Subject: Who doesn’t want to hear kids laughing.

Date: Tuesday, December 21st, 20048 AM PT


Dear Greg,


The reason for the delay is that I have had to dig deep while not letting my other priorities suffer in an effort to get to a win-win.


Finding a solution to a problem where one party has so dug in their heels requires intellectual honesty of the highest order helped immensely by each of us following very closely the chronology of events that had u first approaching me after Ms. Kathy Clark the tenant in the illegal extension below the main structure of this one of a kind house, anything but a regular one bedroom home and certainly NOT as Ms. Clark protests, “a duplex” essentially “put a gun to your head”, agree?


And then for reasons I have yet to fully understand u saw fit to turn her insidious actions on me?


Since this is not a “duplex” it should not be rented as a duplex, period.


In the end the numbers do not lie, everything has to add up, agree?


I have in fact traveled quite a road in getting to the point that I can write to the Attorney General of New York State putting him on PUBLIC notice that for him to enter in a settlement agreement with the $280 billion criminal megalopoly of AIG-Marsh & McLennan-ACE Ltd at this time prior to my putting on a one a kind seminar explaining how incredibly rigged the system is, the very public international attention I am now getting all part and parcel of having a rather stellar track record of ferreting out the truth.


One is taught from the youngest of age that the honey approach is the way to go in making friends and influencing people but I have found this really only works on kids who when hooked on sugar eventually become “diks” [sic] and “phatsos” [sic] to boot, agree?


The problems of the world have nothing to do with race, color, sex, or religion simply poor parental religious teachings the result of greed instilled in our youth raised to be politicians to accept the status quo, agree?


Nothing quite like having “blind faith” that prevents the youth who r all our futures from feeling uncomfortable in questioning their elders, such poor breeding being passed on from one generation to the next, there no such thing as a generation gap only a credibility gap which brings me back to 2 points, one never turn a blind eye to a single evil act and second to use superior and overwhelming force in dealing with those who have allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning which means in a nutshell to embarrass the crap out of such despicable human beings who have been schooled so poorly under the Bell Shaped Curve that has only the “most average” rising to the top, building in from the start into their “cost of goods” the “cost of getting caught”, nothing quite like the English language ripped out of the Latin one of the spiritual languages by politicians-lawyers-liars to keep the masses confused forsaking the tenets of the bible that the Children of Israel should be a light unto the nations, the literal translation of the Hebrew word, “Israel” is “Wrestle with G-D”, so important to feel comfortable in questioning G-D which flies in the face of “blind faith” that resulted in rulers taking on this “Divine Authority” and that for anyone to question them would be considered heresy.


Hearsay, as in “He said She said” is slowly but surely being eliminated from the English vocabulary thanks to the advent of the Digital Age where there is increasingly a digitized record of everything that we say or do, actions not necessarily speaking louder than words especially when one considers that sticks and bones break bones but it is words that kill, the harm done to the incredible space between each of our ears beginning the instant one begins lying and/or allows someone without a value system to enter this non-vacuum of space that allows each of us to imagine a far better world, imagination, according Albert Einstein more important than knowledge, agree?


Your suggesting that I should increase my rent by some $350 month such a subsidy of Ms. Clark’s rent would only reinforce her incredibly poor behavior given how she came running to you like a bat out of hell while putting on for me and Marie quite the smiley face facade, the teeth gritting eventually taking its toll, all because of a little bit of noise as my move in was still very much in progress, her bullshit enough to make me vomit.


Our shuffling about pale in comparison to the racket she was making on Thursday, December 2nd [see my email titled “Quiet Enjoyment”, Friday, December 03, 2004 3:17 PM PT] that only got vulgarly worse on Saturday, December 4th around 2 AM PT [see my email titled, “’sum’ [sic] neighbor Saturday, December 04, 2004 2:30 AM PT] subsequent to her having found apparently comfort in your reaction that I had “broken” my lease.


So important to puts things in perspective emails doing wonders since one can choose to respond or not to respond as well as respond with non-responses, agree?


I have in fact checked with the City of Del Mar as well as with very “skilled and experienced” lawyers-liars who rely on my “risk assessment” services who have confirmed the strength of my position, not only am I in full compliance with our lease agreement but my actions of only moving in until December 2nd following your return from Bali when my lease called for me to move in November 15th adding weight to my being exceedingly forthright wanting to square everything away with u in terms of all the things Marie and I would be doing to improve the place as we started to uncover more of the hidden rot, until such time as one has enjoyed breakfast with flying termites u may not be able to appreciate as much as me what is meant by when you let people treat u like an ant u become an ant, to mention little at this time of what could have contributed to Mr. Sam “Rip off artist” Haim leaving in such a hurry, agree?


Could it have been the annual coming out parade of the termites or possible his new “rich chick” wife not willing to put up with the bullshit of a tenant in an illegal extension of the house who has quite a way of throwing her weight around perhaps even tossing out an innuendo or “tTOo” [sic] about Mr. Sammy “Rip off Artist” Haim attracting over the years all those bar flies across at the Del Mar Plaza, enough u think to have his new Vietnamese wife with the cash following the payout of a death insurance policy on her prior Occidental husband now calling the shots telling Mr. Sam “Rip off artist” Haim who saw nothing wrong in stiffing u for some $800 having to give up his boudoir, to be happy, happy, happy now settling down in Carlsbad in a spot away from the maddening crowd, Ms. Clark thinking perhaps one of her better healed real estate friends would then move in and the “tTOo of them” [sic] would continue the “cycle of violence” begun some 12 years back when Mr. Sammy “Rip off Artist” Haim had quite the “set up”, agree?


Not to forget that I was the only person who paid you rent on that one of a kind extension for some 4 years spending, however, very limited time no different to what we intend doing now living in the top spot.


You have only now increased Ms. Clark’s rent to $900 a month, some $100 more a month than when she moved into what I now understand is an illegal extension, the same amount u planned to charge me had I stayed on despite the Knutsons having invested tens of thousands of dollars in improvements mostly it seems for Ms. Clark’s benefit nothing other than a new carpet in the upstairs section that was like the bathroom area simply filthy, agree?


I will let Marie should u choose to get into the knitty gritty explain exactly what she found on the wall around the toilet, again I have learned a thing or “tTOo” [sic] about being around someone as meticulous without being pedantic as Marie assisting me greatly with my tidiness, my taking well to suggestions when coming from the right quarters, now always sitting when taking a pee while also recognizing that our shalong has it seems its own mind, so important to still lift the seat and examine for droppings, point being this lifting of the seat may have been one of the most ingenious inventions of woman.


The logic of so much money being spent on improvements in the illegal extension without charging accordingly is missing, to put it mildly, agree?


The instant one chooses to turn a blind eye to someone putting a gun to one’s head so one’s head starts to short-circuit and before u know it u lose your own mind going around in circles, G-D-NAture having got rid of our tails for a reason, remember this is one incredibly SMART G-D who I assume also recognizes a mind is a terrible thing to lose eventually those with more of a perfect vacuum forming in the space between their ears having much in common with a light bulb to be turned on and off at the flick of a switch, agree?


So critically important to empower our kids never to become co-dependants to be used and abused, even the good kids find themselves mesmerized by a bully, agree?


Again when u let people treat u like an ant u become an ant.


So very important to follow closely the actions of someone wanting to leverage not paying their “fare share” knowing that what they occupy is illegal and what else Ms. Clark thinks she has hidden up her sleeve is something I for one certainly don’t fear and nor I believe should u, but in the end u can count on me to ferret out all of the bullshit, consider this and my previous communiqué as well as my 3 emails to Ms. Clark as part of the “pre-discovery” to be displayed at the appropriate time at one of my one of a kind websites, perhaps and/or


Again, u would have to have walked in my shoes to know that there is nothing to be gained by having the slightest fear when one knows one has truth on ones side, “sumthing” [sic] that folks like the United States top cop, Mr. Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General of New York State knows I have in abundance, my rather stellar “work product” I am not only proud of but one I know versus believe the Knutsons would find both interesting and rewarding, agree?


A wonderful feeling to know that one is “in bed” with hard working people whose focus having achieved their success is now to give back to a society in great need of love, i.e. trust and respect.


I do find it strange that why a good chunk of those budgeted monies to fix up the place prior to Ms. Clark moving in a year ago were not set aside to hire an honest lawyer-liar to get everything straight with the City of Del Mar, agree?


Then again I have no idea of what’s involved, again my only now being informed of the extent of the “municipal code violations”, remember all I knew when I moved in to the same spot some 5 years ago was that u were simply replacing one garage door with a front door and window while u had some yoyo rebuild a fukukta wooden tabletop in the dining-kitchen area that cost some $4,000, no doubt this handyman was distracted perhaps mesmerized by some of the conversations pertaining to my “work product” possibly while doing the difficult task of measuring things was looking to fill a gap in his savings account by trading on “sum” [sic] of the information he was overhearing, agree?


It surely not taking rocket science to figure things out as long as one is still able to logically thought process, something that has got lost in our quest to gobble up the earth at any cost leaving increasingly more of a mess for the next generation to clean up, agree?


Never does it pay to sweep anything under the rug, at least not in the long term, agree?


Then again most people in this “dog eat god Aspartame” [sic] world think this world is all about them, increasing losing their curiosity the result of the space between their ears becoming a perfect vacuum much like Deep Space where one cannot hear any sound, agree?


G-D gave us 2 ears and one mouth so that we should listen twice as hard as we speak, much easier to type at blinding speed then to be in a conversation with someone who while looking patient is really not listening simply waiting for you to finish talking, agree?


The monies to getting things squared away with the City of Del Mar could have come from a number of areas perhaps even the insulation between the upstairs and her garage area, from now on I wont even bother with calling it The Cave, agree?


Quite useless even if the insulation job was done perfectly when one considers how incredibly loud Ms. Kathy Clark is as she moves all about the place at all times of the day and night wanting to make her presence felt and our lives a misery going in and out like much like a Motel 6, but knowing full well from having read my missives I am not someone to take any bullshit to then go right for the jugular which is why she came running to you crying foul, agree?


And of course from now on I will keep track of all her visitors as well as take down the license plates of her less frequent guests should u concur.


Again so important to remember that I told u well before moving in that I would be willing to pay any additional costs for utilities over and above the average usage, Marie reinforcing this when she and u last spoke willing to provide you with the utility bills from her previous one dwelling,,, not to forget this one of a kind spot is by G-d a home to be taken care of by caring people unless of course one is looking to run something more in tune with a prostitution ring attracting what is commonly referred to as “White Trash”, agree?


And yes a lot can be gleamed by looking at peoples’ trash and I assume u have taken note over the past year the trash put out by Ms. Clark and why no one has bothered to get recycling bins at this one of a kind residence begs more questions which all lead back to who exactly do the Knutsons want to be “in bed with”, agree?


It is Ms. Clark who out of pure unadulterated greed, clearly she and/or her guests can afford to eat out at places like Il Fornaio, wanting to make the most of the illegal extension which again she keeps referring to this entire structure as a “duplex”.


No doubt Mr. Sam “Rip Off Artist” Haim may not be an innocent in all this the fact that he would give u no notice of his quick exit, stiffed u out of $800 despite paying over the years well below market rent must surely have crossed your mind, agree?


The lack of accommodating behavior fits in rather well with Ms. Clark’s run of the entire property for clearly longer than either of us possibly knew, u only know what u know and I can really only talk for myself which is why the chronology of events helped in no small measure by the digital age is so important in keeping things in perspective, but what we both know is that the first time u and I visited the top spot there was Ms. Clark using the oven to bake her berry pie acting so neighborly, so friendly but for “sum” [sic] reason trying to convince me that Sammy “Rip Off artist” Haim had moved on content to be his “rich chick’s” houseboy, u think?


The fact that Ms. Kathy Clark would feel comfortable in coming to u to whine [ again see my email Friday, December 03, 2004 3:17 PM PT] without saying a word to either Marie or me is very telling, making in my opinion quite the calculated move given her “read” of the situation that I was not like the previous tenant, Mr. Sammy “Rip Off Artist” Haim who could be counted to “play games” all adds further weight to my contention why none of us can afford to turn a blind eye to evil not for a moment, agree?


Ms. Clark obviously feeling that if she could prevail with u then the next person to occupy the top spot would in all probability based on her read of me be more accommodating to her being the top rooster no matter how much more they paid for the privilege of subsidizing her rent while being content to lap up her bullshit, agree?


It is simply preposterous that I “sumhow” [sic] knew the original conversion from garage to studio with a full on bathroom, kitchen, dining room and sleeping area, carpeted living area that had me at times entertaining people like Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk a very “skilled and experienced” SCAL [Shareholder Class Action Litigator] was an illegal extension and Ms. Clark now telling the world as she did when we were having our garage sale again and again that this is a “duplex” dwelling would make me a party to something that besides for being illegal has tons of both civil and possibly criminal liability associated with it, agree?


Again, we all know so very little about Ms. Clark other than she pays rent and was introduced to u by Ms. Sammy “Rip Off” Haim who while a fast and loose man about town knows a thing or “tTOo” [sic] about the insurance game, just this past Saturday Betty the neighbor next door mentioning to Marie how Sam’s big buddy Mr. “Foster parent” Mark would make a point of giving her dog cookies and when the “burglar” entered his house “so personally upset with Mark that he went about cutting ties and furniture moving about as if he owned the place” without Betty’s dog once barking, all quite strange given how her dog barks at anything in the least bit strange, agree?


Then again Betty made a point of letting Marie know that she also needed to take into consideration that besides for Mark having all these locks on the front house of this double lot property he contributed monies to get the fence that divides the “tTOo” [sic] properties fixed, agree?


Amazing how supposedly G-D fearing people living next to the church can justify their indifference, a product in part of this “blind faith” business, monkey see monkey do, to hell with the science of evolution that supports an incredibly SMART G-D who would surely question the practices of rich churches such as the one here on Parish Lane taking care of the poor and downtrodden, agree?





Built tTOo




Wouldn’t u be interested if u were making contributions to this church’s coffers to see how much is going on administration, repair and maintenance of their incredible facilities that seem to mostly entertain old women who might be better off congregating in their own homes drinking great wine without being in any way shape or form influenced to gift their properties to support not always compassionate but surely well paid staff, agree?


It all comes down to the truth and proof, the better the evidence the better the proof and there is a lot of evidence that points to how the owners of this property, the Knutsons, r a whole lot better off having a family such as ours with a very clear public track record of “family values” living in this one of a kind spot, the church that shares Parish Lane not having an exclusive on children playing and laughing, and I assume u have noticed the jungle gym right opposite our address 357 Parish, not to forget I was born in March 1957.


So to say there have never been any children on Parish Lane suggested to me there was a whole lot more going on than you simply wanting to get another $400 odd of rent out of me each month and besides who doesn’t want to hear kids laughing?


No doubt one could possibly argue the rent I am paying is today below market but then the previous tenant, Mr. Sammy “Rip off Artist” Haim who after 12 years saw fit, worth repeating, to stiff u out of $800 had been paying so much over the years below market that the thousands of dollars we have already thrown in to make the space livable has in no small way made already quite the dent in the deferred maintenance, agree?


And yes no doubt when you see what we have done just like what happened in the previous house Marie rented you would be able to attract a higher paying clientele but never quite certain they have the right values, Marie and I laying out in black and white our value system on The Internet, something rather rare in this part of the world.


I am now taking a break and will continue this later today.

