From: Gary S. Gevisser
To: Bryan &
Danna Taylor
I am now giving u my opinion on the artwork sent by the printer, bear in mind that not only did I run a fair sized marketing publishing company with an in-house design team made up of quite an incredible team, mostly women, just one male I also invested with the 2 top woman and the male who not that long after I left the company decided to go out on their own. The problem with many is the “NIH” syndrome as in Not Invented Here, why the need to deviate from Marie’s original design is often what stems from folks feeling the only way to “add value” is to make changes without regard to the “end product”.
Most importantly is the fact that this can all be changed in time, and what he-she came back with is really pretty good. I am not certain tho that is any better than what Marie came up with, the point being to never get moved “off balance” by educated “diks” [sic] while going with the flow.