Dear Marie


I hope that by now you can see that being with this man has not done your image or soul any good. If you wish to stay with him, fine but cut off all the internet connections or have him seen to. He is obviously not 100%. Common you know it.


I have received a total 3 mails, from people who have seen my animated responses and two of them asked about you. What touched my nerve was that they were concerned for you, genuinely so. Despite you attacking them by default of being with him, It was a caring concern and I might add that despite including you in my cartoons, I care for you to. Marie , what goes up must come down.


You have two choices here, either you switch him off or you best look after yourself whilst you are still young and beautiful. You are way too good for him and I recall asking you a question on the boat in Hong Kong and I was very aware of how embarrassed you really were.


Its never to late Marie, he is hurting a lot of people and you know in your heart it is WRONG. I remember you gave him certain ultimatums about his book. You had him under some sort of threat. Something is not right and you know it.


People are only remembered for who they were on this earth. I hope you are remembered for the beautiful girl that is depicted in the pictures and not of the girl who was dragged down by a very sick person who has no compunctions about burying a hatchet in her face.


Good luck girl

