From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 1:45 PM PT
Cc: rest;
Subject: ... C. Sue Mckinney...YOU HAVE 60 SECONDS IN WHICH TO RESPOND...---...GOLD
LAST TRADING AT $568.20...---...
Are you
the same gentleman heading up this investigation of Ms McKinney as the court
appointed trustee of Epilady USA Inc?
way, forward me the email addresses of all individuals-groups involved in such
an expansive “WOMANHUNT” so that we don’t have the problem of “bottlenecks” occurring
on your end due to the eagerness of people like Teamster adulator Jane Kelley to get all fired up about to mention little of the
negligible amounts of money sufficient to stir
up the overwhelming majority of individuals-groups on my one of a kind email
list that represents a statistically valid sampling of the world’s literate
population to feel not only indignant but sufficiently so to distract them at
least for a moment or so from other far more important shenanigans going on
that court appointed trustees fully appreciate which could have Ms. McKinney
apprehended in the very next instant which may not be exactly your desire
whoever you happen to be?
Bear in
mind that I wasn’t born just yesterday nor did I get off a ship just yesterday
from Durban, South Africa where I was born and raised amongst the smartest
financial engineers the world has every known, privy to conversations that made
me in more instances than you may care to know the “person of choice” when it
came to both designing and orchestrating more than your average “Joe Blow”
corporation workouts-restructurings to mention in passing that the Purcell of
Epilady USA Inc. fame did the most terrific job of watching over the fleecing
of Epilady’s creditors by m
I am
giving you exactly 60 seconds to respond before broadcasting this communiqué
over The Internet.
Gary S.
A Name From Here, You Can Trust Over There
[Word count 320]
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:00 AM
To: Gsg
Subject: Fwd: C. Sue Mckinney
If you could forward this poster to your network, it might
help bring this swindler to justice. She deviously swindled some of my friends
I am in the