From: Gary S. Gevisser
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 11:30 AM PT
Neil Gould
Cc: rest; KRugman - New York Times
Subject: RE: Let our minds open


My comments in red as well as in the hyperlinks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Gould []
Monday, August 29, 2005 10:19 PM
Subject: Let our minds open



So akin to our thinking. What is possible and what is not.  Who is sane and who is not. Who is right and who is not.

You have picked up on the De Beers issue but the human template will reject it because unless the readers are of  the HUNTER tribe, it will be like pushing a triangular rod through a square hole

Always remember that the GATHERERS tribe do not like to be pulled out from their comfort zone

Read below.. I am sure you will smile afterwards


Let's go on to another kind of evidence, one that is piling up into a rather convincing accumulation. That's the evidence relating to the impossibility of reported UFO behavior under limitations imposed on us by a number of well-tested physical principles. The scientific consensus on these limitations has become more solid over time, making the notion that our planet is being visited by ET spacecraft less and less convincing. (We're assuming here that our hypothetical ET's are conceptualized as physical beings traveling in physical machines from place to place in the here-and-now universe that we see around us. Concepts of "light beings", "interdimensional portals", or "higher vibratory planes" we relegate to the realm of the pseudomystical.)

Crudely stated, the limitations that concern us are:

  1. No object travels faster than the maximum speed of light (the Einstein speed limit).
  2. No object can be made to move without forcing some other object to move in the opposite direction (Newton's 3rd law of motion). i.e. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost, certainly when referring to the rather unique atmosphere of spaceship Mother Earth hurtling through Deep Space at an accelerating rate at least from our perspective – Newton’s principle of mass always being a “constant” turned “upside down” by S-GR - E=mc²  while no more “balanced” than Pythagoras’ Right Angle Triangle theorem is a whole lot more important in understanding the ingenious workings of the cosmos which is why Einstein, again an extraordinarily humble man, referred to his own “findings” in explaining the workings of the cosmos as the “Mind of G-D” - “2 c mE” in “reverse”, my simply incorporating “sum” [sic] Quantum Gravity-Physics-Mechanics which Einstein “dismissed” because of its lack of absolute precision, “spelling out” the “connectivity” of the cosmos made up mostly of Deep Space with our unique atmosphere of planet ME where we get to “enjoy” a number of things including “sound” as in “Hear O Israel…” not “See…” or “Feel…” or “Smell…”, those writing those profound words attributed to G-D “coincidentally” choosing the one sense not exactly “common place” in the rest of the universe, everything “twisting”, however, on the letter m that “floats” along with E, Energy, both m and E held in place by the constant c, the speed of light “fixed” only in Deep Space - everything “falling apart” as in everything becomes “mathematical” when time “stands still” at the awesome speed of light, yet the most important and balanced equation known to man explaining the “The Mind of G-D” given again its awesome precision that has stood direct experiment after direct experiment, has the cosmos “in balance” not at sum awesome speed of 300 million meters per second but at 90 billion meters per second, some 1.3 billion times the top speed of my Ducati ST4S – please check my math.
  3. No object can move through the atmosphere at bullet-like speeds without creating a sonic boom (a direct consequence of the Doppler effect).
  4. Gravity pulls; it can't be made to push.
  5. Complex living beings don't survive instantaneous accelerations from a standing start to thousands of miles per hour, nor do they survive instantaneous sharp turns at those speeds (direct consequences of inertia).

Referring to limitation #1, there can be little doubt that if ET's are visiting our planet, they would have to do so in vessels traveling faster than light not true; sub-light "generation ships" would in all likelihood be totally impractical (more on that idea below). But the Einstein speed limit says this can't be done, so we have to ask: How well-settled is the idea that nothing travels faster than light? Very well indeed, actually, and getting better established all the time. Back in 1947 when the UFO issue first came to prominence, relativity and Dr. Einstein's speed limit were only about 50 years old, and only a handful of experiments had been performed to test their validity. Since then, we've educated several new generations of physicists, many of whom have worked at "pushing the envelope" of relativity. Experiments and theoretical studies have proliferated over this time, but unfortunately no exception has been found to this fundamental limiting principle of physics. In fact, there's not even a realistic hint pointing to the possibility of an exception.

A counter to this argument is the claim that maybe we don't know all the physics there is to know. Of course we don't. But we do know a lot, and for almost a century now the evidence has been accumulating that the Einstein speed limit is both intractable and permanent. Special-General Relativity i.e. 2 c mE in “reverse” is “principally” related to what takes place in “Deep Space” where we have the Red Shift Effect, the “mirror image” of the Doppler Effect, the first to “tell us” that we are not only moving away from other “heavenly objects” at an accelerating rate while from another perspective “contracting” at an accelerating rate, the infinity sign spelling this all out rather well, but that there are-were questions about the speed of light not being fixed at the awesome maximum speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. Anyone who holds that the limit might be bypassed by some "new physics" at some time in the future, or that ET's may already have developed that physics, has a very heavy and rapidly growing burden of proof to bear; solid and convincing evidence, not speculation, is required to support that burden.

Moving on to the other limitations, it should be noted that these all apply to the standard kinds of behaviors reported for UFOs in the atmosphere. These behaviors include:

  1. Instantaneous or near-instantaneous accelerations and decelerations between a dead stop and hypersonic speeds,
  2. Instantaneous turns at those hypersonic speeds,
  3. Absence of the expected sonic booms from these maneuvers, and
  4. Absence of the expected visible indicators of a super-powerful propulsion system at work (smoke, noise, exhaust blast, etc.).

If we assume that some kind of "mothership" brought these craft here across the gulfs of space, and that this mothership complies with the Einstein speed limit (requiring decades or centuries to make the journey), this assumption avoids limitation #1. Unfortunately it won't avoid the other four. To do that, we need such "Star Trek" notions as impulse drive, inertial damping, or anti-gravity. And these are contradicted by ideas that are, if anything, even better-established than the Einstein speed limit, as they are rooted in nearly 400 years of classical physics.



I have yet to read the hyperlink you sent me in the prior email and will do so shortly after broadcasting an APB for Tefo Mohapi but I doubt very much as “open minded” as I am that anyone is going to be able to provide me with better scientific “proof”, the better the evidence the better the proof, than what I have been painstakingly pointing out about Einstein’s “Mind of G-D” equation containing 3 letters and one numeral, the exact same letters and same numeral while  maintaining the order of things, but in “reverse”, spelling out in addition to the “Mind of G-D” the “Hand of G-D”, something Einstein was searching for in his quest for coming up with a


Unified theory

For the inner workings

Of the universe.


So far all I have found is folks taking pieces of the “truth” to suite their agenda of their being something “mysterious” out there when in fact as long as one can logically thought process, have a basic grasp of Science and Mathematics and can be patient enough in this “dog eat god aspartame” [sic] world to put together the flowchart and timeline I suggested a few weeks back, concluding in the next instant that the past and the future all come together in the present and from that point to join me in implementing the solutions I-We have “pulled to-get-her” [sic] to solve all the problems of the world.


Then again I am neither naïve nor am I G-D but I am quite certain there is still sufficient time for enough people to recognize that “going after ghosts” is not the best use of their time but to use the information-knowledge-light I-We are providing “sum” [sic] of us having been “gifted” a number of things by the higher authority I am quite comfortable in both discussing as well as debating any single human being on this planet so long as they have a morsel of a neuron firing in the space between their ears and if I don’t succeed in getting the “gatherers’ to wake up and smell the coffee I am quite certain on the next go around our Almighty SMART G-D will not hold back in both rewarding me-we as well as exacting the most extraordinary vengeance on those who usurp their limited authority.


And of course I am smiling from ear to ear given how not only was our light dinner last night with Dr. John K. Pollard out of this world, but I had my amazing wife sleep next to me at our rented Cliff House, Marie Dion Gevisser, again so incredibly impressive in court yesterday, her so well color coordinated black and grey outfit making her look like one most extraordinary Chief Executive Officer which combined with her precise command of language you would have thought she was already the CEO of the world to mention little of MDG having this great habit of not only waking up after a good night’s rest with as fresh a breath as the freshest ocean swept air that blows constantly in through all the windows of our relatively large bachelor house but looking even better than the day before.


Time is slowing down, the clocks will inevitably stop ticking, Wall Street’s bell will soon never ring again and people like Dr. John Ben Stewart, Jeffrey Malatskey, Greg Beckham our one property manager, Newell Starks, David Gevisser, Nicholas Oppenheimer, Stephen Cohen, Dr. Jonathan Beare, Professor Joe Grundfest, Professor Arthur Geoffrion, Sam Haim, Vicky Sticky Schiff, Mark Weinstein, Dan Weinstein, Joe Campos, Ron Bellows Senior, Ronald O. Perelman, Gunter “The Pig” and Bernard Lazarus,  each and every one these individuals “dead or alive”, many of the dead still “ruling from the grave”, ALL providing momworker63s, widows, widowers, orphans, pensioners and the “brainne dead”, the list does not go on ad-infinitum, with at best, a “false sense of security”, WILL get their comeuppance and that you can take to the bank.


Those having behaved poorly towards their “neighbor” and now “dead” very likely, in my humble but seasoned opinion, reborn the next instant as at least one cancerous cell in another animal’s throat or colon.


So much easier in this Digital Age, a G-D-Send, to know well ahead of time before producing offspring like the rest of the animal kingdom everything we need to know about our partner and their shortcomings and when “waking up” to having made a “bad” choice to “cut bait” the next instant while never not for an instant turning a “blind eye to evil”.


Number the essence of all things, good or evil.


[Word count 1976]