Continued page 6


Enough of the nonsense, the masses now deserve to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us G-D.


Discrimination like truth is a word banded about that has lost its meaning much like the word love which most would agree means trust and respect of which there is incredibly little on planet earth at least amongst us human beings and once one begins to go down the slippery slope of justifying the enslavement of others the cycle of violence that comes in its wake as each generation after the next become more co-dependant to the point that no one really knows what the hell they r talking about given the damage that is done to their intellect, agree?


The sound waves bouncing in so many directions much like trying to ride a waveski in the middle of a hurricane hoping that staying in the eye of the storm one can avoid the maddening crowd but then there is that shoreline and to rely on mother nature blowing an offshore wind at the precise moment the hurricane reaches the coastline is like failing to recognize “U cannot win all gambles with mother nature” [sic].


It really does not take rocket science to figure out where the United States of America as a nation will be headed if George W. Bush is not re-elected by a landslide given the utter nonsense the American people have been fed, aspartame to boot, for going on 2 generations beginning with the embrace of the Kennedy clan, the drug culture of the 60s possibly contributing something to our current state of malaise but that would be just one facet of a much uglier story still going on in the country of my birth where tens of millions of people of color remain enslaved under the “command and control” of the United States’ Justice Department, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy as much bought and paid for by the Oppenheimer thugs as his brother John Kennedy who in turn had to look no further than their own father so hell bent on getting his way, agree?


There no need to go back to the beginning of time to fix our current problems running the risk of destroying all the good that is out there but first we need to be intellectual honest and face up to the burden that each and every one of us on this planet must carry including the peoples of color for not standing up for their rights allowing their leadership to be bought and paid for, the Oppenheimers, one of a kind, so understanding of human nature, so aware of how easily people are impressed with the things that sparkle, hiring the us “pucker English” out of the very best preppy schools such as Eaton, followed by a “reading” at Cambridge and Oxford who know how to entice those wanting to be another Cecil Rhodes, does the name Bill “Wallpaper Kitchen” Clinton and his Rhodes Scholarship ring a bell, agree?


And once one understands the Oppenheimer-DeBeers Diamond Syndicate’s power, the total lack of accountability of such a secret organization that can cut “deals within deals” and “deals behind closed doors” in the “flash of an eye” able to move hoards of untraceable riches in government pouches that only get opened once in a while usually by a naïve underling believing they are doing right unaware of his boss and his bosses’ boss all the way to the very top board rooms all bought and paid for, agree?