Zena Gevisser like her father and his mother Nechie Badash are the best of the best which does not make them perfect, although Zena may not have been in full control of her “reflexes” when writing the all important words, “From the earliest days of 1949…


But you have to look at the “pattern of behavior” much like when examining the egregious misconduct of The Sperm Donor to know that there is in fact “method to THEIR madness”.


One can “sit back” and take the position that there is nothing that can be done and so what if this is all simply a repeat of the rise of Nazi Germany or you can take “my lead”, not be afraid, do the right thing and the smart thing which is also the right thing and at least try to join me in, “giving peace a better chance”.


I will following a run with the dogs and a short motorcycle ride come back to both editing and adding hyperlinks to the 57048 characters with space email I sent out last evening to The New Yorker which by now should be in the hands of investigative journalist Seymour M. Hersh, before then heading back to Del Mar to enjoy a relaxing afternoon with MDG and while enjoying the sunset to give thanks to all those doing their best to make at least my life so meaningful.






[Word count 4654]