as well as frequently that MDG is a
beautiful woman, absolutely!
Wendy says, “She has a real grace about her even loading and unloading the dogs.”
“A walking talking work of art.
Mona Lisa with the pony tail”.
Wendy also says,
“Frankie Avalon must have had Marie in mind… Whether she is all ‘fixed up’ or in the
middle of a project in her ‘scruffies’ doing hard physical labor wearing her
little bandana to hold back her hair or sweat she is a ‘walking talking work of
So what is with mentioning me but without the name?
So what that this world is not all about me?
We are talking about a “nothing” Del Mar Times!
Back to why I rarely broadcast the tons of positive communications I
receive and have been receiving from when I published some 8 years ago Perfect
Storm II on my first website that had Citigroup “scared out of their wits”.
Yes, you should understand by now not only the “method to my madness” but why people much further up the socio-economic
ladder than Scott who are no smarter just richer in material wealth have got
exponentially more fearful with each forward movement of the clock.
8 years is a long time in any of our lives.
It is more than half the age of Marie’s son JoNathan, soon to be 15.
And when you read Perfect Storm II you will realize that I didn’t
just get off a boat just in 1999, age 42.
The extraordinary insight displayed in that “piece” also didn’t just come out of “thin air”.
There is nothing modest in Citigroup having a household name.
Citigroup is owned “lock, stock
and barrel” by the DAAC.
The DAAC are “scared
sh*tless” [sic] sick out of their minds.
Between 1999 and November 11th 2004 when I broke my 24
year silence with the DAAC I wasn’t exactly “asleep at the wheel” nor was I having sex with the hottest
chick in the world 24/7, I wish.
My “work product” like
Marie’s art speaks for itself.
The DAAC also understand all this but there is nothing they can do
about it apart from hoping someone will have the courage to take me out and
then they don’t know who will replace me just like they hope people like you
fear the DAAC’s replacement will be even worse even though I have convinced
you that is not possible.
A lot of the time people in general don’t show all the positives because
they argue rather well it shows “a
The same logic would apply to someone who is constantly talking about
their sex life, trying to convince no one but their partner who could care
Humanity in general just by observation can see that those who feel the
need to portray all the “positive”
around them are concerned they will inevitably lose their strength-power.
Keeping the more positive side of things shielded hides the weaknesses.
Like a pulpit speech, the audience is more likely to listen to the more
aggressive “other side”.
Otherwise “I lost them before I
got them”.
When you start out by telling people that their life will be better they
instantly draw a curtain, don’t want to hear it because they don’t believe it
can be that simple.
The poor, the downtrodden suffering horribly from alcoholism the primary
source of “Poverty of Thought”
disease that leads us all astray are TODAY far more secure, far less at
risk, far less fearful, far more looking forward to the future HAVING
NOTHING in their bank accounts, no property, no trust fund, no inheritance
to look forward than those so very few who have “it all” all now losing their
Those that have Trust Funds whether or not they currently have access to
all those ill-gotten gains, don’t think much about those Trust Funds because
they are secure in the knowledge it will always be there, they think.
Such delusional human beings are far worse off , again TODAY than
those suffering horribly from systemic alcoholism and all the related diseases
who have nothing.
Maslow got it right.
There is nothing as DANGEROUS to incite the masses at the, “bottom of a barrel” to violence than
those human beings suffering from DEFICIT NEEDS, the fear of losing what
they have especially when those at the bottom of the barrel can figure it all
out on their own in “real time”
10 minutes ahead of those losing their minds or whenever.
The DAAC’s students also find the time to study psychology 101 in
preparation for leaving college with a degree worth something but only to the DAAC, the terrorist of terrorist
financing organization whose main weapon is propaganda-advertising.
Yes, we should have plenty of pity for all those Trust Funders whether or
not they admit to thinking about their Trust Funds as they wait for their
parents and grandparents to die, worse yet, get sick, eat in to the Trust Funds
while expecting the kids to take care of them through their old age, enough to
make you surely want to vomit.
Did you read my “vomit” ENDLESS UNIVERSE article that the Del Mar
Times published in April 2004
And when you are over pitying them, about the same number as our military
doing the “heavy lifting” and being paid peanuts, give thought to those
99.9997% of Americans some of whom may have Trust Funds but about to become
The poor all over the world never consider inheriting anything other than
a few personal things of sentimental value and get on with their miserable
lives versus spoiled rotten kids spending a whole life waiting for their
parents to die and in the meantime get whatever they can out of them even if it
means them having to say, “I love you!”.
Pepito the pooch foils runaway truck October
24, 2002
After the truck lost its brakes coming down the The truck came to rest about four feet short of
the It was a miracle that no one was seriously
injured, Rosenberger says. The driver and customer were taken to a hospital
for a medical check. |
Time to sleep, first go outside, feel the wind, the awesome spirit of
Pypeetoe who imbedded instantly a good chunk of himself in Maggie who wont
leave my side, the evening before last as I went off on a bicycle ride to hell
and gone, leaving her behind to rest outside, in the past never venturing
further than the next door neighbor, she ended up hightailing it in the
opposite direction to me and through some “Act of doG” [sic] I decided to do an “about turn”, finding her
several miles from the Stone Home waiting patiently under a tree, off the
beaten path and it was already getting quiet dark, and no doubt neither the
mountain lions that are out and about nor the coyotes have also forgotten about
Pypeetoe who resides in them I know protecting me until my last breath.
The worn piece of sticky tape holding the cover to the battery
compartment of my worn out wireless keyboard just gave way.
One Power In Numbers,
[Word count 4840]