From: Gary S. Gevisser
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 9:26 PM PT
To: Close Friend
Subject: Friend - I thought you might possibly find interesting an email I sent today to the operator of our cafe in England.


You can access it along with all its hyperlinks by clicking on this hyperlink.


It may help you better understand not my “goal” which I know you understand but more importantly the “method to my madness” of mostly broadcasting over the internet my “back and forths” with those extraordinarily few who still think they have something to gain by taking issue with me in “black and white”.


I am applying my “command of logic” in two critically important areas; first, mathematics to “tap into” the algorithms of the Internet search engines bearing in mind that there is good reason that mathematics is the most precise language because it is the most spiritual-logical and able to explain each and every “action” beginning with Newton’s Principal for every action-reaction-overreaction there is an equal and opposite action-reaction-overreaction, nothing is gained nor is it lost, all the way down to the DNA which doubles, “replicates faithfully” and second, human nature where because of “poor breeding” which has nothing to do with “God” since most logically minded people would agree “God is DNA”, neither good nor bad, it is all a “numbers game”, it is impossible being “disconnected” from the “spiritual world” to be “attracted” to anything “positive”.


And why it is that we have mostly “negative” news making “negative people” feel better about themselves thinking the world is all about, “money, money, money, me, me, me”, never able to actually figure out that we are all connected by one extraordinarily precise language and consequently those only knowing from “negative attention” keep “returning” to my hyperlinks until they finally figure out that not only is no one talking to them but no one is emailing them seeking their opinion on anything.


Logic falls apart when one is too busy keeping track of lies from day one.


The mind, all chemistry that can again be broken down into the science and mathematics is the first proof of the supernatural.


Those seeking “negative attention” found principally if not exclusively in co-dependant households are the most interested not in exploring their lives, their heritage but others whose names appear in the media that they KNOW they will never find out the truth about such personalities but in doing so it first “takes up time” and second it brings such negative attention seekers more into their own company and so the co-dependencies grows, takes on a “life of its own” leading to a society that lacks “courage” rather than not having the “time” to “take on” their own.


Instead, those raised on “negative attention” find themselves forced either to do nothing, “feign” ignorance given how quickly I am spreading the Knowledge of people’s ignorance on the important subject of “money” and run the increasing risk of looking so very stupid at first but in a flash so very obviously corrupt OR to “resign” themselves to keep clicking on to my hyperlinks that maintain those “negatives” at the very top of the Internet search engines bearing in mind that my “long, drawn out emails with so annoying poorly structured sentences” are “beating out” the trillions of competing “negatives”.


There is in fact as you reflect back on your own very busy and full life always been time for everything, no different to any of us who have a spiritual mind.


Right now the DAAC Hollywood controlled media is having us Americans focus on two things.


First, that both the President and the Congress have handed over the “running of the war” in Iraq to U.S. Generals who like George W. Bush cannot tell the truth about the “mission” because there is no mission apart from keeping casualties down.


No one wants to remind the American public that the job of the Commander In Chief is to declare war on those not wanting to accept our currency which of course is even hard for the President who did a pretty good job himself of avoiding an unpopular war, to swallow.


Second, that all this talk of “amnesty” by the media who remember are not elected and work for public corporations whose ownership it is impossible to tell for all the reasons I have explained, is simply further proof of the U.S. Congress and as well as the media all over the world now irrelevant as they go about pointing fingers at each other without any one of them discussing how much all their nonsense talk is “costing”.


One is simply at a loss for words once you KNOW one individual let alone a group as “Money Power” as DeBeers are able to manufacture the price of their own manufactured currency which is first used after bribing government officials to pay for the marketing; i.e. creating the demand for your diamond currency that most people see as “pretty”.


My Royal Mater would often say “looking pretty” in reference to someone doing well “financially” or the more wordy, “on easy street” and why my very worldly mother would argue well that prostitution is the most honorable of the professions.


Bear also in mind there is logic to my Royal Mater’s, “I only debate people who agree with me!”.


Sickening the DAAC the most is my so very extraordinarily intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the DeBeers-Anglo American Cartel.


Not to mention the DAAC controlled media cannot avoid my rather long track record of success without ever once being “greedy” let alone dishonest and none more “honorable mention” than what appeared in the opinion of famous Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein back in late April 1997 crediting me in coming forward with evidence of wrongdoing by plaintiff lawyers resulting in his decision to reverse a landmark multi-million dollar repetitive-stress-injury jury award which of course the DAAC media have chosen very carefully not to follow despite this case initially making headline news all around the world.


Not to mention for someone like myself able to get my short arms around a business quicker than most including the long arm of the law FBI agents, just imagine what I could uncover in a single hour in the “belly of the beast” let alone several months as I did back in 1980 when also “breaking bread” with the most important Black Hatter in the world, to the point that if I were to appear before say the U.S. Congress in “open session” with Martin Rappaport next to me, you could be assured of many things beginning with the highest ratings TV show in history.


[Word count 1100]