From: Gary S. Gevisser
Thursday, March 17, 2005 5:24 PM PT
Enid Enga Pigors - Office of the Chairman & CEO of Coca Cola
Cc: rest;; Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel [DAAC];;;
Subject: Colors


Dear Enid – While “sum” [sic] of my partners would advise the “honey approach” certainly “less said the better”, none of them have been in my shoes, few if any have heard the shuffling of servants speaking volumes during not exactly whispered dinner conversations I was a witness to from the youngest of age.


U have now been in receipt of my stiletto-like, no nonsense proposal for almost 48 hours although many, notice I didn’t use the word “sum” [sic], would argue going on 72 hours ever since we spoke Tuesday morning.


I hate to repeat myself as much as I don’t like to hear myself talk but when I feel it necessary I will do both as well as use the word “I” incessantly when I get wind of anyone particularly a brand name like Coca Cola so smart to move into the water business but having made their mark and their fortune on the backs of the impoverished masses selling sugared water, my now hearing the words, “Beware of still water”, 2 Marine helicopter gun ships passing by, to the point that I-WE want to vomit when seeing your Coca Cola emblem on the uniforms of law enforcement, it not taking a rocket scientist to figure out u have bought our treasury lock stock and barrel to mention little of just one lonely surfer here at 11th street in Del Mar possibly like me thinking of that terrific blood and guts Vietnam war movie?


It is one thing for u to be sitting in the seats of power there in Atlanta, Georgia quite the hotbed of civil rights movements during the not so civil Civil War but to be now sitting on your hands while giving me the finger is enuf to blow me away worse yet think of New Hampshire State Representative Jane Pollard Kelley engaging in oral sex with Jimmy Hoffa Jr when considering how incredibly underwater remain the hardworking poor and downtrodden while increasingly getting the picture although not yet on wide screen plasma TVs?


But then again they have u all to thank for many things, balance everywhere, as they continue to suck the hind tit increasing fearless as they c in “black and white” not only can I be at times funny but dead right about the highly inflated share prices of branded names like Coca Cola, well aware of the name of the game that should a collapse of the financial markets take place those so well branded on the backs of the enslaved will have no where to hide?


Not a single person in my business of “risk assessment” would dare to argue that the fundamentals of our economy r worse than they were in 1907 which were a whole lot worse than in 1929, those at the bottom of the pyramid it would seem to “sum” [sic] as being left with no choice but to resort to violence which feeds the rapacious appetite of a good number of my DAAC family at the top of the pyramid so out of touch with not only what we all have in common but the common good thinking ourselves so smart to have managed for ourselves such cushy jobs again all at the expense of those at the bottom of the pyramid?


Please forgive me as I am concurrently working on attracting one of the most beautiful literary agents in the world to advance $10 million for “our” forthcoming book Manager Minute One which u can access in due course by clicking on this “suck” hyperlink.


FOOLS NAMES, FOOLS FACES IN PUBLIC PLACES with each tick of the almighty powerful clock places increased pressure on public corporations sitting upon crumbling Price/Earnings ratios increasingly demonstrating your dependency on the truth not getting out, in the end the numbers do not lie, everything has to add up, an awesome number is 1, agree?


It is not only women in the “developed” no strike that, in the “over developed” countries never quite getting either their fair share or say in how this world could be so easily far better off without the “most average” men rising to the top of the Bell Shaped Curve, it is women in the 3rd world waking up to the deafening silences coming from those at the top of the pyramid who in the past have smiled from ear to ear as bought and paid for military leaders went about executing the DAAC’s “scorched earth” policies.


Once again it was women who once sat amongst enlightened men such as Pythagoras now asserting their rights and privileges, SMARTening up in real time keeping their legs crossed while telling the church to try reinventing itself or simply put a “4 Sale” [sic] sign on their crumbling walls given their bs interpretations of the “Word of G-D” bearing in mind few would argue with Einstein about the “Mind and G-D” and my ability despite English not exactly my strength to use the same precision expression to help explain the “Hand of G-d”?


Don’t wait to see busloads of protesters or folks tying up your switchboards with phone calls from all over the world such tactics simply playing into the play books of not only my DAAC family but again those such as Coca Cola beginning to show their true red and white colors with your deafening silences.


Once tho, Wall Street picks up on missives such as this most importantly that the birth rate around the world is beginning to drop at an alarming rate u wont have much to think about as u see not only your pension going down the tubes but your ability to feed yourself will, in my humble opinion, be severely restricted as u implode big time, agree?


U will not find a single individual worth their salt working for any organization on the entire planet who will be able to poke a single hole in our Clean Water Fund project, at least not a single human being willing to engage me in open debate and why I strongly recommended that u don’t waste time and blow away once in a lifetime opportunities by getting morons in the mergers and acquisitions department to jerk u around with a bunch of gobbledygook, agree?


The only concern which I will now help u and Mr. Isdell with is the question of “group decision” that is at the heart of our CWF project, agree?


In other words, how can u, Coca Cola, leverage such a business venture that on its surface looks totally bizarre?


And so I come back to those policemen and policewoman patrolling the streets of Machu Picchu village at the base of the Machu Picchu ruins with those sparkling uniforms and the red and white Coca Cola emblem right over the left breast pocket.


Who not only knew what and when did they know it? but equally important which Chairman and which Chief Executive Officer of Coca Cola negotiated such an ingenious arrangement and don’t give me any bull about some local Coca Cola bottling company so fortunate to have negotiated the rights to hook the masses on your water substitute not being willing at this time to open their books to yours truly going back to the year dot if necessary?


Remember I-We have all the time in the world to play this game, it is only my DAAC [DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel] family and those benefiting the most from their evil acts who have everything and I mean everything here and hereafter to lose and of course feel free to let me know if u or Chairman-CEO Isdell wish to debate me on the subject, “G-D does NOT exist.”






Ps – I assume u noticed that AIG lost another $6 billion in market value today bringing the sum total since I started putting the screws back on February 11th on Eliot Spitzer Esq and Co to approximately $36 billion?


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