From: Gary S. Gevisser c/o Marie Dion Gevisser’s email account
Wednesday, July 6, 2005 4:28 PM PT
Cc: rest;
Devin Standard
Subject: FW: Flirting with Danger




Below are the changes to the second paragraph that my wife felt would “spice things up” without ruffling feathers:


Paragraph 2 which begins, “Nothing wrong…” to be replaced with:


While erecting the path nothing wrong with landing a hand to a young female distracted by this false sense of security.


Please consider the “timeliness” of this piece bearing in mind further thoughts:


First, as plaintiff attorneys across the country if not the world would surely remember my organization played a SIGNIFICANT role back in the spring of 1997 in getting a landmark multi-million dollar repetitive-stress-injury jury award overturned, the injuries which someone could “suffer” from “our” negligence would in my opinion very possibly break both the City of Del Mar as well as its third party insurance carrier-s underwriting the city’s liability insurance policy-ies, such an important decision by Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein coming just 2 years prior Bill Lerach Esq’s “astonishing” disclosures about the systemic fraud at the highest levels of Corporate American.


And of course you know that The Fish Rots From The Head Down as well as “pain” is subjective much the same is “everything is relative”?


Second, while “sum” [sic] might see such negligence as the responsibility of the lifeguards to enforce those with zero schooling in this “dog eat god aspartame” [sic] world understand rather well the ultimate responsibility lies with the City Council members surely FULLY aware of the grave risks they have CHOSEN to ignore, WHEREASskilled and experienced” litigators such as Mr. Jeffrey R. Krinsk of Finkelstein & Krinsk would flush out in the flash of an eyelid, in all likelihood without having to engage my unique and universal “risk assessment” services which as you would expect don’t come cheap, that unless we are dealing with “brainne dead” [sic] council members then one comes to expect given all the lying that goes on in this world, the obfuscation best administered by us “sly English”, that the TRUE CHOICE, given how loathe we are to call people names like “moron” or “incompetent”, was one of simply weighing the BENEFITS of GETTING CAUGHT, kick backs blah blah from lawyer-liars versus the “business as usualCOSTS of the rich trickling down the costs of them getting rich on to the increasingly not so poor and downtrodden masses who thanks to people such as myself realize how much they are in fact in the pound seats right this very minute given how little trust a sufficient number of us have not only in our elected officials but those unelected like Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan.


Third, I got the sense just by your body language and of course to repeat what I may have said yesterday, I am not a psychic but something told me that since you had not read the email I sent to you via my wife’s email account at 1:51 PM PT there was something else bothering you about me, the possibility that your one columnist Mr. Michael Winndy Winn may have further “poisoned the well”?


Of course I could be wrong about a number of things and while it is not uncommon for people such as Winndy Winn to approach me to bankroll them I am really not someone all that flush with cash these days, less than a million dollars in all my bank accounts combined but again please don’t feel the need to take out a collection box during your lunch and join Winndy Winn on the corner of 15th Street and Highway 101 just a “hop jump and a scotch” [sic] from your impressive offices given how not only is my total debt less than what it costs me to support my dog Pypeetoe over a 12 month period, probably not that many people all over the world who have the credit card companies owing them the several thousands of dollars I keep in credit balances in the event of a rainy there is always my “rich chick” wife who might take pity on at least my poor, poor, poor dog Pypeetoe to mention little of how much I would prefer if people like Winndy Winn were to start “hitting on” my wife given not only the fact that she is SIGNIFICANTLY cash richer than me, not to forget how employable she is at least relative to me; moreover, based on what Dr. John K. Pollard keeps insisting whenever we get together is that Marie Dion Gevisser is in fact even if she were to divorce me the instant she reads this communiqué she would be in “command and control” of a majority of my assets, most importantly my intellectual property which while I value at zero on my balance sheet I consider it worth more than the entire “liquidated value” of all the public corporations traded on each and every stock exchange in the world, bearing in mind that not only could she divorce me and lay claim to being the richest person in the world but the “saving grace” is that she would probably fire me allowing me to fully retire, kick back and wait for the inevitable “gridlock” to occur in the financial markets, a whole lot worse than a precipitous decline in the share value of public corporations, agree?


While I own a chunk of gold mostly for symbolic reasons I am rather concerned about this irreproducible precious metal, evenly dispersed throughout the world rising to “realistic levels” that would not be in the best interests of the hard working peoples of the world unless of course our great President, the most honorable George W. Bush were to be in a position where he would be able “to stare down” my very DAAC [DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel] family, helped no doubt by me sticking around just a little longer, less said is more, other than to point out that diamonds under the “command and control” of the DAAC remain lightweight, untraceable, never once inventoried, reproducible by machines since the mid 1950s, a currency unlimited in supply, the DAAC the mafia of mafia.




Ps – Please don’t forget your commitment to let me know ASAP whether my “Flirting with danger” piece will be aired this week.


Ps IIDevin Standard is the executor of my estate.


[Word count 1042]



-----Original Message-----
From: Marie Dion []
Wednesday, July 06, 2005 1:51 PM
Del Mar Times - Editor (
Subject: Flirting with Danger


Mr. Editor:


I am using my wife’s email account as my own account is busy broadcasting a slew of other communiqués.


Below is a “letter to the editor” that may require editing - please let me know – I think you would agree it accomplishes a number of things which I don’t think all need to be spelled out to mention little of columnist Michael Winn’s account of why you thought very carefully before forcing him to remove my name from what would have been a very “colorful” article.


BTW I have photos of one Del Mar resident digging away at the cliff. Let me know if you would like to see them, his “work product” though pretty well displayed for any of us on the ball.



Flirting with Danger


It’s easy to look at anything superficially especially those who dig out steps along the cliffs of Del Mar having the best of intentions?


Nothing wrong also with catching the eye of a young female stressing while sweating like a pig doing one’s civil duty?


The road to hell is NOT necessarily paved with bad intentions but when one considers that in the end this world is all about money then surely we should be looking at the fact that while we ticket people who walk their unleashed dogs on what is essentially railroad property very much falling apart, WHAT IF someone slips breaks their neck, left a quadriplegic while the digger of all our graves appears to do the right thing helping out a carefully orchestrated scene not necessarily all geared to attract a damsel in distress?


Okay lets not worry about lawsuits and the Del Mar City council somehow finding the money to settle multiple class action lawsuits WHAT ABOUT the damage to the cliff if more people under the guise of civil duty were to create their own paths not just the less than a handful that currently exist inviting more erosion to some of the better surfing spots.


Why is it asking so much of those perhaps not in the best of shape to walk the path at 15th Street without the majority paying a hefty price for so few bent out of shape?


Careful should we all be of those who flirt with danger?


Risk Assessment” is my business


Gary S. Gevisser


[Word count 260]