From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 10:33 AM
To: Rodney Smith
Subject: Clean Water Fund


Rod hi – can you give me a timeframe when I can take a look at your “work of art”? – that last hyperlink taking u to Marie’s rendering of “Spirituality”, how we work our way from “Y” as in “You” as in “me, me, me” having to deal with making ends meet, each of us capable of adding and minusing, man ever so good at multiplying even better at being divisive, musing every so often about being “spiritual”, finding common ground in the need to have Sex so Stupid, so Silly of the incredible Science-Scienter-Savant that suggests more and more of their being quite the Spy looking in, nothing quite like her IN-FINITY, design everywhere!

