From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2006 10:10 AM PT
To: Willis Bros Surfing
Cc: rest; Tefo; Jim Kerr - Del Mar Times Editor;


I think it is time I did in fact spell out for at least the 10th time what I want.


The truth is all I seek and for it to be taught to the next generation.


In other words instead of talking about bs like “Always Be Cool” which means nothing if you don’t have a pot to pee in WHY NOT have your kids learn from someone like myself that understands how the real world of business works starting out with the business of surf clothing?


Over the years I have read enough of your articles to want to vomit as they are catered toward deadening the brains of elitist children the one’s as I have mentioned time and again who are the most likely to upset the status quo which of course would upset most if not all the people who currently pay you to see to it that you serve as a role model for their wacked out kids hooked on the simple pleasures like drugs, surfing and mechanical sex all of which require very limited social interaction.


And if you disagree with what I am saying why not arrange a gathering of all your rich kids’ parents and/or all your rich benefactors who I maintain are counting on you and Windy Winn to help lead their kids astray unless of course they are as stupid as they are evil in which case I think you will agree I will still be able to flush them out in a matter of “tTOotTOos” [sic]?


Ever thought when occasionally you should find yourselves logically thought processing why a nothing freebie weekly newspaper like the Del Mar Times has people like you and Winndy Winn out there writing your columns so deathly afraid of making waves?


Time for you boys to grow up and understand what is happening in the “real world” where people like Tefo are a little fed up and tired of the same old bs but who NOW understand that NOT ONLY do they have the power they know exactly how to use it.


In other words, our “back and forth” propel independent thinkers who have all the answers to begin with to simply ask themselves the right questions.