Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: rest;
Subject: FW: Material Confidential
Information...---...P6...Draw blood
Gary S. Gevisser
A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser [mailto:
To: Tony Leon MP - Leader of the
Cc: Mark Trump-Turkey Weinstein;
Subject: FW: Material Confidential
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: rest;
Subject: FW: Material Confidential
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: FW: Material Confidential
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary S. Gevisser
Cc: rest;;
Subject: Material Confidential
Picking up from
where I left off last with u as well as my most recent communiqué to Bill O’Reilly of the
Fox Network and K. Rugman of the New York Times, resorting to violence makes
perfect sense when one lacks a value system which leads back once again not to
the year dot since the problems we face today of human population explosion r
far different to when Adam and Eve dwelled in the Garden of Eden another
obvious difference is the number of wide screen plasma TVs telling us we can
have everything we want including quick aspartame-brain-numbing- short term
memory loss which combined with cheap sex now has even put an end to the clergy
daring to point a finger as long as we engage in such culling within the
confines of our living rooms while still managing to bash our youngsters’
heads with utter garbage like,
forget to cross your Is and
Ts and when u see a pair of tits just think of how
mommy once looked.”
The fundamental weakness since the discovery of
antibiotics and cures for diseases that has us today “head and shoulders”
above any other animal species can be traced back to the desperate act of FDR to get us out of our depression, our overreaction to the
destitution following the move from the farmland to Wall Street, placing our
trust in government workers who failed to tell the truth and the whole truth
about the lag effects that takes place when mortgaging the next generations
future, real estate inflationary bidding wars part and parcel of a world gone
utterly mad has us today on the verge of collapse well illustrated in why
“sumone” [sic] like Dr. John
Ben Stewart, more
commonly known as The Sperm Donor,
a not exactly poor pathologist owning 4 motor vehicles, a boat, a
canoe, 2 motorcycles, a collection of animal bones, remembers to hold hands
when seeking salvation from Jesus Christ our Orthodox Jewish brother all this
and a whole lot more taking place within the space of a million dollar plus big
house in a “sumwhat” [sic] poorer section of Del Mar a “hop jump and a scotch” [sic]
tho, from Interstate 5, thought, given his track record of always being able to
get his own way when raised as a still born, no strike that, a single child,
that he could get away with committing just another foul act leading back to
how much the entire world has become one big stage of whiners and losers coming
up with excuse after excuse putting out the most pitiful of statements,
AIG’s new chief yesterday, “taking the cake”
with his outrageous ending comment picked up by the New York Times,
take these matters seriously and want to bring them to resolution'', enuf
to make u want to vomit were it not for the Digital Age, a G-D-Send allowing
increasingly less wiggle room, wouldn’t u agree?