From: Gary S. Gevisser
Saturday, July 17, 2004 3:59 PM
To: The right number of people

Cc:; Mark Culp - FBI
Subject: Next Symposium {:}...truth...{:}


Dear Guys and Gals – Some, but not all of u were blind copied on this missive which I sent out earlier to Yasmine Martin, the general manager of Peru Rail.


I have not heard back from Ms. Martin nor do I expect to, at least not within the next 24 hours as I go about posting on websites such as this my “credibility”.


There r not many people I know who have been fortunate to blessed with 2 incredible parents who most of all guided me to be proud of my own accomplishments bearing in mind both my mother and father while still in their teens had at least from my perspective accomplished the “impossible”, my mother a “household name” and my father while serving as wingman to what many believe to be the best fighter-bomber pilot of the Second World War bombed the crap out of the Nazi bastards.


One does not need to take “my word” on anything I say since given the Digital Age everything can “verified” at least more than at any time in the history of our species.


It all comes down to the “truth” which in English we often attribute to “proof”, the better the evidence the better the proof.


I am well aware of the fact that no one can force anyone to do something they don’t think is in their best interests even when the “evidence” is overwhelming how much “good” will result for the simple reason that no one likes to be told what to do and perhaps more importantly it would be arrogant for anyone to assume they know what is in the best interests of the next person which is why I simply make it a point of suggesting things and then getting the hell out of the way, 180 degrees different to the intellectual elite who “govern” organizations such as the Democratic Communist Party here in the United States of America.


I have begun to “plant seeds” around the globe preparing folks to at least seriously consider our “water project” which while uplifting to every single human being I have “run it by” is clearly unnerving to those hell bent on milking their gravy train from now until eternity even the so-called “spiritual” amongst us rather greedy especially when it comes to the race of dying the richest person in the grave, agree?


Now despite having thrown my “hat in the ring” not every single literate human being on this planet may take me seriously at this time which is why I can understand to “sum” [sic] degree why they would remain deafeningly silent, but I doubt they will remain so for much longer given again my ability to broadcast my “credibility”, such skills and knowledge the result of paying very careful attention from a very young age, my mother often commenting how I never spoke a word until I was 3, only those acquainted with me in very recent times would suggest since then, “This obnoxious blithering idiot never stopped.”


And as u all know with “credibility” comes “access” something I have discussed to some degree but perhaps not as eloquently as if my extraordinary mother was editing my missives, then again not all that many of u r that familiar with Zena Gevisser to mention just in passing why someone like Robert F. Kennedy would have my mother “chauffeuring” him around South Africa when he visited in 1966




Why someone very possibly a whole lot more powerful, certainly Aristotle Onassis didn’t need my mother’s fortunes to  buy and sell the disgusting Kennedy clan given what he cash he rounded off on a daily basis, the likes of Onassis certainly not a saint but someone even the mafia would trust in business, agree?


And when it comes to trust u will have to just take my word on it for the time being I am one Gevisser whose word is my bond.


More important than anything else at this time is for u all to know I am very serious about not interfering with the process of each one of u in your neck of the woods doing the right thing to ensure the bulletproof, watertight plan to solve all of the water problems of the world will work as long as we each help another along, which is not to suggest that we all need to get along at this time since I think it would be fair to say that while each of us may have a very similar long term vision our short term needs make us all simply relatively greedy.


Not everything tho, is relative, there enough compelling evidence which I have only relatively recently begun broadcasting that has the rapacious shaking in their fricken boots knowing full well the youth who r all our futures r getting increasingly with the program.


Be that as it may I look forward to hearing from each of u as we usher in a new world era based essentially on the truth, the better the evidence the better the proof.


G-D bless, and may G-D continue to bless our great President George W. Bush.

