From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:14 AM PT
To: Adam Tucker
Cc: rest; Tefo; merletucker;
Subject: Yes, looks do count...---...


It doesn’t look like I am going to make it up to LA today but that shouldn’t prevent you from digging real deep that would require you turning off all electronic gadgets including your computer, unplugging even the landline telephone and then placing earplugs in your ears before going under the covers and then when in the fetus position think how little you have evolved since the moment your father’s sperm penetrated your mother’s egg other than the fact that you consume a whole lot more and take up a whole lot more space.


There is absolutely no evidence that you would make a better parent than your parents, in fact I believe you would make a far worse parent given how at least your parents had the excuse they did not know how the “money creation” business worked, that their parents while telling them that they were Jewish, i.e. independent thinkers, acted like heathens never encouraging them to question why no one other than yours truly would dare to suggest following the money trail that leads to mostly us Jewish people financing not only our own holocaust, just look at which group are predominate in the DAAC trade, worse yet it is anything but Jewish thinking people who predominantly support the United States Democratic Communist Boss-Anti-Semitic Party who following the orders of their DAAC pimps went about committing in Vietnam an atrocity some 5 times worse than our Jewish Holocaust a generation before that we have the audacity to whine about as we go about building one museum after the next in an effort to make certain not a single one of us anything but Jewish independent thinking people dare raise independent thinkers let alone the obvious point of who in their right mind would have financed the “little corporal” who looked as Jewish as it gets.


Yes, looks do count.


What other than the greed of the rich Jewish people prevented them from coming together saying something along the lines:


“Ok, maybe this Hitler character isn’t one of ours but he sure doesn’t look all that Aryan looking with his blue eyes, blond hair, tall and chiseled physique and my G-d how well he performed in the Olympics against Jesse Owen?


So who exactly other than G-D are we fooling by allowing this thug and his Brown Shirts to see the light of day?”


Shame on you for even thinking that you would be better than your parents who I dare say should also do the right thing and the smart thing and give to our social cause until it hurts leaving you with nothing but a dime to call up Hamas and ask why they don’t place a link on each and every one of their websites to THE DIAMOND INVENTION and when you do email, not me but your parents and only once they have come to terms with the fact that were it not for the fact that I am on the “side of light” I would have following your outrageous response “pulled the plug” leaving you, your wife, your parents in the dust, tell me how much you love me.


Bowling is something I am extraordinarily poor at for reasons I have not yet completely figured out but if I had as much time as you do to get lost in all your bs then I bet I could not only figure it out but improve my performance that wouldn’t embarrass my so very athletic wife who of course I don’t know why but for the fact that she loves me, i.e. respects and “trust” [sic] me would put up with me for a moment when she could pretty much get any man or woman of her choosing to mention little of there few if any women who would get on the back on my Ducati ST4S knowing perfectly well that even if I were an ace motorcycle rider just one false move even by a rabbit just thinking about contributing toward reducing the number of pulses beating, such a hesitation when crossing our path would in that same instant take away all her beautiful looks to mention in passing how MDG would look decapitated, no different to me than most of the people I know who don’t live life right this instant to the fullest knowing that the path we are going down has disaster written all over it.


Not to forget the fact that you and your family all see fit to break bread with that Roman relation of yours who must just derive great satisfaction each time he swallows knowing that having told you, i.e. made you co-conspirators to how he got a $2 million competitive edge in cash that didn’t exactly grow on trees unless of course you are evolved and intellectually honest enough to know your ostrich behavior is mortgaging your future adopted kid and the rest of the next generation’s future through out of control real estate development, your Roman Catholic relation is nowhere near as hypocritical as any of you.


So go back and see why it is that I feel so strongly that you are not fit to raise anything but perhaps a stuffed animal.


If you think I am harsh, got back and read about the lives not of Tefo’s parents having to beg and risk their lives to be taught in English, the language of us, their slave masters, made up of mostly communists bosses here in the U.S. but Tefo who cannot even bring himself to comment on your arrogance and over the top self-absorption, while like any politician able to toss out words that make sense but only to those mostly “brainne dead” [sic] to mention little of the fact that you represent the very best of the best Lilly White Wheaty Eaters I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know.


Ps – Hang tight as I prepare following my long hike starting around midday to unleash the thoughts going through my mind about this LWWE realtor who would dare to think I would have anything to do with anyone who makes it their business to sell-promote real estate speculation so oblivious to the reality that the land was stolen from significantly more enlightened human beings who are within moments in the history of time from getting their vengeance.


[Word count 1058]