Water is the foundation of all life forms that live on earth. From the moment we are born our minds are like sponges that absorb everything around them, a little bit like a cloud on a sunny day. It might be hard to imagine how going through school can feel like being a cloud, and although it might not seem like it, they are alike in many ways.


When I imagine a cloud I imagine that it travels around colleting little bits of water and eventually it rains and the rain goes back to other water sources. This is like school because when we travel to different classes we learn new information that expands our brain like a cloud when it absorbs water. Finally when we have so much we have the ability to teach others, like a cloud spreading water to new places.


Along the way some of the clouds may pass other clouds and gain some water, like us when we interact with one another. This way every one learns more and knowledge is passed along. But every now and then a cloud will wander over a desert and lose water and begin to grow smaller and for a while they might not gain any knowledge. But sooner or later with the right wind pushing you along just like a good teacher, you will make it back to a lake and will continue growing.


When it is finally time to float away from the lake where you started, you look back and remember the sad, happy, embarrassing and hard times like your first division problems. They seemed so hard! And now you think that you must have been dyslexic. Then you look in the sky and notice little clouds forming and you think back to when you were there, taking your first steps into kindergarten. Don’t waste water every drop is meaningful and has a story to tell.