From: Denise Bell
To: GG
Subject: Your mission statement
Hey Mr. Gevissor,
Its Denise again. I was just reading your mission statement on and I realized that it is very similar to my recent thoughts after speaking with others while abroad and also since I have been reading, Thieves Among Us, by Jim Hightower (a book given to me by my father, of course). Anyway, all these new impressions inspired me to search for or create a sort-of political group on my college campus. The purpose initially would be informing other students and sharing information and next would be taking action.
I thought the first step for my generation to make any kind
of difference in the world would be to re-create a democracy in
This was one of the first things I noticed being abroad. My program, DIS had around 300 students from top Universities all over America, as well as students from Russia, Prague, Hong Kong and of course Denmark. The Danes were often interested in talking to the Americans about politics. The funniest thing was that when asked, no American wanted to admit to voting for Bush...they would say that the actions of the American government had nothing to do with them... it was not their fault.
I recently spoke with an opinionated, yet knowledgable, German History Professor while visiting
Prague. He was of the opinion that if Americans want their
voices heard, they have the means to do so... Americans just dont care enough to make their voices heard. In the
year 2000, the people of
In my lifetime, I have not seen the government listen to the
demands of the people in such a way in ). I have
seen overcrowding of jails - teens being locked away for many years for
possession of weed or piracy of music, while fraudulant
CEOs, who cost the nation millions in tax dollars are still able to break sound
barriers as they cruze in their gas-guzzling private
jets to their mansions in the mountains. (just a tad bit exaggerated, but
you get my point)
The first step (what I have concluded so far)
Campaign finance reform would have to occur simultaneously with breaking down the 2 party system. Dont ask me exactly how this would occur... like I said I still have a lot to learn, but it seems to me that much of the problem lies in the influence of corporations as well as the fact that during elections, Americans seem to feel they are left with a decision of "the better of two evils," and that Democrat or Republican, it doesnt make a difference really becuase in the end they only act as their corporate sponsors tell them to. Is there a way to have an election in which a third party candidate actually has a chance at being elected? Is there a way for a man to lead the country without being influenced by the demands of corporations? Would this destroy our position as a superpower?
Well, anyway.. those are just some of my thoughts. If you have the time, let me know what you think. I get tired of people who complain and complain about the way things are in America, yet are apathetic to take action. Once I learn a little more, I would like to take some kind of action. I only have one more year left of school and thought now is the time to do something if I am going to do anything at all. Even if it is only a small campus organization, like you said, you have to start from the bottom up. One small stone can send a ripple through an entire pond.
Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you when you have some time.
Best Regards,