Title: "When the dialogue becomes tTOo monologues it is...



the beginning of the end" [sic] - Marie Dion.



My client-partner-wife Marie Dion also says,


"The world would be far better off if women were on permanent PMS then they wouldn't but up with any of the bullshit!"


I am seeking input from Oprah's audience to encourage Oprah to put on another show dealing with the AIDS crisis in South Africa, the country of my birth.


Back on June 1st I put together a draft of a show titled, "Economic solution for the problems of combating AIDS beginning with the tip of Africa" this 3,402 communiqué can be read by clicking on below:




More than a handful of folks tuned in to my missives, my email list of some 2000 odd individuals-groups representing a statistically valid sampling of the world's literate population, feeling that if I got Tom Cruise as well as my rather good looking Italian Greyhound both of them agreeing to appear on the show then it would be a "slam dunk" in beginning the process to healing the world of all it's ills, no doubt both Tom Cruise as well as Oprah would get on rather well with my “out of this world” partner-wife.


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Gary S. Gevisser


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