From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Chris katko
Cc: rest;
Subject: RE: hey gary...LOGICAL THOUGHT PROCESSING...---...
haven’t forgotten that I owe you a response from a prior email where you took
issue with me pointing out either your wife’s hypocrisy
but let me know if what I broadcasted earlier to
they agree with me but in addition to forwarding at least this most recent
email to AT, bearing in mind it has a
ways to go, to everyone on their email list versus bothering me with sending me
their email list which could get lost “in the shuffle”.
realize of course there is every reason to believe that your friends are simply
putting you to the test understanding perfectly well that my missives not only
make perfect sense but talk to the important issues of the day versus the bs
your wife m
other words until such time as we don’t allow ourselves to drift off on to all
the nonsense that stems from the humans populating like rabbits particularly in
the 3rd world which is of course is fine with us in the 1st
world so long as they continue to die like flies from all sorts of diseases
that begin with us in the 1st world making certain they don’t get
clean drinking water allowing them to quench their thirst and then grow healthy
food allowing them to begin logically thought processing about how exactly Wall
Street works, then and only then will we here in the 1st world begin
to logically thought process.
I suggest you go ahead and share this with everyone you know and I assume you
have checked out and then let them show you their courage by having
them voice their dissatisfaction if any directly with me?
count 342]
-----Original Message-----
To: Gary S. Gevisser
Subject: hey
as i told you when we met, i am
always up for a good conspiracy theory, whether i agree with it or not.however,
when i sent out april's story you seemed to have hijacked my mailing list and
added it to yours. maybe by mistake. don't know. don't care. just that i've
been getting some emails lateley from people asking me,
"what the hell is this guy
sending me a dozen crazy rambling emails about debeers for?"
so, if you could be a nice
conspiratologist, please cease and decist. you can always send them to me. no
problem.i am rather warped, however, and most people don't share my sense of
humor or political intrigue.