From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 12:24 PM PT
Cc: rest;
Catherine Blundell - RisdonHosegood;
Subject: DIScover
Dear Mr.
Sunderland Esq.,
I have just
discovered that when I “shifted” my one email address file
over to a new file I had created to protect from “hackers” not trying to get at
it, most likely just my head, since that file is up on The Internet I failed to
delete your email addresses from that new file.
BTW even if
they were to succeed in crashing my computer that would only “delay matters”
which really would have zero impact on the ultimate impact of my writings, if
anything it would contribute further to increasing the circle of those
dependant upon my insight and
should be little chance of this recurring beyond today as tomorrow I plan to
move over to a whole new “way of doing business-personal”.
several emails I have not heard from Dave Clark since he emailed me back on
January 2nd to let me know that the 28 dinners he served on New
Years Day were 28 more dinners than the year before which was no better than at
anytime in the past.
I know you
folks have had possibly more than your fair share of bad weather but it hasn’t
stopped at least your email service provider.
There is
every reason to believe that my one United States email service provider might
get “weak kneed” and kowtow to a good number of very poorly bred human beings
who have been getting more than their fair share of the graft and if that were
to happen it shouldn’t give my email service provider or anyone else hoping to
benefit from such a foolish action a moment of comfort.
Since I
don’t have access right now to Dave’s telephone number please would you have
someone visit with him to see that, first everything is okay and to also find
out where things stand on us getting paid last month’s percentage of sales and
why not let me know at the same time whatever happened with the insurance that
he was looking into.
I might be
coming over in a few days.
Gary S.
[Word count