< From: Gary S

From: Gary S. Gevisser

Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:36 AM
To: rfreede@aol.com
Subject: HARMONY...check out...rover....air...ak...1421....get around...---...


I don’t notice you picking up the phone or emailing everyone on your and my Royal Mater's email list asking them,


"What's up?"


And then to proceed if they don’t give you a current telephone number or email address of my RM to have them explain their deafening silence in not protesting Starbucks kowtowing to the tyrant Kuwaiti Royal family deadly opposed, like all the “Money Power” folks to the “free enterprise system”.


How much effort have you already put in to getting hold of Bob Dylan to ask him who he thinks paid for Woodstock?


Imagine if the Peoples Republic of Communist China demanded that Starbucks open up stores in Israel while guaranteeing both the corrupt Israeli government as well as their Kuwaiti Royal family business partners security versus having U.S. forces which of course include clandestine DAAC CIA operatives, pointing guns at the heads of all the worlds tyrants beginning with the United States Congress, getting their point across without having to mouth the words,


Don’t mess with the worthless-fictitious DeBeers-Dollars!


So who apart from selfish and of course very stupid future shellfish bastards continue to shop at Starbucks and while waiting in line don’t have the courage to comment how outrageous they feel about Starbuck’s business strategies "messing with harmony".


But not feeling hypocritical when standing in line waiting for their Starbucks before watch SPIelberg’s U.S. Treasury Dept. infomercial MUNIch, while at the same time increasingly unsure who besides for G-d is watching them and reporting back to me is pretty dumb, wouldn’t you agree?


And of course for those who don’t have money to burn on steamed milk poured over inferior and blood-stained coffee beans and who sit today conscienceless with "arms folded" simply ask them how they explain to their children and students in the midst of all their busy bs lives what it means when one group of people, the mafia of mafia who don’t feel the need to carry guns to protect them can price their product that costs nothing to produce more than a barrel of oil.


As you know I have yet to complete the email below but I am quite sure I will get to it before midday, Pacific Standard Time.




[Word count 372]



-----Original Message-----
From: rfreede@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:32 PM
To: gevisser@sbcglobal.net
Subject: Re: ...CHECK OUT....ROVER....air...ak...1421....get around...---...






-----Original Message-----

From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 6:06 PM PT
To: rfreede@aol.com
Cc: rest; andrew.dowell@dowjones.com; david.enrich@dowjones.com; John Pollard - JKPJKP@alum.mit.edu; Leutenant William Kemery - San Diego Sheriffs Department Internal Affairs Unit;; Diana Henriques - journalist New York Times - Big Jury Award in Injury Case Over Keyboards - December 10, 1996; 60m@cbsnews.com; bill.dwyre@latimes.com; David "Poli" Pollak - Co-Chair of the NY "demoratic" [sic] party; Adam Tucker; Devin Standard; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department; Mossad;  President@whitehouse.gov

Subject: ...CHECK OUT....ROVER....air...ak...1421....get around...---...