From: Gary Gevisser
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:41 PM PT
To: Rand LeShay
Cc: rest;;; Mr. Gonzales - Attorney General of the United States Justice Department
Subject: Re: Pypeetoe


Rand - I am scanning through emails pouring in very quickly looking not so much for what is said, rather I am looking at names I recognize which I can then associate with what they do for a living and if then their words "strike a cord" I still give very serious consideration before responding.


Not to mention while every animal and plant that does not talk one of the 42 languages broadcast by the BBC is more "special" than human beings, Pypeetoe was-is one extraordinary "beautiful loving animal and we miss his love but it is energy and it is out there and maybe it will do some good".


First let me inform you that the 24 words, "beautiful... good" were those used by my French-Canadian wife a little earlier when talking on the phone to a stranger who kindly placed a blanket over "special force" Pypeetoe, Marie then going on to describe what took place, "Pypeetoe went from one dog that he loved very much", then all I heard in between the sobbing was "nothing to stop ....trying to get back,...he was was quick thank God and he didnt suffer, and to me that would have been worse... I couldnt bear staying there...thank you so much."


You and I dont "see eye to eye" on a number of things but given how for whatever reason you are a gold trader and even if it is only because this is an area where you think you can make the most "profit", I am willing to be more "accomodating."


You initial reaction to what I wrote in the above paragraph could have you feeling that I am being "arragant" especially since all you are doing is wanting to wish me "condolences" on my loss-gain.


As you think about it a little more and combine it with the relatively "hard time" I gave Augusto Benito Vargis earlier today and I assume you got your copy, I would hope given your "closeness" to the "warmth" of gold appreciate why I am not only devoting my limited energy to you but willing to "cast aside" someone so very poor as Augusto and who I know for a fact contributes significantly more than you to the "overall good".


Augusto though, is in a position to do even more good AS WELL AS extraordinary harm to my goal of giving peace a better chance.


Remember you and I are on the side of Nazi victors of World War I and II and of course we were just as much on the side of the victors of the Anglo Boer-Farmer War 1899-1902 as well as the American led 8 Allied invasion of China in 1900.


Consequently, it stands to reason that we have lost most if not all our sensitivity, certainly far more than the losers of all these DAAC Nazi Wars.


Again, everything I say I can back up with irrefutable "smoking gun proof" and remember proof is a function of evidence, the better the evidence the better the proof.


All you have to do in  conducting your own "due diligence" is follow the money trail and it begins as well as ends with those in the mining business.


Whoever steals the land, grabs the water, owns the bank.


It is not very complicated for someone like Augusto to understand all this a whole lot better than any westerner I know and that includes most members of my immediate family, but I could be wrong about this "count" since they are not talking given again my extraordinary convincing arguments.


You may still be asking, "Why should I care?" especially since someone as dirt poor as Augusto who is in fact better educated and more worldly than you acts so very "lethargic" leading you to possibly believe that you could "kick back" even more while genuinely wishing me well in this most devastating bereavement that instantly propelled me to a level of conscious reasoning that now has the world's attention focused on Augusto.


Bear in mind that Augusto is not the "world" and nor is he the only person I am so very carefully choosing to communicate with at this time.


You are Jewish.


Jewish people throughout the world whether or not religious are increasingly coming under the most extraordinary bright spotlight given how very knowledgable I am not only of Judaism but how the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel corrupted each and every one of our Jewish leadership including each and every rabbi who while calling on the building of Holocast Memorials like there was no tomorrow, pleading with the mostly gentile world to at a minimum acknowledge their sins for the brutal murder of some 6 million of our Jewish brothers and sisters, not once has a single Jewish person with a voice, apart from me, even made mention of the DAAC being the greatest beneficiaries of the South AFrican Apartheid Regime, not to mention the DAAC's pivotal role in the financing of Nazi Germany.


Go ahead and poll every Jewish person you know and just ask them the questions you know exactly what to ask while nodding your head as they come up with nonsense excuses like, "Well I didnt know exactly,,, never heard of The Diamond Invention,,, well it is only a few sects of Hasidic-ultra orthodox Jewish people opposed to the State of Israel,,, so what if they are all mostly involved in the diamond invention, I have members of my own family who work in the diamond business,,, DeBeers are they not South African and therefore we cant expect them to comply with our strict anti-trust laws which is why the rest of the world give us Americans such a hard time because we are the only ones trying to spread freedom and democracy,,, not important that as part of our Regime Change policy we didnt change the Apartheid Regime because us Americans are only 300 million, some 4.2% of the world population and with our limited natural resources we cannot be expected to be the world's policeman 24/7 unless of course we get paid handsomely to turn one blind eye after the next until inevitably we are all blind and by that time please God not only will God be dead but so will each one of us but in the meantime lets see if this Gevisser charachter has anything else worthwhile to say that we havent heard a zillion times before."


I must now run as Dr. John K. Pollard is expected any minute at our cliff house and hopefully he will arrive at the same time as my beloved wife picking her almost 15 year old son JoNathan from the water park in Chula Vista.


Not to mention my last memories of Marie Dion Gevisser and Pypeetoe together were just a few days ago as the two of them lay in bed with his head on her chest and each time she tried to get up he would place considerable pressure to the point that my very athletic wife couldnt move, eventually bouncing her way off the bed.


To mention little of their so extraordinary special "deal" they had going as soon as it was light outside, MDG would say, "Ok Pypeetoe" and in a fraction of second he would high vault it to millimeters from her face so as not to cause any injury and then in the next instant he would collapse on her pillow and the two of them would make the most extraordinary love.


Rand, give some thought to our "chance meeting" and what you can do just to better yourself and possibly save the world.


Begin by looking at how the DAAC Nazis suggest that "illegal immigrants" whose lands we stole are bankrupting our out of control industrial military complex while using the cost of out of control healthcare as the "label" bearing in mind the Pharmecuatical industry's goal is to keep everyone alive forever, and that is not good economics.


You would know you need turnover in the other economy but also in the life cycles. Obviously they are not going to keep everyone alive forever.


John just arrived and you will recall his 1/8th Mohawk indian blood gives him added advantage in mental-sensitive-telepathy.


Ps - Did you recieve anything from a "Miguel-the unwilling witness" wanting to derail me? Would you know of a way to identify this individual?


From: Rand LeShay []
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 9:43 AM
To: 'Gary S. Gevisser'
Subject: Pypeetoe


Please accept my condolences on his passing.  I'm sure you gave him a great life.

