From: ron lemen

Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 12:05 AM


Subject: Re: FW: Next Symposium {:}...pitch...{:}


My name, I finally saw my name.  I have a hard time reading everything

since I am teaching most of the days, and in between I am painting.  I

am sorry I havent caught up, I am still at least 16-20 pages behind...


I have a break between semesters coming up.  When that happens, I will

actually have time to transfer the video over to DVD, and then I will

distribute copies accordingly.  Somewhere after the 25th of June, I

will be free for a few weeks. 


There was something we were talking about relating to art.  I have had

some ideas lately on things to do with art, a great deal to do with how

art is related to us on the instinctual level.  I guess this becomes

art psychology.  But dont you think that art is intuitive in all of

us?  What it is, is a heightened awareness of our instinctual

qualities: shape manifestation=fight or flight______color awareness

gives us hope to find food, gives us alert when things are poisonous,

etc...________line gives us a sense of direction, are we standing on

our head, hanging, upright, etc..._______what we once used as survival

we now use for recreation, for intellect, for psychology, etc.  The

artists have heightened their instincts to an intellectual level,

something that to most seems like magic.  It is merely education. 

Something lost in the public, at least the American public, the general

sense of appreciation for GOOD works of art.

If we can show a way to manifest our instincts, or teach most of the

general public in such a way that heightens their level of awareness on

those levels, then we can educate a generation of art appreciative

individuals.  Something that is sadly lacking in AmeriCan culture.  We

can...I know technically and historically how it happened, but, I cant

understand why the public almost overnight, went stupid to good art. 

The wool was tossed over their eyes...

Anyway, I am stumped at where art fell off and where the public became

numb to good art, only to learn to like Kincade, and the likes...I

understand why, it is the instincts on the mundane level...give them

sanctuary, and everyone wants to buy into it.  It is a little slice of

what we see as Heaven.

Now, the choices are to find that heaven, and rape it for money, or

educate the masses to more than cheap theatricks, and reveal truths,

like Sebastian's art, and I hope one day my art too and many others out

there who already do it right, and well, but are totally unknown to

anyone other than other "hardcore" artists or art buyers...more than

that, masses need to be educated how to see and appreciate good art, or

art like Sebastian's will be seen as missing something, that polish,

and pizazz of "ULTRA real"...the untrained audience is aware of this

because that is really all they know, unless they get involved in art- the slick sinister look of airbrush realism-plastic art. Only then, if

they show any interest in its history, they are exposed to everything,

and UNDERSTAND...they get themselves edumacated...Or art

sophisticated...We need that.  So, now how to do that.  That is

revealed part two, when I have a solid answer.  I only have a partial

answer, and it is mostly negative.  But, I have faith, faith that many

will listen if it is compelling enough.  I have some answers to that

too, but they are very artistic, and not very well thought in the

philisophical sense.


I feel so naked without URL links in my meandering blabber...


Anyway, I will let you know about the videos after the 25th, and until

then, we still need to do a has been many weeks now.


Take care,

